SWPPP Requirements Review Checklist 2013
Project Permit #_________ EAD Staff Reviewer ____________________
EPA Items:
□ Pg _________ Wildlife statement/research
□ Pg _________ Historic location statement/research
Airport Specific Items:
□ Pg _________ Statement as follows: “All trucks carrying erodable materials such as soil, sand, gravel, crushed or broken up concrete, shall use a tarp in functional condition that covers the bed of the truck while on the public roads of the airport.” May include this line in the BMP description section.
□ Pg _________ Statement regarding water disposal as follows:
“Water from any source accumulating in an excavation that has visual or olfactory evidence of contamination such as a sheen or odor or is at a site within the Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP) area shall not be released from the project site or allowed to mix with uncontaminated water and shall be contained, stored and properly disposed of in accordance with the project’s Soil Management Plan and Waste Management Plan.” May include this line in the BMP description section.
□ Pg _______ Statement regarding high pH water as follows: “If high pH is observed by the airport at an outfall sampling point downstream of the project, the project will be asked to pH test standing water (rainwater or groundwater) at the site prior to pumping or draining off. If the standing water is found to be higher than pH 9.0, it shall not be pumped or drained off as a routine stormwater discharge as “dewatering” and will be considered a waste water to be recorded on the project waste management plan for disposal. Water between 9.0 and 11.0 may be disposed through a sanitary sewer line with prior approval from EAD. Water above pH 11.0 shall be disposed of off airport through a reputable company as waste water.” May include this line in the BMP description section.
□ Pg ________ Statement of responsibilities defining the Airport Board’s responsibility as either the primary or secondary operator as appropriate. See the specific language required to be included as the description of responsibilities for the parties.
□ Pg ________ Statement regarding Bacteria impaired waters as follows: “DFW Airport’s watershed contributes to the Elm Fork (segment 0822) and the West Fork (segment 0841) of the Trinity River. Both segments are identified on the 303(d) list of impaired waters for Bacteria. Caution shall be taken with sources of bacteria, such as portable toilets and exposure of sanitary sewer lines, during construction in order to not contribute bacteria to these water segments. Potential bacteria sources on the construction project shall be identified and BMPs incorporated into the SWPPP.” May include this line in the BMP description section.
TCEQ TXR150000 Items:
□ Completed, signed CSN for all Operators
□ Completed, signed NOIs for primary operators for 5 acres or greater
□ Copy of the acknowledgement certificate for NOIs
□ Pg _________ Name and address of MS4 and date of notification record
□ Pg _________ Names for each operator and permit number for operators filing an NOI for 5 acres or greater (Leave blank line for permit number to be filled in for later when issued)
□ Pg _________Clearly identify the responsibilities of each operator – which one does what part, area, paperwork, duty, etc. Use the airport’s specific statement of responsibilities between parties. If you do not have it, ask for it.
□ Pg _________ Certification statement by all operators and sub certifications
□ Pg _________ Inspection procedures: 14day+rain or 7 day (choose one)
□ Pg _________ Name and qualifications of inspector(s) & Signatory delegation letter
□ Copy of TPDES permit (2013 version)
Site or project description, which includes the following information:
□ Pg _________ Address or description of the location of the property or project site.
□ Pg _________ Description of the nature of the construction activity
□ Pg _________ The total number of acres of the entire property (leasehold, etc.) and the total number of acres where construction activities that cause a disturbance will occur, including access pathways, off-site material storage areas, overburden and stockpiles of dirt, and borrow areas that are to be authorized under the permittee’s SWPPP
□ Pg _________ Address and description of any on airport assigned staging yard space, or other support activities for this project and whether it is covered under this SWPPP or under a separate plan. (This is in order to cross reference the other plans associated with the project but not technically covered under the permittee’s SWPPP.)
□ Pg _________ Description of the intended schedule or sequence of activities that will disturb soils for major portions of the site. Break large projects into distinct, separate areas. Indicate where phasing of soil disturbances will reduce erosion potential, i.e. clear grading only portions at a time, etc. Include a tentative or estimated start date and duration. Include the known contract end date.
□ Pg _________ Identify the dominant soil type of the site and provide data describing the soil or the quality of any discharge from the site if available.
□ Pg _________ List receiving waters, i.e. path to rivers, i.e “Mud Springs Creek”, to “Trigg Lake” then to “Bear Creek”, then to (major river). Environmental Affairs can provide drainage basin information.
□ Pg _________ Describe any required water line flushing, fire suppression system flushing or other covered non-stormwater discharges involved in the project. “Hyperchlorinated” water and fire suppression pipe water are not an allowed discharge. Must describe how this will be handled as a waste or converted into what would be an acceptable discharge.
□ Pg _________ List of potential pollutants and their sources/storage areas for building materials, building supplies and construction wastes such as: liquids, powders, lime, admixes, sprays, paints, vehicle fluids, oils, or waste piles. Known possible contaminants from designated Areas of Concern, Agreed Order sites and VCP sites on the airport, i.e. jet fuel or solvent plumes shall be included as a potential pollutant if the construction site is in one or more of these areas.
□ Pg __________ Identify if steep slopes, 15% gradient or greater (6.7 to 1) are present and what steps are taken to minimize the disturbance of and if considered a distinct “portion” for start of stabilization purposes.
□ Pg __________ Identify if project or supporting activity sites are in close proximity to a surface water body and if natural buffer may be maintained or not. If not feasible, document why not.
□ Pg __________ Identify if preservation of native topsoil is feasible or not. If not, document why not.
□ Pg _________ Identify practices to be used either to avoid soil compaction for future post-construction pervious areas or practices used to condition the soils to support vegetative growth, i.e. “disc the soil to 6 inch depth”.
□ Pg __________ State that soil stabilization shall be initiated “immediately” - defined as within the next working day after ceasing of activity and no return to activity anticipated for 14 or more days. Also state, stabilization practices shall be completed within 14 days after initiation. (Final stabilization may occur later after vegetation sprouts and grows in.) Identify any area that can’t meet this condition known upfront and document why not. Describe the types of stabilization to be utilized. Please be specific about seed mixes to be utilized.
□ Pg _________ Description of BMPS to be used – sequence of implementation (structural/non-structural/housekeeping and break project into areas if necessary)
□ Pg ________ BMP for Vehicle tracking: how to handle cleanup, what equipment, how often, design of and materials used for entrance/exits points
□ Pg ________ BMP for dust control
□ Pg _________ BMP for Concrete truck washout procedures including a description of washout structure to build or use. Describe how to minimize washout activity or overflow during rainfall.
□ Pg _________ BMP for Saw cutting wastes procedures for cleanup
□ Pg _________ BMP for minimizing exposure of construction materials, supplies, and wastes, including “hazardous” wastes or “universal” wastes
□ Pg _________ BMP for portable sanitary units, such as “to be kept 50 feet away from any storm drain inlet and 100 feet away from the edge of a channel or stream bank.
□ Pg _________ BMP for Velocity dissipating devices and volume control on outfall channels
□ Pg _________ BMP for how to “Dewater” as in pump or remove standing water out of site. Consider sediment control, erosion control at the outlet device, and chemical issues in the water, such as elevated pH, fuel or oil sheen, and odor. Note that prohibited discharges containing soap, solvent, waste water from stucco, paint, form release oils, curing compounds, fuels, oils and other construction materials are not included as authorized “Dewatering”.
□ Pg _________ BMPs for Erosion and Sediment controls (installed such as silt fence, straw logs, rock dams or pre-existing such as vegetative buffers). Discuss
□ Pg _________ BMP for temporary stabilization (what materials)
□ Pg _________ BMP for permanent stabilization (what materials)
□ Pg_________ BMP for Sediment basin use (for 10+ acres) – describe dimensions, calculations, construction type, BMPs for it (2 yr, 24 hr storm event or 3600 cu ft per acre) If no basin used, then what is justification for not using and what will be done to compensate or be equivalent to it?
□ Pg _________What are the permanent storm water controls to be installed and left behind, i.e. outfall dissipation device, stormceptor, weir, detention/retention basin, rain garden, etc.
□ Pg _________ Maintenance procedures (for specific BMPs used) may use NCTCOG iSWM or any other published reputable source such as the manufacturer, TxDOT, EPA BMP Manual, another State’s manual, etc. Must reference the source and include the BMP procedure for the specific BMPs referenced. (Do not include the entire manual.)
Project maps/drawings which include the following:
□ Pg _________ A general map showing the location of the site(s) on the airport, include storage yards, borrow sites, stockpiles, etc.
□ Pg _________ A detailed site map or maps indicating the following for each location that is specifically covered by this SWPPP.
□ Pg _________ Drainage patterns and approximate slopes anticipated after
major grading activities
□ Pg _________ Areas where soil disturbance will occur (highlight, color or mark boundaries and parking space or storage zones)
□ Pg _________ Locations of all structural controls to be installed, buffers either planned or in place and all designated entrance/exit points.
□ Pg _________ Mark locations of BMPs to be installed, concrete washout
□ Pg _________ Locations where temporary or permanent stabilization practices are expected to be used (highlight, color or mark)
□ Pg _________ Locations of construction support activities, including off-site activities, authorized under the permittee’s NOI, including material, waste, borrow, fill, or equipment or chemical storage areas within one mile limit from construction site. Make a different BMP page map for each separated location.
□ Pg _________ Surface waters (including creeks and wetlands) either at, adjacent, or in close proximity to the site. Indicate which waters are impaired waters per the 303(d) list.
□ Pg _________ Locations where storm water discharges from the site directly to a surface water body or a municipal separate storm sewer system; and (if not on map due to distance then provide footage distance to nearest such point with an arrow)
□ Pg _________ Locations of vehicle wash areas, service or refueling areas
Documentation required throughout the project. Project should have a form page for each of these set up in the SWPPP, but may combine on to one page if all tracking can be followed clearly.
□ Pg _________ Dates when major grading activities occur (dirt disturbances)
□ Pg _________ Dates when construction activities temporarily or permanently cease on a portion of the site (large sites need to subdivide into smaller distinct portions and track these separately)
□ Pg _________ Dates when stabilization measures are initiated
□ Pg _________ Copy of example inspection page