SUBJECT: Cadet Requirements for School Year 2016-2017
MEMORANDUM FOR LOTC Cadets, Parents and Guardians
SUBJECT: Cadet Requirements School Year 2016 - 2017
1. PURPOSE: The purpose for this memorandum is to provide guidance concerning the Gus Garcia Middle School Army Leadership Officers Training Corps (LOTC) Program. LOTC Cadets will be an elite group of students on campus and our LOTC program will be highly respected on campus and in the community.
2. KEY OBJECTIVES OF THE LOTC PROGRAM: The LOTC mission, objectives include: promoting citizenship, developing leadership, enhancing communication skills, strengthening self-esteem, developing self discipline, providing the incentive to live drug free, encouraging an appreciation (not enlisting) of the military services and their accomplishments, improving physical fitness, promoting graduation and helping participants learn to work as a team member.
3. PREREQUISITES FOR ENROLLMENT/RETENTION IN LOTC: Cadets must maintain satisfactory academic progress and good conduct. Must be physically fit to participate in outdoor activities such as marching, pushups, sit-ups, and a one mile run/walk (cadets not able to run must have documentation from a doctor on file). Parents/guardian must sign permission for participation and be financially responsible for uniforms and equipment issued to the student if they are damaged or lost.
4. STUDENTS (CADETS) RESPONSIBILITY: The minimum responsibility for cadets is the following:
a. ATTENDANCE: Cadet Attendance is mandatory for:
(1) Daily school and class participation.
(2) 1st and 2nd semester company formation. The formations will be during the
Veterans Day Parade, and Battle of Flowers Parade.
Cadets must have prior approval from the instructor/staff to miss these
formations. Please see enclosure 1 for the dates and excusal form.
(3) Military Skills Competitions (Only if participating on a LOTC Team)
5. CADET CONDUCT: Cadets are expected to set an example for the rest of the student body. All school and district rules, regulations, and procedures will be followed. See the Edgewood ISD student handbook for details. Cadets are required to read the Training Bulletin Board once daily. Cadets will raise their hands to ask/answer questions and will rise when called on.
a. OFFENSES: The offenses prohibited by cadets in the LOTC classroom or on the drill field during normal class period are listed below. Cadets will receive a minimum of (-5) points for each offense violated.
(1) In accordance with the Edgewood ISD handbook, chewing gum, food, drinks and listening / using smart phones and audio devices will not be allowed in the classroom.
(2) Skipping class.
(3) Tardy.
(4) Wearing of earrings by male cadets.
(5) Conduct at school or at any school function degrading to the school or LOTC. Assignment to In School Suspension (ISS) will result in a loss of 5 military bearing points per day in ISS.
(6) Fighting at school or at LOTC functions, on or off campus.
(7) Insubordination (being disrespectful toward instructors or student leaders).
(8) Profanity and vulgar language will not be tolerated.
6. WEARING OF THE UNIFORM: Uniforms are school property and on loan to cadets. Uniforms must be cleaned and returned at the end of the school year or when a cadet leaves the program or pay a $10.00 cleaning fee to GGMS LOTC. Uniforms and accessories are issued to each cadet upon return of all required forms.
(1) Thursday is uniform day and it will be worn all day. Teachers have been asked to report any LOTC cadet(s), within their class, that are not wearing their uniform on the prescribed day. Cadets in leadership positions are required to make on the spot corrections of uniform violations and report any cadet found not wearing the uniform or not complying with corrections. Since uniform wear is worth 100 points it is possible to fail by not wearing the prescribed uniform. Cadets will wear the “OFFICIAL Gus Garcia LOTC” tee shirt during spirit day which is every Friday. Purchase of this shirt is through the LOTC Department.
(2) Male Cadets: Male cadets are required to have a neatly trimmed haircut and clean shaven at all times. NO SAGGING of the trousers in or out of uniform will be tolerated and will result in (-5) points for each offense.
(3) Female Cadets: Hair must be neatly combed into a bun, high pony tail, or donut style and not touching the bottom of the collar on the blouse. Bangs must be above the eyebrows. Females may wear one set of stud earrings, no loops are allowed in uniform. Make-up will not be excessive. Fingernails must be clean and neatly trimmed.
(4) Horseplay is not authorized in uniform or at any time.
(5) Public display of affection while in uniform is not authorized.
a. CADET PURCHASES: Supplies that must be purchased by the cadet.
(1) Cadets must pay a $10.00 fee to the Gus Garcia LOTC Department for the
Official LOTC t-shirt.
7. GRADES / CONDUCT: Grades and conduct are calculated during a nine-week period. Cadets start each week with 100 points in each of the areas listed below. As infractions occur, points will be deducted.
a. Weekly Uniform Inspection 100 points or 30% of the nine week grade.
b. End of Topic Quiz/Exams 100 points or 20% of the nine week grade.
c. Major Projects (1 per semester) 100 points or 20% of the nine week grade.
d. Performance/Participation 100 points or 10% of the nine week grade.
e. Cadet Folders 100 points or 10% of the nine week grade.
f. Instructor Evaluation 100 points or 10% of the nine week grade
Instructor evaluation includes participation in mandatory formations.
Total 600 points
550-600 = A
450-549 = B
350-449 = C
200-349 = D
Below 199= F
8. CONDUCT SCORE, TARDY, AND DETENTIONS: In addition to classroom behavior, tardies will be considered in determining conduct score. Tardy cadets will be disciplined in accordance with the guidelines outlined within the Gus Garcia Middle School/EISD policy.
9. LEADERSHIP AND DRILL: Cadets in leadership positions, Squad Leaders and Platoon Sargent will be graded on their ability to motivate and drill their subordinates. Squad members are graded for their personal discipline, cooperation with cadet leaders and sharp snappy precision in drill performance. Deductions will be made for talking in ranks, poor attitude and poor drill performance.
10. FITNESS GRAM: Fitness Gram is a state mandated program to develop an appreciation for the importance of physical fitness in maintaining good health and appearance. Cadets are encouraged to perform satisfactory at their age group level in the Fitness Gram Program. Each cadet will strive to complete each of the five events at the 85 percentile. To achieve this goal, cadets are required to participate in Physical Training (PT) / health training every Wednesday. Cadets will need to dress in PT clothing during LOTC physical training.
11. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: There are many extracurricular activities for members within good standing of the LOTC Program. These activities include the Color Guard Team, Unarmed Drill Team, Armed Drill Team, and the Physical Training Team. Members are required to attend all practices. Teams will normally practice Monday - Thursday after school from 4:00 – 5:00. Cadets must meet UIL requirements to compete in competitions. No pass, no play and this rule apply to competitions and field trips.
12. PROMOTIONS, AWARDS, and AND MERITS: Cadets may earn promotions, awards and merits based on their performance.
13. Conference Period: 6th Period
14. Parents/Guardians who have questions regarding LOTC activities, grades, uniforms and matters of concern, please call MSG Joseph Dudley at (210) 444-8075 ext. 2803 during my conference period or after school. You may also email me at: .
MSG, USA (Retired)
Enclosure 1
Veterans Day Parade - November 11, 2015
Battle of Flowers Parade – April 22, 2016
Cinco de Mayo Parade – April 30, 2015
(Dates are subject to change)
Cadets failing to attend a mandatory company activity during the current school semester, without turning in an approved Request to be Excused form, are not eligible for promotion and may be reduced one rank. (A proper request is a Request to be Excused that has been prepared, approved, and turned in PRIOR to the formation.). The Request to be Excused form must be submitted 48 hours prior to the scheduled formation.
Leadership Officer Training Corps
3306 Ruiz Street
San Antonio, Texas 78228
Date: __________
Memorandum for: LOTC Director
Subject: Request To Be Excused
1. I understand this request must be submitted more than 48 hours from the time of the activity that I am requesting to be excused.
2. I request to be excused from the following activity__________________
______________________________________ to be held on __________
3. I am making this request for the following reason. _________________
_____________________ __________________________
Print Name of Cadet Cadet’s Signature
_____________________ __________________________
Print Name of Guardian’s Guardian’s Signature
Approved / Disapproved LOTC Instructor: _______________________
I have read and understand the cadet requirements listed in this memorandum.
PRINTED NAME OF CADET: _________________________________________________
DATE: ___________________________
_________________________________ ___________________________________
Cadet Signature Parent / Guardian Signature