STB Error Code List (Softcell2.6)
Error Code / Note / SCREEN TEXT / DESCRIPTION /E00 / mandatory / E00 Service not scrambled / The currently watched service is not scrambled. No message will appear on the screen, the status will only be shown on the CA Status screen.
E01 / optional / E01 Please insert CA Module / CAM Absent
E02 / optional / E02 CA Module EEPROM Failure / CAM EE Corrupted
E03 / optional / E03 CA Module Failure / CAM Hardware Error
E04 / mandatory / E04 Please Insert Smartcard / The smartcard is not present
E05 / mandatory / E05 Unknown Smartcard / SoftCell rejects the smartcard. Faulty smartcard or not an Irdeto smartcard.
E06 / mandatory / E06 Smartcard Failure / SC_DRV rejects the smartcard. The comms between the smartcard and CAM has failed. It is likely that the cause of this is a faulty smartcard.
E07 / mandatory (SoftCell 2.10 and higher) / E07 Checking Smartcard / The smartcard has been inserted and SoftCell is verifying that it is an Irdeto Pay-TV smartcard. This message must be on the screen immediately and stay until the smartcard has been verified and either shows Video or an Error banner.
If the smartcard is inserted up side down, it is possible that the smartcard driver detects this very quickly. In this case, and all other cases in which the driver decides on a Card Error very quickly, it is possible that the “E05 Unknown Smartcard” follows the “E04 Please insert Smartcard” immediately.
E08 / mandatory / E08 CA Module failure / The IRD has requested the CAM to descramble more services simultaneously than the CAM can handle. This limit is hardware dependent, i.e. it will be different for I-Chip, TP5 etc. (srvstatus = 4)
E09 / mandatory / E09 CA Module failure / The CAM EEPROM is faulty.
E10 / mandatory / E10 PMT format error
E10 Service Define format error / PMT format error (srvstatus = 8 for SoftCell up to 2.15)
Service Define format Error (srvstatus = 8 for SoftCell 2.21A and higher)
E11 / depreciated / E11 Updating CAM EEPROM / Updating CAM EERPOM (srvstatus = 7)
E12 / mandatory / E12 CA Module failure / SoftCell needs more key space to process this stream (too many ECM streams).
E13 / mandatory / E13 CA Module failure / SoftCell has reached the limit of its stream capability.
E14 / optional / E14 Service is currently scrambled / The IRD has requested the CAM to descramble a service, but there are no ECMs present. This means that there are no ECMs being played out by the headend.
E15 / mandatory / E15 Service is currently scrambled / A general error was encountered in descrambling the ES.
E16 / mandatory / E16 Service is currently scrambled / The viewer is not entitled to watch this service because the product in the ECM playout is not on the smartcard.
E17 / mandatory / E17 Service is currently scrambled / The viewer is not entitled to watch this service because the sector number in the ECM playout is not on the smartcard.
The viewer is not entitled to watch this service because the smartcard is rejected by the smartcard Marriage function (SoftCell 2.12 and higher). In this case the error code E17 has priority over all CA Error messages that have CA Status “00” and “01”, see the IRD CA task Driver API [1]. This priority is handled by SoftCell.
E18 / mandatory / E18 Service is currently scrambled / The viewer is not entitled to watch this service due to a product blackout filter imposed by the headend.
E19 / mandatory / E19 Service is currently scrambled / The viewer is not entitled to watch this service because the product entitlement on the smartcard has expired or the datecode on the card has gone backwards
E20 / mandatory / E20 Service is currently scrambled / The viewer is not entitled to watch this service due to a regional blackout filter imposed by the headend.
E21 / mandatory / E21 Service is currently scrambled / The viewer is not entitled to watch this service due to a user filter imposed by the headend.
E22 / mandatory / E22 Event Purchased / The current event of the currently watched service is an IPPV event, and it has been purchased. This will not result in a message displayed on the screen.
E23 / mandatory / E23 Preview Period / The current event of the currently watched service is an IPPV event, and it is in preview. This will not result in this message displayed on the screen; rather the message will be an IPPV Purchase banner.
E24 / mandatory / E24 Service is currently scrambled / The current event of the currently watched service is an IPPV event, and the preview period has expired.
E25 / mandatory / E25 Event already purchased / The IPPV event has already been purchased. This will not result in a message displayed on the screen.
E26 / mandatory / E26 Event is recorded / The first time that the viewer surfs onto an IPPV event, the smartcard records this event in its database. This will not result in a message displayed on the screen; rather the message will be an IPPV Purchase banner.
E27 / mandatory / E27 No further purchases possible / The viewer has surfed onto an IPPV event for the first time and the smartcard cannot store the event in its database as it is full. The IRD should attempt a call-back session.
E28 / mandatory / E28 Credit limit reached / The viewer has attempted to purchase an IPPV event, however there is not enough credit on the smartcard. The IRD should attempt a call-back session.
E29 / mandatory / E29 Service is currently de-scrambled / The currently watched service is being descrambled successfully. No message will appear on the screen, the status will only be shown on the CA Status screen.
E30 / mandatory / E30 Service is currently scrambled / An authentication failure occurred during ECM submission by SoftCell to the smartcard. This is due to a key mismatch between the playout and the smartcard or a Patch Filter fails for an ECM.
E31 / mandatory / E31 Service is currently scrambled / The keys carried in the ECM playout do not match those on the smartcard. Two options are available: change the playout or replace the smartcard.
E32 / mandatory / E32 Service is currently scrambled
E32 Viewing is temporarily blocked, please stay tuned / Incorrect slot. (An operator sector is not on card.)
When the smartcard is Surflocked and change to a surflocking enabled scrambled service, E32 should mean “Viewing is temporarily blocked, please stay tuned”.
E33 / mandatory / E33 Invalid Smartcard / Key mismatch between smartcard and SoftCell (srvstatus = 11)
E34 / mandatory / E34 Service is currently scrambled / SoftCell has not yet determined the descrambling status.
E35 / optional / E35 Service is currently scrambled / The IRD has requested the CAM to descramble a service, but the CAM does not respond with a descramble status (No Service Define Reply). This is typically due to the absence of ECM playout.
E36 / optional / E36 Smartcard Not Compatible / There is a field on the smartcard indicating the type of IRD that card is suitable for. This could be DTH, monitoring or Profdec. This message occurs if there is an incompatibility between the smartcard field and the IRD into which the card has been inserted.
E37 / mandatory / E37 Service Unknown / Occurs under the following conditions:
- There is an attempt to change to a channel (by directly entering the channel number) and no service is located at that channel number.
- There is no entry for the required service ID in the PAT on the transport stream that has been tuned to.
- there is no PAT on the transport stream that has been tuned to.
E38 / mandatory / E38 Service is not currently running
E38 Service is not running / Occurs under the following conditions:
- There is no PMT for the service.
- Running status of the service is set to NOT RUNNING in the SDT, see also section
- The service that is being watched gets dropped from the Service List descriptor in an operator’s BAT, or from the SDT.
If the service is an Irdeto scrambled service, the CA-Task must send a Service Clear to SoftCell to clear this service; video should be blanked.
E39 / optional / E39 Locating Service / Occurs when the service that is being watched is moved to a different transport stream. This could be deduced by any one of the following:
- Transport stream ID for the relevant SDT has changed.
- Transport stream ID of the PAT has changed.
- Service list descriptor containing the service is attached to a transport stream other than the transport stream currently tuned to. This would be indicated in the NIT or BAT for a specific operator.
E40 / optional / E40 Decoder Memory Full / Decoder Memory Full
E41 / optional / E41 Service is not currently available / May occur when the IRD retrieves the PAT or PMT and the current event of the currently watched service is not allowed in the country, as per the definition of E43 (Not Allowed in this Country).
E42 / mandatory if parental rating is supported / E42 Parental Control Lock
Ask for Parental PIN / Occurs under the following conditions, see also Appendix H:
- When the parental rating of the event is greater than the IRD setting that has been made via the Parental Control menu.
- When manually blocking the current event of the currently watched service.
- When the EIT does not contain a parental rating descriptor, but only if the IRD’s parental rating is not the maximum (Unblocked).
E43 / Optional / E43 Not allowed in this country / Occurs under the following conditions, see also Appendix I:
- The currently watched service is not allowed in the country indicated by the smartcard. This is determined from a country availability descriptor in the SDT.
- The current Bouquet is not allowed in the country indicated by the smartcard. This is determined from a country availability descriptor in the BAT.
E44 / mandatory if parental rating is supported / E44 No Event Information / An EIT for the current event of the current service has not been received, but only if the IRD’s parental rating is not the maximum (Unblocked), see also Appendix H.
E45 / optional / E45 Service not allowed / An attempt is made to tune to a service on a transport stream, which is blocked by the mux verifier.
E46 / optional / E46 Reading Satellite Information / Reading Satellite Information, searching SI
E47 / optional / E47 Bouquet Block / Bouquet Blocking
E48 / optional / E48 No Signal
E48 Searching for signal / Occurs when the front-end reports a loss of signal.
This error message only applies to a momentary loss of signal. When the signal has been lost for longer than 30 seconds, the E52 banner should appear instead of E48.
E49 / optional / E49 LNB Overload / Occurs when the current drawn out of the front-end (to power the LNB) is excessive.
E50 / optional / E50 No Services available / An attempt is made to change to a service list of a particular type (e.g. TV, Audio) and there are no services of that type available in the bouquet.
E52 / mandatory / E52 Searching for signal / Occurs when attempting to tune to a service on a transport stream that cannot be found (e.g. because the service has moved to a new frequency), or if the signal drops away. The following steps occur:
1) “E48 No Signal” or "E48 Searching for Signal" message comes up.
2) If, after ±30 seconds, a signal has not been found, the “E52 Searching for Signal” message will come up as the IRD cycles through transport streams in its database, attempting to establish a lock-on. The IRD must try to lock on the same service on the new frequency, if the service is not found, continue cycling.
E53 / optional / E53 Incorrect Pin / The viewer has attempted to purchase an IPPV event and has entered the wrong pin.
E54 / obsolete / E54 IPPV OK / Internal message when IPPV purchase is successful. This message will not be displayed on the screen. This code is replaced by E22.
E55 / mandatory / E55 Please stay tuned / This banner must be displayed to advise the user to use a longer viewing window. This banner will appear whenever the product on the smartcard has expired, but still falls within the grace period. The smartcard will also return the CW to SoftCell as it is OK to descramble., thus this banner must appear together with Audio / Video.
E56 / optional / E56 CAM not compatible / The CAM is not compatible with the IRD MPEG electrical interface.
E57 / optional / E57 Unknown Channel / Unknown Channel
E58 / optional / E58 channel not currently available / Channel not currently available
E64 / optional / E64 Invalid tuning parameters / Occurs when there is an attempt to tune the front-end to a frequency outside the capability of the IRD. Typically this occurs if the tuning parameters have been entered incorrectly, or if invalid tuning information is played out in the NIT. The difference between the tuning frequency and the LNB frequency is outside the capability of the front-end.
E66 / optional / E66 Service is currently blocked / Occurs under one of the following conditions:
- The service is SOL (STB Operator Locking) blocked because it is not on an authorised Transport Stream.
- Service is blocked due to Operator requirement to check for valid subscription on smartcard.
E67 / optional / E67 Please insert Nagravision smart card / Reserved for manufacturer use.
E68 / optional / E68 Nagravision smart card not inserted correctly / Reserved for manufacturer use.
E69 / optional / E69 Free-to-air service is blocked / Reserved for manufacturer use.
E70 / optional / E70 This service is unavailable on your second TV / If a service ONLY contains elementary streams that are NOT available on the secondary TV, then this message should be displayed.