Combatting Homophobia


Creativity is powerful. Urgent, ever present, open and owned by all, it can break down barriers, provoke debate, open up a multitude of perspectives and ultimately drive social change.

The Social Impact Program is an action of the Victorian Government’s Creative State strategy. The program aims to:

·  Enable creative projects that have the potential to make a positive impact on the community

·  Support new creative-led approaches to addressing social issues

·  Expand opportunities for creative industry practitioners.

The program will be delivered in partnership with other government departments, community, and/or philanthropic organisations

Combatting Homophobia


The Combatting Homophobia initiative is a partnership between Creative Victoria’s Social Impact Program and the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) Equality Branch.

The Victorian Government values and celebrates diversity. It affirms the right to equality, fairness and decency for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Gender Diverse, and Intersex (LGBTI) Victorians and is committed to removing discrimination from Victorian laws, services and society.

The Combatting Homophobia initiative offers funding towards innovative projects of significance that will engage, challenge, educate and inspire the Victorian public and provide a fresh and meaningful way to communicate this message.

It is envisaged that up to two projects of scale/significance will be supported.

The Challenge

This initiative aims to support creative projects that seek to combat homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and discrimination against people with intersex variations. Specifically the initiative seeks to positively influence the attitudes of those who may have these types of prejudices, rather than those members of the community who are supportive of LGBTI recognition and rights.

Projects do not need to address all prejudices. Projects may address one or more of homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and discrimination against people with intersex variations.


The Combatting Homophobia initiative is a pilot which Creative Victoria is trialling by inviting established agencies and organisations with the proven capacity to deliver and to drive partnerships in doing so.

Proposals for the Combatting Homophobia initiative are therefore open to organisations funded by Creative Victoria. This includes: the State-owned Cultural Agencies, Major Performing Arts (MPA) and Organisations Investment Program (OIP) clients, and Victorian members of the Games Developers’ Association of Australia (GDAA).

Projects can be in any creative discipline/practice or combination/intersection of disciplines – from visual and performing arts to music, filmmaking, design, app-development, fashion or digital games.

Projects must include Victorian-based professional artists/creative practitioners and/or organisations.

Proposals involving partnerships - with independent artists and organisations, LGBTI community/s, queer/LGBTI creatives are strongly encouraged.

Projects can commence from 1 July 2017.

What will be funded

The Combatting Homophobia initiative welcomes new ideas, new approaches and projects across all creative disciplines.

Proposals could be for a film, an app, a sculpture, a fashion-based project, a live performance – there are no limits as long as the idea is compelling.

In order to be funded, projects must meet the challenge articulated above and best address the assessment criteria.

What will not be funded

·  Applicants that have an overdue Creative Victoria (or former Arts Victoria) acquittal.

·  Competitions, eisteddfods, awards or fundraising activities.

·  Conferences, business/meetings and costs associated with these.

·  Private tuition, training, study or course work. This includes work that will be used for the purposes of academic assessment.

·  Business start-up costs, capital purchases or recurrent administrative, infrastructure and other organisational costs not directly associated with the project/program.

·  Costs for non-Victorian creative practitioners, groups or organisations.

Key dates

·  Applications close - 5pm, Thursday 25 May 2017

·  Assessment - June 2017

·  Notification of successful project/s - July 2017

·  Project/s commence - 1 September 2017

Funds available

The Combatting Homophobia initiative offers funding of up to $300,000 per project. Up to two projects will be supported.

How to apply

Applications are submitted via the online Creative Victoria Grants Portal.

Applicants are required to speak with program staff prior to submitting an application to ensure your project plan addresses the selection criteria.

The closing date for applications is 5pm, Thursday 25 May 2017.

Preparing an application

Applicants are asked to address the assessment criteria, respond to selection questions and submit applications via the Creative Victoria Grants Portal.

The three questions in the online form are:

·  What is the creative concept/idea of the proposed activity and how do you plan to deliver it?

·  How will the proposed activity address homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and/or discrimination against people with intersex variations?

·  What strategies will you employ to identify and influence the attitudes of those who might have these types of prejudices?

Applications must include:

·  A timeline

·  Biographies of key artistic personnel/partners and other supporting partners

·  A viable and realistic budget, noting any other partners (including funding, festival, producer, government or business partners)

Go to the Application Material and Supporting Documentation section for full documentation requirements.

All applicants must discuss their proposal with program staff prior to submitting an application.

Successful applicants will be required to provide Creative Victoria with an extended project plan prior to receiving funding.

Submitting an application

Applicants are able to draft an application using the available drafting tools in advance of submitting an application online.

To prepare an application:

1.  Read the guidelines

2.  Contact program staff to discuss your proposed application

3.  Draft your application and budget using the:

a.  Combatting Homophobia application drafting tool

b.  Creative Victoria budget drafting tool

4.  Ensure you are registered with the Creative Victoria Grants Portal

Once logged on to the Portal:

a.  Select Strategic Initiatives program

b.  Select Policy & Programs category

c.  Select Combatting Homophobia – May 2017 funding round

5.  Copy and paste the content of your application from your drafting template to the online Grants Portal and upload supporting documents as required


Assessment process

Step 1
Proposals are invited from State-owned Cultural Agencies, Major Performing Arts (MPA) and Organisations Investment Program (OIP) clients, and Victorian members of the Games Developers’ Association of Australia (GDAA).

Step 2
Applications are assessed against program criteria by the assessment panel comprising Creative Victoria and DPC Equality representatives and external expertise across the range of creative industry disciplines.

Step 3
Prioritised projects will be recommended to the Minister for Creative Industries and Equality for funding approval.

Assessment criteria

Strategic Fit
Selected projects will demonstrate the greatest potential to combat homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and/or discrimination against people with intersex variations and be aligned with the Victorian Government’s commitment to equality and diversity.

Quality and Innovation
Successful proposals will demonstrate a high level of innovation in addressing homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and/or discrimination against people with intersex variations. Key creative practitioners need to be identified and proposals will demonstrate the track record and the capacity of the individual or organisation to deliver the proposed activity.

Support and Partnerships
Proposals involving partnerships – with independent artists and organisations, LGBTI community/s, queer/LGBTI creatives are strongly encouraged. Projects need to demonstrate a viable budget including cash and/or in-kind support from other partners, artist/creative practitioner fees. Proposals must include appropriate support materials and a realistic timeline.

Projects should demonstrate how they will deliver value – or have an impact – for the creative practitioners involved and the target community. Proposals must include a list of quantifiable and qualitative benefits for creative practitioners and for the target community. This should include strategies to identify, engage and develop new audiences or/or the target community for this project.


Successful applicants will be required to:

·  Notify Creative Victoria of any changes to the project, especially changes in project personnel

·  Publicly acknowledge the support of the Victorian Government using specific logos and text

·  Acquit the grant by completing a written report on the outcomes of the funded project.

Logos and Text Acknowledgement

The Creative Victoria logo device and text acknowledgement below must be included on any promotional materials produced by the grant recipient in relation to the funded activity.

These may include (but are not restricted to):

·  Posters, fliers and brochures

·  Advertisements

·  Invitations

·  Information and education kits

·  Signage

·  Programs and catalogues

·  Websites.

Application Material and Supporting Documents

Type / Description / Limits /
Project description / Summary of the proposed creative concept/idea and how it will address homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and/or discrimination against people with intersex variations / 2 pages
Engagement strategy / Describe the process of engagement with those who may have the above types of prejudices, including risk management procedures where necessary / 2 pages
Timeline / Summary of key dates, activities and locations / 1 page
Curriculum vitae / biographies / For projects with more than five artists, additional biographies can be uploaded as an attachment. (The online application form allows for five biographies). / 2 pages
Financial documents / Additional budget information which may include budget notes to clarify items in your budget, quotes, letters or emails confirming financial support. / 2 pages
Letters of support / Written endorsement/s of the artist or project from relevant industry professionals or peers. / 3 letters (in one document)
Presenter / partner confirmations / Correspondence that confirms venues, presenters, curators and project partners. / 1 page per presenter
Media portfolio / Relevant media reviews of the artist, organisation or work. / 3 articles (in one document)
Project marketing / audience development / Summary of proposed marketing and audience development or distribution strategy, publicity proposals and outlines of professional services. / 1 page
Projects involving Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander cultural material / content/communities / For the protection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts practice from misappropriation, moral and copyright infringement, appropriate documentation must be submitted if you propose to work with Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander stories/cultural material that is not your own. / Call Creative Victoria staff to discuss.


To find out more or discuss your application, please contact:

Amanda Browne
Manager Partnerships
Arts Investment, Creative Victoria
T: 03 8683 3139


Please familiarise yourself with the following resources before completing your Combatting Homophobia application:

·  Creative State, Victoria’s first creative industries strategy, 2016-2020

·  Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC): LGBTI Inclusion Plan 2016-2017 - Contact Matt Dixon, Acting Director, Equality Branch, DPC, at or (03) 9097138.

Go to the Creative Victoria website links below for recent social impact examples utilising creative industry expertise.

·  Voice For Change is a youth focussed on-line project by the Mushroom Group featuring a number of Australia’s leading urban music, hip-hop and sporting personalities. These include Urthboy, Diafrix, Sampa the Great, B Wise, Ecca Vandal, Majak Daw and Archie Thompson.,-voice-for-change

·  Meet Graham is a sculptural work which merges art, medical science and road safety designed by acclaimed sculptor Patricia Piccinini and commissioned by the Transport Accident Commission.