Date: 7/6/02 Driver: Mark Anton Track: So Cal Raceway
Upper arm mount: #2
Caster shim position: #2
Front ride height spacers: kit
Steering block: STD
Camber, left –1 1/2 right -1
Toe-in: Very slight in / FRONT SPRINGS
Springs: Assoc. .018
Kingpin: STD
Indicate shim position, qty and thickness:
1: thickness: kit qty: 3
2: thickness: kit qty: 1
3: thickness: kit qty: 1
Body: STD
Traxxas bladder inside shock
Oil 30 wt
Spring silver
Limiter, inside 0
outside 0
Piston # 1
Kit shock body and shock shaft length. / REAR SUSPENSION
axle height adjuster used:
T-bar thickness: .075"
Dampener lube: no
Dampener springs: STD #4517
Dan's Teflon Tape on upper plate
Roll stop insert: none
T-bar flex: 2 holes
WHEELS & TIRES / Front / Rear / Chassis: STD
Car body: Hot Bodies Toyota
Wing/spoiler: side dams only
Motor: Trinity P2k
Pinion: 18 Spur gear: 84
Battery type: SMC 2400
Indicate battery placement:
(Rearmost 3 holes on each side.)
Futaba 3PD radio, AIR737 servo, LRP Quantum Pro Speed Control.
Tire type / TRC
Green / Jaco green
Tire dia / 2.30" / 2.30"
Stagger / n/a / n/a
Car width / standard / standard
Wheels / TRC / Jaco
Rear axle: STD
Tire treatment type Zip Grip 2 / Shade in amount of tire treatment:
(Full coverage)
On Road Track Conditions:
Asphalt, cleaned but not sprayed. Moderately high-bite, indoors. Smooth except for the transitions from the banked oval to the infield.
Race Comments:
TQ'd and won.
Car Comments:
Medium to high-steering oriented setup. This setup is the starting point for all the others. On the other setups, look mainly for changes to tire diameter, front springs, tire sauce, how many screws in the rear T-bar, and camber. Also, most of the older setups will use the Protoform P35 as the body but the Hot Bodies Toyota listed here is a very good substitute since the P35 has been discontinued.
Date: 12/15/02 Driver: Mark Anton Track: So Cal Raceway,
Upper arm mount: #2
Caster shim position: #2
Front ride height spacers: kit
Steering block: STD
Camber, left –1 right -1/2
Toe-in: Very slight in / FRONT SPRINGS
Springs: Assoc. .018
Kingpin: STD
Indicate shim position, qty and thickness:
1: thickness: kit qty: 4
2: thickness: kit qty: 1
3: thickness: kit qty: 0
Body: STD
Traxxas bladder inside shock
Oil 30 wt
Spring silver
Limiter, inside 0
outside 0
Piston # 1
Kit shock body and shock shaft length. / REAR SUSPENSION
axle height adjuster used:
T-bar thickness: .075"
Dampener lube: no
Dampener springs: STD #4517
Dan's Teflon Tape on upper plate
Roll stop insert: none
T-bar flex: 3 holes
WHEELS & TIRES / Front / Rear / Chassis: STD
Car body: Hot Bodies Toyota
Wing/spoiler: side dams only
Motor: Trinity P2k
Pinion: 18 Spur gear: 84
Battery type: Orion Sanyo 3000HV
Indicate battery placement:
(Rearmost 3 holes on each side.)
Futaba 3PD radio, AIR737 servo, LRP Quantum Pro Speed Control.
Tire type / TRC
Pink / Jaco green
Tire dia / 2.20" / 2.20"
Stagger / n/a / n/a
Car width / standard / standard
Wheels / TRC / Jaco
Rear axle: STD
Tire treatment type Zip Grip 2 / Shade in amount of tire treatment:
(Full coverage)
On Road Track Conditions:
Asphalt, cleaned but not sprayed. Moderately high-bite, indoors. Glass smooth except for the transitions from the banked oval to the infield.
Race Comments:
Won 2002 SoCal Grand Prix.
Car Comments:
Alternate to other SoCal setup. Significantly lower tire wear in an easy to drive, not nearly as aggressive car. Can be slower for some people but it certainly is cheaper to use.
Date: 4/21/02 Driver: Mark Anton Track: Freedom Park, Camarillo Hobby People Race
Upper arm mount: #2
Caster shim position: #2
Front ride height spacers: kit
Steering block: STD
Camber, left –1 right -1
Toe-in: Very slight in / FRONT SPRINGS
Springs: Assoc. .018
Kingpin: STD
Indicate shim position, qty and thickness:
1: thickness: kit qty: 3
2: thickness: kit qty: 1
3: thickness: kit qty: 1
Body: STD
Traxxas bladder inside shock
Oil 30 wt
Spring silver
Limiter, inside 0
outside 0
Piston # 1
Kit shock body and shock shaft length. / REAR SUSPENSION
axle height adjuster used:
T-bar thickness: .075"
Dampener lube: no
Dampener springs: STD #4517
Dan's Teflon Tape on upper plate
Roll stop insert: none
T-bar flex: 2 holes
WHEELS & TIRES / Front / Rear / Chassis: STD
Car body: Protoform P35
Wing/spoiler: side dams only
Motor: Trinity P2k
Pinion: 19 Spur gear: 84
Battery type: SMC 2400
Indicate battery placement:
(Rearmost 3 holes on each side.)
Futaba 3PD radio, AIR737 servo, LRP Quantum Pro Speed Control.
Tire type / TRC
Green / Jaco green
Tire dia / 2.40" / 2.45"
Stagger / n/a / n/a
Car width / standard / standard
Wheels / TRC / Jaco
Rear axle: STD
Tire treatment type Zip Grip 2 / Shade in amount of tire treatment:
(Full coverage)
On Road Track Conditions:
Asphalt, cleaned but leaves blow onto the track all day and sprayed but not very well. Some bumps and low bite. Track picture at:
Race Comments:
TQ'd and won.
Car Comments:
Throttle control, throttle control, throttle control. Hang on and drive. Bigger tires work better at this track. Believe it or not, one of the most fun tracks we run on the in the Southern California area. A true driver’s track and driving experience.
Date: 6/9/02 Driver: Mark Anton Track: Hot Rod Hobbies, 2002 NORRCA OnRoad Nationals.
Upper arm mount: #2
Caster shim position: #2
Front ride height spacers: kit
Steering block: STD
Camber, left –1 right -1
Toe-in: Very slight in / FRONT SPRINGS
Springs: Assoc. .018
Kingpin: STD
Indicate shim position, qty and thickness:
1: thickness: kit qty: 3
2: thickness: kit qty: 1
3: thickness: kit qty: 1
Body: STD
Traxxas bladder inside shock
Oil 30 wt
Spring silver
Limiter, inside 0
outside 0
Piston # 1
Kit shock body and shock shaft length. / REAR SUSPENSION
axle height adjuster used:
T-bar thickness: .075"
Dampener lube: no
Dampener springs: STD #4517
Dan's Teflon Tape on upper plate
Roll stop insert: none
T-bar flex: 2 holes
WHEELS & TIRES / Front / Rear / Chassis: STD
Car body: Protoform P35
Wing/spoiler: side dams only
Motor: Trinity P2k
Pinion: 18 Spur gear: 84
Battery type: SMC 2400
Indicate battery placement:
(Rearmost 3 holes on each side.)
Futaba 3PD radio, AIR737 servo, LRP Quantum Pro Speed Control.
Tire type / TRC
Green / Jaco green
Tire dia / 2.25" / 2.25"
Stagger / n/a / n/a
Car width / standard / standard
Wheels / TRC / Jaco
Rear axle: STD
Tire treatment type Coppertone 45 / Shade in amount of tire treatment:
(Full coverage)
On Road Track Conditions:
Asphalt, cleaned but not sprayed. Massively high-bite and very smooth.
Race Comments:
TQ'd and won the 2002 NORRCA OnRoad Nationals.
Car Comments:
Coppertone frees the car up overall and that makes it carry more cornerspeed on this ultra high bite track as opposed to regular tire sauces.
Date: 6/28/2001 Driver: Mark Anton Track: Speedworld Raceway – 2001 ROAR OnRoad Nationals
Upper arm mount: #2
Caster shim position: #2
Front ride height spacers: kit
Steering block: STD
Camber, left –1 right -1
Toe-in: Very slight in / FRONT SPRINGS
Springs: Assoc. .018
Kingpin: STD
Indicate shim position, qty and thickness:
1: thickness: kit qty: 3
2: thickness: kit qty: 1
3: thickness: kit qty: 1
Body: STD
Traxxas bladder inside shock
Oil 30 wt
Spring silver
Limiter, inside 0
outside 0
Piston # 1
Kit shock body and shock shaft length. / REAR SUSPENSION
axle height adjuster used:
T-bar thickness: .075"
Dampener lube: no
Dampener springs: STD #4517
Dan's Teflon Tape on upper plate
Roll stop insert: none
T-bar flex: 2 holes
WHEELS & TIRES / Front / Rear / Chassis: STD
Car body: Protoform P35
Wing/spoiler: side dams only
Motor: Handout Reedy MVP
Pinion: 19 Spur gear: 84
Battery type: Integy 24000
Indicate battery placement:
(Rearmost 3 holes on each side.)
Futaba 3PD radio, AIR737 servo, LRP Quantum Pro Speed Control.
Tire type / TRC
Green / Jaco green
Tire dia / 2.30" / 2.30"
Stagger / n/a / n/a
Car width / standard / standard
Wheels / TRC / Jaco
Rear axle: STD
Tire treatment type Zip Grip 2 / Shade in amount of tire treatment:
(Full coverage)
On Road Track Conditions:
Asphalt, cleaned but not sprayed. High bite and very smooth.
Race Comments:
Qual 2nd, finished 3rd after the AAA mains.
Car Comments:
Car pushed like a schoolbus and nothing seemed to work so I wound up back at virtually my default SoCal setup and hoped for the best. This setup doesn’t work great but that being said, it’ll be my starting point if/when I ever get to race at Speedworld again.
Date: 9/28/01 Driver: Mark Anton Track: Las Vegas RC Raceway/Western RC – 2001 NORRCA OnRoad Nationals
Upper arm mount: #2
Caster shim position: #2
Front ride height spacers: kit
Steering block: STD
Camber, left –2 ½ right -1
Toe-in: Very slight in / FRONT SPRINGS
Springs: Assoc. .020
Kingpin: STD
Indicate shim position, qty and thickness:
1: thickness: kit qty: 3
2: thickness: kit qty: 1
3: thickness: kit qty: 1
Body: STD
Traxxas bladder inside shock
Oil 30 wt
Spring silver
Limiter, inside 0
outside 0
Piston # 1
Kit shock body and shock shaft length. / REAR SUSPENSION
axle height adjuster used:
T-bar thickness: .075"
Dampener lube: no
Dampener springs: STD #4517
Dan's Teflon Tape on upper plate
Roll stop insert: none
T-bar flex: 3 holes
WHEELS & TIRES / Front / Rear / Chassis: STD
Car body: Protoform P35
Wing/spoiler: side dams only; rear spoiler slots cut out to reduce downforce.
Motor: Reedy Ti 10x2
Pinion: 15 Spur gear: 84
Battery type: Trinity 3000SMH
Indicate battery placement:
(Rearmost 3 holes on each side.)
Futaba 3PD radio, AIR737 servo, LRP Quantum Pro Speed Control.
Tire type / TRC
Green / Jaco green
Tire dia / 2.30" / 2.30"
Stagger / n/a / n/a
Car width / standard / standard
Wheels / TRC / Jaco
Rear axle: STD
Tire treatment type Zip Grip 2 / Shade in amount of tire treatment:
(Full coverage)
On Road Track Conditions:
Asphalt, clean in the groove and sprayed with VHT/Soda mixture. Big and fast. Very abrasive.
Race Comments:
TQ'd and won the 2001 NORRCA OnRoad Nationals.
Car Comments:
5-minute modified setup. Fastest car in any class for a single lap and full 5-mintue run. Surprisingly easy to drive but ate front tires.
Date: 12/8/02 Driver: Mark Anton Track: Revelation Raceway
Upper arm mount: #2
Caster shim position: #2
Front ride height spacers: kit
Steering block: STD
Camber, left –1 right –1/2
Toe-in: As near to 0 as possible / FRONT SPRINGS
Springs: Assoc. .018
Kingpin: STD
Indicate shim position, qty and thickness:
1: thickness: kit qty: 4
2: thickness: kit qty: 1
3: thickness: kit qty: 0
Body: STD
Traxxas bladder inside shock
Oil 30 wt
Spring silver
Limiter, inside 0
outside 0
Piston # 1
Kit shock body and shock shaft length. / REAR SUSPENSION
axle height adjuster used:
T-bar thickness: .075"
Dampener lube: no
Dampener springs: STD #4517
Dan's Teflon Tape on upper plate
Roll stop insert: none
T-bar flex: 3 holes
WHEELS & TIRES / Front / Rear / Chassis: STD
Car body: Protoform Peugeot 905b MD
Wing/spoiler: side dams only
Motor: Reedy Ti 9x2
Pinion: 15 Spur gear: 84
Battery type: Orion Sanyo 3000HV
Indicate battery placement:
(Rearmost 3 holes on each side.)
Futaba 3PD radio, AIR737 servo, LRP Quantum Pro Speed Control.
Tire type / TRC
Pink / Jaco Green
Tire dia / @2.30" / @2.30"
Stagger / n/a / n/a
Car width / standard / standard
Wheels / TRC / Jaco
Rear axle: STD
Tire treatment type Zip Grip 2 / Shade in amount of tire treatment:
(Full coverage)
On Road Track Conditions:
Asphalt, clean, smooth, and high-bite for an outdoor track. Unsprayed. Track is 200’x100’ big. "Summer" layout.
Race Comments:
TQ'd and won.
Car Comments:
Will push for the first lap and go loose around the last lap. Otherwise very well balanced and fast setup for Pro10 mod. on this 1/8th scale gas oriented track. This setup is specifically to use Pink front tires with Green or Aqua rears.
SETUP for the RC10L2 (Www