SCT Banner YES Human Resources/Payroll Team

Meeting Notes

I. Meeting Logistics

Item / Description
Date / Friday, May 18, 2007
Time / 8:30 a.m.
Location / Human Resources Training Room

II. Attendees

Role / Name
Facilitator & Note Taker / Cindy Miller, ext. 7231
Rhonda Adams, ext. 1699
Participants / Patty Seachman, Bernie Hamrock, Donna Wainio, Ron Chordas, Eileen Greaf, Evaline Abram-Diroll

III. Agenda Items

1. Action Items / Review and update – Approved meeting notes May 11, 2007
2. Policy / Review policies listed below – hold for more team participation
3. Processes / Review processes issues discussed, attached – hold for more team participation

IV. Action Items

Action Items for discussion / Owner / Due Date / Status
1.  Miscellaneous deductions – policy / Ron Granger / In Process / Ron not in attendance, no update given.
2.  Forms / Mary Jo / In Process / Student - Bernie & Elaine Ruse requested minor changes.
Classified - completed
Faculty - Add POSN, then done
P/A - Outstanding
Attendance record - Donna modified for posting to web.
Labor redistribution form may need modified for grants accounting.
3.  Security Survey/Data Base Guardian / On hold until July for new VP and new HR Director to start. Cindy is signing on GMR requests.
4.  PERBFAC, PERRANK / Carol/Marsha / In process / Tables are being built
5.  Department Names / Donna printed out the org listing off of PEAEMPL that ties back to the orgs in Finance. Limited to 30characters in the title. Patty has a document of department title that she is going to e-mail Cindy to use as a tool for the processing center.
6.  Applicant Software / Cindy spoke with Donna Esterly on 5/14/07, on Hold until after web-time entry is implemented.
Meanwhile we can still use M204.
7.  Stadardized documentation for PTRBDCA code set-up and earn code set-up / In process

VI. Policy/Procedure Issues

Policy Issue changes / Owner / Due Date / Status
1.  Web-Time/Department Time Entry / HR Team / Pending Admin.
Support / Discussed if this process ties to work-flow. Donna doesn’t think so. Eileen asked if e-mail reminders will be sent to employees in order to remind them to approve time-cards. Donna said that since the parameters are set on PTRCALN – these could be sent to approvers every year so they know when there approvals are due. The positions need filled in payroll and the processing center in order to proceed in this area. First approval levels will need addressed and then a decision on how it is going to be rolled out to the campus community. Team agreed it would be useful to have consulting session during go-live or shortly after web-time entry for help with problems that may be encountered. Eileen suggested that maybe we could piggyback off of some of Kent State’s training sessions.
2.  Leave forms on the web / Cindy handed out new reconciliation form for leave to be posted to web

VII.  Pending Non-Critical Item

1.  Year- End W2’s / No discussion


Old Business/ New Business

Owner / Due Date / Status
1.  Upcoming Training / July 17-19 Bob Harwood
Topic: Deferred Pay
1.  Health & Safety Administration (PEAHSIN Health & Safety Incident Table).
2.  Labor Administration (PEABARG Employee Bargaining Unit Table).
3.  Year End Processes
4.  Approximately 9 months – EPAF’s Electronic Approvals
2.  Self-service pay stubs / Decision document went to the Advisory committee. Eileen is receiving responses. She will summarize and forward to the team for review.
3.  Reports / In process / List of reports the team would like to see developed:
1.  Report for all job changes
2.  Daily activity report of all Job changes and activity
3.  Modified payroll register with Person, gross, net (Bernie & Ivan can supply details)
4.  Modified deduction register by deduction number and gross totals.
5.  Direct Deposit report (month end) broke down by employee and type.
6.  Adjustment activity by pay event only register
7.  STRS Report (Dennis working on report)
8.  SM and BW pay reports that will identify e-classes that should not be paid in either BW/SM
9.  Revised new hire and termination reports
10.  Report for sick and vacation payouts.
11.  Rhonda is working on developing reports with Katrena for compensated absences.
12.  Report after recast of any orgs with unexpended account $50 (Patty)
13.  Reports that indicate if Longevity OT that doesn’t have regular OT.
14.  Reports that indicate if HRI > 80
4.  Next Meeting / Team agreed to go to every other week. Next meeting will be June 1st.
5.  Date issues in Banner for adjusted service calculations / Requesting that Dennis can move current hire date to first day worked. A memo will be sent out to the team to determine if this is okay. Still haven’t resolved where to put date for Faculty issue. Discussed different dates. Team is not confident dates in M204 used for conversion purposes are correct. They will need reviewed.
6.  Year-end Processing / Discussed faculty resignations. They should follow the pay schedule that is set-up at the beginning of the year but a general policy should be written by payroll and include consideration for different options.
7.  Overtime / Cindy sent request for overtime.
8.  Processing center / Ron Chordas and Cindy Miller met with the President and Tom Maraffa. President presented to Cabinet and Center approved. President agreed that 3 people would be required to initiate start up operations of the Processing Center. Ron to meet with President at 2:00 for final approval. Discussed ideas on where to house the center and reorganizing HR space.
9.  Banner backfill positions / Cindy forwarded a request to extend backfill positions for Rhonda and Kim through 3/31/08. Will be presented to Advisory committee for approval.
10.  Division of job duties/HR/Payroll/
General Accounting / Bernie can’t come to processing center until person is hired in payroll to replace Maureen and the part-time position to be filled. The search committee has not been selected for Maureen’s position and no progress has been made on filling the part-time position.
11.  Taxable benefits/Medicare issues / Question from listserv on domestic partner benefits taxability issues (Highly compensated – IRS rules If the benefit is greater for some employees, the portion of benefit that is greater should be taxable fringe benefit).
Question was raised if annuities are set-up correctly in Banner (should they be exempt from Medicare). Ivan is researching annuity issue.
Medicare set up correctly in Banner however, it was set up incorrectly in M204
12.  Encumbrance process / Scheduling in Appworx is completed. Patty received the file via e-mail.
13.  Termination records / Discussed turning off indicator on INST form that allows insertion of records between dates. Discussed not putting termination records on full-time 12 month employees.
14.  Audit sample / Rhonda is working with General Accounting to organize the audit samples for payroll/HR requested by Ernst and Young (E&Y)
15.  Resignations / Cindy spoke with Julia Gergits (OEA) and she said what has been past practice is that the employee's pay continued over the pay originally selected (18/18 or 24/24). She further stated that there have been cases when the employee requested to be paid earlier and Payroll has worked with the employee. She felt that this was reasonable, acceptable and accommodating and would like for it to continue in this manner. Word of caution…leave accruals are based on 18/18 or 24/24, adjustments may need to be made.
The policy needs to come from it acceptable to continue in this manner?
Eileen agreed that a general policy of payoff upon termination needs to be developed.
16.  STRS / Eileen suggested that we look at the New Hire form on the STRS website
17.  Uniformity in Processing / Cindy stressed that we have to input information according to the processes developed.


SCT Banner YES Human Resources/ Payroll Team Notes