No: 62 B U L L E T I N Tuesday 13 December 2016
Christmas Lunch: is Wednesday 14 December 2016. Pizza, Panini or Hot Dogs will not be served in the Grubby that day.
K Sloan
Christmas Concert Tuesday 20 December at 7pm: Tickets are on sale from the Office, £2.50 per person or £8.00 for a family ticket of 4.
S Black
Inter Nation Badminton tournament: The next inter Nation tournament is upon us! Points are being fought on the badminton court this time round on the following days.
S1 Thursday 15th of December that’s this Thursday
S2 Tuesday 20th of December
S3 Wednesday 21st December
This tournament needs specific roles so is vital you see Nation Captain to let them know you can play. Each Nation needs a Female Doubles, Males Doubles, Mixed Doubles, Female Singles and Male Singles. If a Nation Captain does not come then Mr Raeburn will take names down during Badminton Club on Tuesday night, or come and see Mr Lane. Can any Nation stop the Picts from winning? They have won 5 out of 6 tournaments.
D Lane
Higher English Study Class: Higher English is not easy so come along to Study Class for support with Reading UAE. Wednesdays, 3:40pm-4:40pm, in Room 22.
D Arbuckle
Notice for members of the School Parliament: Can those students who volunteered to take part in the meeting on vision and values with Mrs Walker please remember to go to the Boardroom on Wednesday 14th December during Blocks 3 and 4.
M MacDermot
Ski Club: Letters are available from Miss Davidson (Computing 2) about attending ski lessons after Christmas. Letters and cheques must be submitted to the school office at break times by Friday 16th December.
H Davidson
iPhone 7 Raffle Tickets: Aged 16 or above? To get your Raffle Tickets, show us your Young Scot Card and get your tickets at form and break-times on Tuesday and Thursday (outside the Assembly Hall). This could be the cheapest phone you ever got.
P Walker
Paired Reading is now up and running. All pupils involved should report to the Library at 1.20pm on Tuesday and Wednesday.
D Hislop
Concert Band: Today at lunchtime from 1.10pm in Music Room 3.
L Holland
Chess Club: Today at lunchtime from 1.15pm in Maths Room 2.
I Dupraz
Cool Cakes Club: Cancelled until further notice.
J Templeton
S4/S5 Applying to Cambridge: Anyone who would like to attend a talk in March about applying to Cambridge University please see Mrs White today or tomorrow.
F White
S4/S5 interested in medicine you should also be registered on Pathways Medic Insight Programmes 2017.
DAY: Saturday 11th February 2017 at Chancellor's Building, University of Edinburgh at Little France (adjacent to Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh). Registration for this event will open on Monday 9th January 2017 via a link which will be posted here. This event is aimed at S4 pupils and places will be given on a first come, first served basis.
WEEK: 19th - 23rd and 26th - 30th June 2017. Applications will be open for one week only from Monday 13th - Sunday 19th February 2017, via a link which will be posted here. This event is for S5 pupils only. Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted. For all enquiries relating to the Edinburgh programme, please email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or visit
F White
S5 interested in applying to Cambridge, Subject Masterclasses - February 2017 bookings are open for the following subjects:
· Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
· Medicine
· Physics
· Theology, Religion and Philosophy of Religion
· Classics
· History and Modern Languages
· History and Politics
· Law
See Mrs White if interested.
F White
S5/S6 Engineering Workshop: An opportunity to take part in a full day Engineering Work Shop with FMC is available to a limited number of S5/S6 Students. The event will be on Tuesday 20th December in school – it will be a full day event with mock interviews with a leading oil company. If you would like to take part in this event YOU MUST GIVE MR WOOTTON YOUR NAME BY END OF THE DAY ON TUESDAY 13TH DECEMBER 2016.
P Wootton
S6 LEAPS CONFERENCE: The S6 Conference is taking place next week on Friday 16 December from 1.30pm-4pm at Appleton Tower, University of Edinburgh, Crichton Street, EH8 9LE and it is for final-year LEAPS - eligible students who have received a LEAPS Pre-Application Interview. The Conference will focus on next steps for those applying to UCAS or an HN at college. Students will have the opportunity to speak to a team of experts and can choose from a range of sessions including student finance, living in university and private accommodation, higher education at college, preparing for a teaching or nursing interview and talking about art & design work. Students can register online at:
F White
S6 Assembly Hall: Please note that the Assembly Hall is closed for the remainder of term to allow preparation for various events and performances over the next few weeks.
D Simpson
S6 Hoodies/Yearbook: A £10 deposit toward your hoodies should be paid to the office this week:
Brits – Tuesday,
Picts – Wednesday,
Scots – Thursday.
Also, there is now a Facebook group for S6 Yearbook photos. We would ideally like photos from everyone of S3 trips, school events or any party or event out of school. If you're not yet on the group, ask someone on the yearbook committee to be added or if you don't have Facebook, you can email pictures to someone on the committee if you ask them.
S6 Committee
Homework Club: Come along to Computing Room 2 on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school for help with homework. All welcome.
A Reed
Assemblies - Christmas Assembly including Mary’s Meals
S3/S4 - Thursday 15 December