Russian Revolution Storybook
Assignment: You will be making an illustrated storybook of the Russian Revolution. Each group will design a “chapter” for the book on one of the following topics. Once the “chapters” are complete, they all will be stapled together in the correct order and put out for display.
· Divide into 7 groups with about 3-4 people per group.
· Topics: March Revolution, Bolshevik (November) Revolution, Russian Civil War, Communism, Lenin and his NEP, Stalin and his Five Year Plans, Purges/The Great Purge.
· For your topic please provide the following:
o Appropriate “chapter” title
o Illustration/graphic
o 8-10 sentence paragraph that describes the topic and explains its significance/impact on the transformation of Russia.
· Use Textbook Chapter 30 pg. 867-879
· “Chapter” due at end of the bell tomorrow
· See attached rubric for scoring
Scoring Rubric
· Appropriate “Chapter” Title = 5
· Appropriate Illustration / Graphic = 5
· Paragraph:
o Describe Topic = 10
o Significance / Impact = 10
· Total = 30pts.