Internet Etiquette 1


Student Internet Etiquette

University of Phoenix

Master in Education Program

Marianna Kiva,

Instructor: Dr. Laurie James

Internet Etiquette 2

Students Internet Etiquette “Netiquette”

Netiquettes or Internet Etiquette “refers to the set of practices developed over the years to make the Internet experience pleasant for everyone” (Moraes, 1995). Following Netiquette rules helps the Internet users with their cyber space communication skills. This paper will introduce and discuss 10 rules for using the Internet correctly and responsibly.

It is impolite to “TYPE ALL IN CAPITAL LETTERS; IT GIVE THE IMPRESSION OF SHOUTING” at the receiver of the message and is considered offensive. When using Internet, it is important to follow similar rules of manners and behaviors as in real life situation. It is important to keep in mind that if an action is against the law in the real world, it is also against the law in cyberspace.

Obeying copyright laws is a standard procedure, which is governed by respect towards the work of others and is punishable by laws in the Internet and non-Internet environments. It is important to keep messages short, especially when writing an email or typing in a chat room. By using common chat abbreviations or acronyms will be appreciated by the reader and will save precious time typing the message.

Posting private and personal information in the wrong location can have serious affects on ones personal and professional lives. Identity theft is a rapidly growing concern and revealing too much, personal information, could give Internet predators, child pornographers, and identity thieves a chance to invade and ruin lives.

Cyber bullying is an increasing problem facing students outside of the school environment, thus parents and schools should educate children about this issue. When targeted by a cyber bully; do not respond; keep all original communications along with dates and times, and if the messages are of a threatening nature or a safety concern, contacting local law enforcement is advisable.

When receiving an e-mail warning of a new, unstoppable virus that will delete everything from the computer; it is most probably a hoax. By forwarding hoaxes individuals use valuable bandwidth and transmit dangerous viruses to other users. Chain letters that promise incredible riches or solicitations of help cause, immeasurable damage. When the content looks genuine, but it came from an unknown source, it is safer to delete these messages and prevent damages to the ones software and hardware.

An e-mail reply must answer all the questions, and pre-empt further inquiries and e-mails regarding the unanswered questions, which are a waste of time and cause considerable frustration. Concise and relevant responses create favorable impressions in business and educational communities; they reflect an individual’s knowledgeable and responsible attitude.

It is not prudent to recall an email message; the chances are that the message has already been delivered and read. A recall request would look very silly, it is better to send an email admitting that a mistake was made, which will sound honest and professional. Using the active voice of a verb in writing creates a sense of clarity and requires fewer words to express an idea or a request. Using an active voice for electronic writing implies that the message is direct, to the point, inclusive, and makes the message sound sincere.

The use of subject line is recommended to express respect and to remind the receiver of the topic being discussed. A change in the topic of the discussion requires a change in the subject line as well. Using a subject line options allows users to sort their e-mails accordingly, making it easier to locate and respond to queries diligently and precisely.

In the cyber space the List Culture requires the understanding of its rules and requirements. The remoteness of the recipients should not be used as an excuse to communicate in an anti-social manner. It should be assumed that individuals post messages to the list because they want public discussion and not a private conversation.

The importance of understanding the rules of the cyber space behavior and attitudes, Netiquette, is rapidly becoming an important skill of the 21st century lifestyle. These rules, based on productive and positive human form of interaction will continue to govern the lives of everybody using the Internet. Understanding of these rules will impact the private and professional lives of individuals in dynamic and successful ways.


Rospach, C., Spafford, G., Moraes, M., (1983) A Primer on How to Work With the Usenet Community. Retrieved August 7, 2008, from FAGS.ORG Web site: