Unit 10 Final Project 57


Unit 10 Final Project

Dale Henderson

Kaplan University

Professor Ravi-Kumar Vemuri

IT302: Human Computer Interaction

Interactive Design Models

There are many applications out there today to many to even list, I decided to use the CCleaner application for this project. “CCleaner is the number-one tool for cleaning your Windows PC. It protects your privacy online and makes your computer faster and more secure. Easy to use and a small, fast download”(Piriform, 2011). This little program has many options and is a great program to use for your home or business. It does have some room for improvement and will discuss them later. Below are a few interaction screens I am going to talk about today.

Figure 1: CCleaner Home Screen

The next few figures will be the interaction screens and options I will be talking about in the rest of this document and they are: Analze screen, completed analze screen, run cleaner screen, and completed run cleaner screen.

Figure 2: Analze Screen

After you hit the analze button this is the screen that comes up, depending on your system it can be very fast to super slow. If you use this on a regular basis it will be pretty quick. The interaction here is pretty easy and simple to use.

Figure 3: Completed Analze Screen

This screen is the main core of the application I think, this comes up with a list of things that need to be fixed and cleaned. Again the list will depend on your system, if a user doesn’t use this program much the list will be long and if user uses it a lot like I do the list will be short, so it really depends on how much user uses it. The interaction here is moderate. I would like to see a more detailed list of what the file is and what happens if it is removed other than that great interaction.

Figure 4: The Run Screen

This screen lets you hit the run button that will clean all the files you can select individual files or all files and it will clean the system for you. Moderate interaction, which it had more details about the files you are using. Also this proces can take some time to complete even on a system that uses this application all the time.

Figure 5: The Completed Run Process

This is the result of the completed process, which took me like five minutes to do on my system. It tells you which files were removed safetly. The interaction is easy to use and I just wish that there was a detail list on the files. I myself know what is safe to remove and what not safe to remove, but with other people I don’t think many people do know the difference. So that is the improvement I like to see.

The main reason for the interaction screens to analaze: this process lets you check your computer for conflicts and errors with applications and files. The completed analze screen lets you see what the computer has found. The Run screen lets you fix some or all the errors assocaited with them applications and files. The completed run screen, shows you which applications and file conflicts and errors were or were not fixed.

· Project Stakeholders are the users that use this application, let it be limmited use or someone that is using this application all the time. The users are homeusers beginners to power users and business’s from beginners to power users. This program is not a advanced use which mean anyone can use it from beginner. So the stakeholders will be anyone using this program which means anyone on the home level. In a busisness setting I think the only one really using this program would be people in the IT department; network technicians, pc technicians, system administrators and network administrators to name just a few. So anyone in the IT department will from on time will have used this program.

· Creating a user profile to me is very important for the application it lets you see who is using the program, there education, background, if there are a beginner, intermediate, expert etc.

· The user profile includes a context of use a profile with what the user is at, what level of user they are etc. This gives the manager or person/persomns in charge an idea of the user very good tool to use.

Context of Use

1. Motivation

o Discretionary

o Mandatory

2. Frequency of Use

o Non-User

o Infrequent

o Frequent

3. User Category

o Beginner

o Intermediate

o Expert

4. Task Nature

o Mission Critical

o Calm

5. Interaction Mode

o Direct

o Indirect

o Continuous

o Intermittent

6. Social Environment

o Public

o Personal

o Collaborative

o Individual

o Work

o Entertainment

o Synchronous

o Asynchronous

7. Physical Environment

o Indoor

o Outdoor

8. Auditory (Noise Level)

o 1 = Low 5 = High

o 1 2 3 4 5

9. Visual Quality

o 1 = Poor 5 = Good

o 1 2 3 4 5

10. Haptic

o Constrained

o Free

11. Technical Environment

o Networked

o Isolated

o Wired

o Wireless

o Intranet

o Extranet

o Internet





o Fixed

o Mobile

o Peripherals

o Contained

Cognitive Ability

Educational Level

o Elementary

o Middle School

o High School

o Undergraduate

o Graduate School

o Post Graduate

Computer Literacy

o System

o 1 = Low 5 = High

o 1 2 3 4 5


o 1 = Low 5 = High

o 1 2 3 4 5

Typing Skill (Words per Minute)

o Novice_____________

o Intermediate________

o Expert_____________

Domain Knowledge

o 1 = Novice 5 = Expert

o 1 2 3 4 5

Cognitive Style

o Visual

o Auditory

o Graphical

o Linguistic

Physical Ability

Color Vision

o Trichromatic

o Protanomaly

o Deuteranomaly


o 1 = Deaf 5 = Normal

o 1 2 3 4 5


o Disabled ___________________

o Fully Functional


o Blind

o 20/200

o 20/100

o 20/70

o 20/50

o 20/40

o 20/30

o 20/25

o 20/20

Individual Profile


o Early Childhood

o Childhood

o Preteen

o Teen

o Young Adult

o Adult

o Middle Age

o Senior


o Male

o Female

o Occupation

o Interests

o Country

o Region

o Language

o Ethnicity

o Religion

o Socio-Economic

These are only a small sample of user profiles there can be things added or subtracted from the list depending on the managers and who the users are and what the managers are looking for. For this project I think this is a good list and don’t see me adding or subtracting from the list but that could change as time goes on. I didn’t add a profile for hearing on this project because the application does not have sound, that is an improvement I think could be done with this program to be able to alert you when there is a conflict or error.

I thought observing the person and person would be the best for this project. I decided that because it would help me better understand what the user was doing, what they would have problems with and to fix any issues that they might have at that given time. I wanted to know when I was observing:

· If the users was a beginner, intermediate or expert user?

· If the application was easy, moderate or hard to use?

· If they knew how to use the application without no help?

· If the screen was easy to see?

· If the interaction screens were easy to navigate?

· If there were any conflicts and if they knew how to fix them conflicts?

· How they thought the interaction was to use?

The two people I used were my mother who is a beginner user and a friend who is an intermediate user. One setting was inside for my mom and outside with my friend I wanted to know if the interaction was easier on either of the settings, and with the outside setting there was no filters so I wanted both settings to have the same computer which is my Sony VAIO laptop/

As I observed my mom who is handicapped and has to wear glasses, she know computers but not applications like this she had a somewhat easy time to get though the screens but was confused on what to do. She didn’t know which files or applications were safe to fix a delete. So I had to walk her through it, there were a few conflicts that she also didn’t know what to do, so I also had to help her with that. The screen was easy to see for her and the interaction and navigation was moderate. So for my mom it was harder for her to use this program on a regular basis until she was taught how to use it.

As for my friend it was much easier for them, to use, the computer was easy to see outside but not as easy as inside, there was a small glare and they had to move it a few times to see the application. I suggest that there be a filter on it when using on the outside especially in a sunny area. That had an easy time using this program the interaction and navigation was simple and they caught on quick and had very few question to ask me. They knew which applications and files to fix and delete without my help. They could use this application on their own with no help.

I also will be adding a completed help file section that the user can user rather than going online, it will be interaction with the correct text, sound, and color that is pleasing to the user. It also will have interactive videos and sound help that will walk the user through whatever help they are looking for. I also want the help file to have sound but that will be an added option that the user can change if they need and want to.

Mission Statement

The goals are so that everyone I observe and interview will be able to use this program, with or without my help in the beginning. At a later time my goal is for everyone to be able to use this program with no help at all. Will be able to interact and navigate through the screens and be able to analyze and fix conflicts, errors and delete file if they have to with no help. So that everyone will use this application on a regular basis.

This being a free application there will not be any financial issues with the application. I do think it should include a better definition of the conflicts, errors and files and applications that should be deleted.


The documents I think first and for most would be a manual on how to use the application and interactive manual would be great life in a power point presentation. The functions of the application and if in a business setting than what the hardware requirements should be, information on the application itself.

The Interaction Model Design I decided to use was the Waterfall design, it is simple and easy to do and understand and this project is a small project and is perfect for the waterfall design.

The idea that best meets this project in my mind is Brainstorming: “One of the staples of any design project is the brainstorming session. In this stage the team members get together and work out possible ideas and solutions, which are then pursued in greater depth and brought back to the table for further refinement. There are many approaches to brainstorming, from loose, stream-of-consciousness interactions to more structured semantic networks. Most of these techniques involve paper and pencil drawings, Post-it notes, blackboards, whiteboards, or any tool that is easy to use and modify during the session. Storyboarding is useful during brainstorming sessions. Storyboards are easy to create and modify as the session progresses through a particular avenue of conceptualization. Props can also be used along with storyboards. It helps to have on hand actual objects that represent various aspects of the concept under discussion. Some teams use props to generate ideas and some use role playing to work out alternative solutions. People have a natural tendency to use props and pictures when presenting their ideas. This can be seen in the way children use rocks and sticks when they describe to teammates the way they want a strategy to be carried out during a sports game. The main goal behind the brainstorming session is to generate as many ideas as possible and be as creative as possible without being critical or imposing restrictions on the process or ideas that are generated. Such sessions generate a great amount of material that must later be filtered and organized” (The Resonant Interface: HCI Foundations for Interaction Design, 2008).

The three ideas that the team came up with this project for the application CCleaner was:

1. There is no sound to warn the user when there were errors or conflicts. No pop-up error boxes to warn the user of errors or conflicts

2. No detailed information for the user what a certain file is or isn’t, it should list what each file is and what happens if it is deleted or not. Example: If it is a registry file what will it affect if it is deleted or removed from the system?

3. Having an off line help file to help the user when they need help.

Of these three ideas I think having a help file section would be the best I know there is a help file section on line, but sometimes web sites can’t be reached or the user does not have access to the internet and to me the help file on the web site is not the greatest. So having a help file available off line is a great way to help the user.