MEETING DATE: July 26, 2005

2:00 – 4:00 pm

Room 2926

MEMBERS: John Backes* Gillian Lewis Don Schultz*

Jennifer Bacon* Berta Lloyd* Zakiya Stewart

Cathy Chun* Bruce McCutcheon Terry Taylor

Norma Goldstein* Chris Melton Yvonne Terrell-Powell*

Phyllis Harris* Darlene Miller Donna Wilde

Carla Hogan Jeff Omalanz-Hood* Holly Woodmansee*

Susan Hoyne Rebecca Rhodes* Amar Yahiaoui*

Jim James* Andrea Rye Robin Young*

Thalia Saplad* Judy Yu

(*Members Present)

The Council discussed if it would be appropriate to move on the agenda with only 15 members in attendance. The main objective today is to choose and balance the teams that members wish to work on, elect team leaders, establish written outcomes and identify needed data.

John clarified that there would be six small groups (two “Quick Fix” and four “Long Term”) with 4 to 5 people each. They would focus on the bulleted items under each group. It would be up to the group to decide if they wanted to create smaller groups to do specific kinds of work. There may be some repetition in the groups, depending on individual roles played at the college. Members need to consider their own workload, and be able to remain focused on the work of the ISC.

Several Council members recommended a closer review of the groups so everyone has a clear sense of what each means. Questions arose about any differences between the Quick Fix and the Long Term gathering of data, as well as groups duplicating efforts in their collection of data.

nFuture Agenda Item: Once the groups are formed, the Council will discuss common data sets and how much is needed (definitions and quantity).

Jim James said it would be a worthwhile effort to educate the ISC on data that is already available and accessible. Phyllis Harris, Jim James as well as Holly Woodmansee have data that will support all of the groups.

John clarified that “Quick Fix” groups need to have enrollment strategies ready to implement no later than the end of Fall Quarter that would positively impact Spring Quarter enrollment. We have 6 to 8 months to establish “Long Term” fixes for enrollment that will answer how we manage both the instructional and Student Services side to be more efficient in bringing new students into the college and keeping them here. We want to be careful that we separate those two in terms of our timelines for work. Planning processes and decision-making processes won’t necessarily be the same for Quick Fix and Long Term solutions.

nKerry will email the list of suggestions from faculty and staff gathered during the recent Enrollment Sessions held across campus that contain ideas that the Quick Fix groups could implement fairly quickly.

The Quick Fix groups will be offering solutions for things we can do that are small, direct, and immediate, and we will implement as many as early as we can. The Long Term groups have 8 or 9 months to work, and there will be status reports from each of those groups at the ISC meetings. The Council as a whole will have an idea where each group is going.

Some members thought the process in developing the Small Groups felt rushed and that further thought on the bulleted topics under the Small Groups needed to occur.

Although the process might feel fragmented to some, it is our job to bring wholeness to the entire plan. Once people are gathered around the issues, the Council will discuss these and create a comprehensive, long-term enrollment plan to be aligned with Strategic Planning.

The ISC discussed campus-wide goal setting and envisioning what the campus ought to look like five years down the road. For example, do we want to grow? The answer to that question has a huge impact on long-term solutions. If we want to grow, where do we want to grow? How can we go through this process without a grasp of those questions? Until there is an overall framework of what the campus ought to look like, How can we start coming up with long-term solutions? What are the expectations of the community? Do we want to bring community members in to sit on this committee?

John noted that the President and Board of Trustees are expecting regular reports on the progress of the Instructional Services Council.

As to the Quick Fix solutions, we won’t know if they work until we try them. They key word is “quick.”

John summarized the discussion.

Ø  The Council desires to have a direct connection to Strategic Planning Committee for the long-term plan, and a way to work with that committee hand-in-hand. Someone from this Council will work directly with them and report on their progress. We can gather data and make adjustments as needed in coordination with the SP Committee.

Ø  There may be areas that are crossing over into each other, and we need to be sure we don’t do the same data collection several times but differently.

Ø  There needs to be some refinement in the sub-areas of the Long-Term fixes. The Council can bring additional people into the subgroups if necessary, including faculty, staff, administrators, students and community members.

Ø  Both Quick Fix and Long Term groups need outcomes assessment tools for each recommended action.

Ø  Quick Fix groups are looking for coordinated small incremental steps. Whatever assessment tool we use, there is risk we will not know in a clear way whether the outcomes predicted will in fact occur. There will not be uniform assessment of Quick Fix ideas.

Ø  The Council is concerned we don’t have everything that is needed under the Quick Fix areas.

John proposed the group review the Quick Fix subset items. Are they reasonable? Are they comprehensive? Should the groups have more meaningful titles?

After considerable discussion, the group amended the Quick Fix areas: (Bulleted items in bold are new)

Quick Fix I – Student Services/Policy Revision

·  Advising

·  Financial Aid Processes

·  Entry Barrier Reduction

o  Point of Entry

·  Policies

o  Tuition Deadline

o  Drop

o  Waitlist

o  Registration Times

·  Marketing

·  Immediate help for walk-ins

·  Critical Contacts for Students

·  Student Billings Every Quarter

·  Intake Barriers

Testing/website registration

o  Parking

Entry path/Main contact point

Yellow brick road/guard shack (directional issues)

Quick Fix II – Instructional Services

·  Schedule Conflicts

·  Local College Schedule Analysis

·  Course Coding

·  Prerequisite Checking

·  Direct FTE Generation e.g. institution, bundling

·  Course cancellation criteria, student notification

·  Class Capacities

·  Budget Coding (linked to Course Coding)

·  Marketing

·  Immediate help for walk-ins

The Quick Fix list will be republished. John asked members to be thinking about the long-term groups. We need to have a link to the Strategic Planning Committee and an overall commitment by the college to a certain vision or kind of look to the college that we are clear about so we can form groups around that vision. The Strategic Planning Committee is committed to providing a plan to the Board of Trustees May 2006. We may have to follow our current plan when creating the new Enrollment Plan.

Jeff Omalanz-Hood pointed out that we need to keep in mind regarding cohorts of students, that we are already looking at high school students in 2006. In terms of long-term enrollment solutions, we need to think about these cohorts now.

èTO DO: Council members were asked to email Kerry Fondren what groups they are willing to participate in by August 5.

The Vice Presidents will review the list for balance prior to the next ISC meeting. Members are free to take on as much as they can, considering their own workloads. John expected people would be on at least one, and hopefully two Small Groups. Jim James, Phyllis Harris and Holly Woodmansee will be primary resources for all groups.

Jim James will conduct a workshop in the Fall on available data and how to retrieve it. He would also publish a list of where it is, but you can also call Jim, Phyllis or Holly W.

Meeting adjourned 3:50 pm.

Minutes by Kerry Fondren