Royko or Pyle paper

Text: You can write on either Royko’s “ A Faceless Man’s Plea” or Pyle’s“The Horrible Waste of War.”

Write an essay in which you define the central argument of the essay
and analyze the rhetorical strategies that the author
uses to construct his argument.

Introduction: Make the introduction SHORT! No more than four sentences INCLUDING your main thesis. Pay special attention to how you write your MT. Make sure you have made clear the point you feel the author is advocating.

Body Paragraphs: You can argue his point based on the organization of his point (integrating many different rhetorical strategies per paragraph), the organization of your point about his point (integrating many different rhetorical strategies per paragraph), or you can argue his point based on rhetorical strategies (using a different rhetorical strategy for each paragraph).

Conclusion: Pull it together

1-4 papers (D): mention the topic and label rhetorical devices
5-6 papers (B- C): explains the topic and the author’s opinion on the topic (theme statement – thesis statement – central argument). Mentions rhetorical devices to contextualize the evidence AND explains how the evidence supports the main thesis.
7-9 papers (A): makes reference to the purpose, the human condition. This can be done in many places in the paper: intro, body – explanation, conclusion

Format: two page maximum. Typed. MLA format except I only want your name – not the other stuff. NO TITLE. 11-12 point font.1 ½ - double spacing.

Audience: Mature, academic reader


Use complete, grammatically correct sentence structure.

Write in active voice with present tense verbs.

Due Dates:

The paper is due on Thursday, September 27 in class.