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New radio standard for industrial applications with »energy harvesting« / longer-range radio position switches

Fußschalter mit neuer Wireless-Technologie

The steute business field »Wireless« is continuing to expand the number of possible industrial applications for its innovative »energy harvesting« radio technology and will be presenting the latest developments at the Hanover Fair.
A few months ago we presented an electrodynamic energy generator which demonstrated a considerably longer lifespan (over a million switching cycles) and a far higher switching frequency (up to 1,800 switching cycles per hour) than previously available components. Now steute is introducing a new radio standard which, amongst other things, has the advantage of a longer-range wireless connection. This makes it possible to operate wireless switchgear at ranges of up to 700 m outdoors, without an energy supply. The radio protocol uses the 868 MHz waveband, or 915 MHz in the North American version. The 915 MHz version is certified in accordance with FCC and IC; CSA/UL certification is in preparation.
Users have the choice between two variants. In our self-sufficient devices, the device generates enough energy to facilitate not only transmission of the wireless protocol, but also receipt of a confirmation signal from the recipient. If this confirmation is not received, there is then even enough energy available to transmit a repeat telegram. In our battery-based wireless devices, the battery facilitates bidirectional communication. The reduced energy requirement of this low-power wireless technology means that, depending on the application, the battery lifetime can span several years. The required transmission certainty is thus guaranteed, even in sensitive applications.
steute will be presenting its first switching devices equipped with the new radio module - the RF 95 position switch series. These switches are position switches from our 95 series, available with two different ranges. With a stub antenna in a »shark fin« design, long-range (LR) applications up to 500 m are possible. Alternatively, an ultra-long-range (ULR) antenna is also available, permitting ranges of up to 800 m outdoors. The different variants (self-sufficient/battery-based and LR/ULR) can be combined at will. This means an expansion to the modular range of steute radio switchgear. And users can be sure that other types of wireless switchgear will also be available with the new radio standard in the future.

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/ Product photo RF 95 LR SW868 and RF 95 RS SW ULR SW868

/ 2337 keystrokes