Rome & the Rise of Christianity WORLD HISTORY NOTES



Ø Early on in Pax Romana, a new religion, _________________ emerged in a distant corner of the Empire.

o Many different religions in the empire

Ø By 63 B.C., Romans had conquered __________ where most Jewish people lived.

Ø Romans allowed Jewish people to worship their one god.

o Many Jews reluctantly lived under Roman rule, however, some wanted a revolt against Rome and believed a _______________ would come to lead their people to freedom


Ø Born in 4 B.C. in _____________

o Worshipped God and followed Jewish law

o At 30 began preaching to villagers, used ______________-short stories with simple moral lessons to communicate his ideas

o Recruited 12 disciples to help him spread his ideas, called ________________, in Jerusalem

o Some Jews in Jerusalem welcomed Jesus, many of the ____________- felt he threatened their leadership

o __________________ authorities felt Jesus would lead the Jews in a revolt against their rule

Death of Jesus

Ø According to the gospels, Jesus was betrayed by one of his disciples, arrested by the Romans, and killed by _________________-a person was bound to a cross and left to die

o Rumors then spread that Jesus had not died but had __________ from death and commanded his disciples to spread his teachings

o After the disciples reported he ascended into _____________

Christianity Spreads

Ø Followers called __________________

Ø Disciples preach the messages of Christianity throughout the Roman world

o ______________ established Christianity in Rome itself

o _____________ played the most influential role in spreading Christianity

§ He spread Christianity throughout the ___________________________

§ His letters became part of the New Testament in the __________________

Christians Oppressed

Ø Romans were not tolerant towards Christians because:

o They refused to honor the emperor with _________________.

o They refused to worship Roman gods to protect the state.

Ø Christians were used as ___________________, blamed for social and economic problems.

Ø Many Christians became ___________________- or people who suffer or die for their beliefs.

Ø However, Christianity continued to spread due to the fact that all people were welcome.

Early Christian Church

Ø Emperor ________________ issued the Edict of Milan in A.D. 313.

o The Edict granted ___________________ to all citizens of the Roman empire

o By the end of the century, Emperor __________________ made Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire

Structure of the Church