Robert F. Collins Sport Media Scholarship
Bowling Green State University
This scholarship is awarded each spring to one undergraduate student in the Department of Journalism and Public Relations who demonstrates an interest in pursuing a career in sport media. A demonstrated interest in sport media would include involvement in campus media sports and/or a past or upcoming sport internship.
Students must be majors in the Department of Journalism and Public Relations and must be of sophomore or junior ranking. Faculty in each of the departments will select a recipient based on information provided in the scholarship application.
Application deadline is 5 p.m. Friday, March 10, 2017. Return completed form and summary statement to 306 Kuhlin Center or email to Dr. Bradshaw at .
Robert F. Collins Sport Media Scholarship
Bowling Green State University
Name _________________________________________ P# 00__________________________________
Phone # _________________________________ Email Address __________________________
Campus Address ___________________________________________________________________________
Parent’s/Guardian’s Name & Address __________________________________________________________
Academic Information
Major ____________________________________ Minor ________________________________________
Overall GPA ______________________ GPA in Major __________________________
Hours enrolled in this semester ______ Hours completed (not including this semester)_______
Anticipated Date of Graduation _____________________________(semester)______________________(year)
I attest that the information provided on this application is complete and truthful, to the best of my knowledge. Signature also indicates authorization to release all appropriate information as necessary to complete the scholarship process.
Signature ______________________________________ Date ___________________________________
Summary Statement: Write a one or two-page typed and DOUBLE-SPACED summary about your career experience and plans. This summary should answer the question: What makes you uniquely qualified for a BGSU journalism scholarship in sport media? In your summary, please include:
o Details on any internship experience you have had or plan to have this year.
o Positions you may have held with Falcon media (The BG News, KEY, WBGU-FM, WBGU-TV, Obsidian, BG 24 News, special interest publication, etc.) and include your dates of service.
o Other extracurricular activities at BGSU.
o Honorary, professional or departmental organizations to which you belong.
o Awards, prizes or citations you have received while a student at the university.
o Any additional publications/media/public relations work you have done off campus while a student at BGSU.
o Any other work experience not covered in the preceding.
o Discuss your financial aid needs (if any) including your current scholarships or personal circumstances that would qualify you for a scholarship. (Note: The Department of Journalism and Public Relations will verify your financial need with the Financial Aid Office).
o What are your special interests and goals in the sport media profession?