-Rise of Democratic Values-

Prologue Guided Reading Questions

Read pages 5-11 & then answer the questions?

1. The story of _________________ is described throughout the PROLOGUE SECTION?

2. Define the following POLITICAL terms:

q Government-

q Monarchy-

q Democracy-

q Oligarchy-

q Direct democracy-

q Republic-

q Senate-

3. What place is considered to be the “birthplace” of DEMOCRACY? Pg. 5

4. What percentage of the world is considered to be a democracy today? Pg. 6

5. How many nations were democratic in the 1970s? Pg. 6

6. How many nations of the world are considered to be democratic today? Pg. 6

7. What is the difference between a direct democracy and a republic? Pg. 7 & 10

8. What was the name of Plato’s famous book on democracy? Pg. 8

9. List 3 examples of the legacy of the Greeks? Pg. 8




10. What was the lasting impact of the 12 Tables? Pg. 10

11. What are the FOUR basic principles of Roman law? Pg. 11

12. What was the legacy (lasting impact) of Justinian? 10 & 11

13. List 3 examples of the legacy of the Romans? Pg. 11




Read pages 12-17 & then answer the questions?

14. Define the following terms:

q Judaism-

q Ten Commandments-

q Christianity-

q Islam-

q Renaissance-

q Reformation-

15. Which teaching of Judaism supports the central idea of democracy? Pg. 12

16. How are the Ten Commandments different from the laws of other groups? Pg. 13

17. Which of the Christian teachings supports the central idea of democracy? Pg. 14

18. Which teaching of Islam supports the central idea of democracy? Pg. 14

19. List 3 examples of the legacy of the Monotheistic religions? Pg. 15




20. How did the Renaissance directly contribute to the growth of democracy? Pg. 16

21. How did the Reformation indirectly contribute to the growth of democracy? Pg. 16

22. How did the printing press help promote the ideas of democracy? Pg. 16

23. Explain how “the rise of the individual” led to the growth of democracy Pg. 17

Read pages 18-23 & then answer the questions?

24. Define the following terms:

q Common law-

q Magna Carta-

q Due process of law-

q Parliament-

q Divine right-

q Bill of rights-

25. Which nation re-established democracy in the modern world? Pg. 18

26. Why was the Magna Carta so shocking and important? Pg. 19

27. What was the English Civil War an example of? Pg. 21

28. What were the main achievements of the Glorious Revolution? Pg. 22

29. What impact did the English common law have on the future United States? Pg. 23

Read pages 24-29 & then answer the questions?

30. Define the following terms:

q Enlightenment-

q Social contract-

q Natural rights-

q Separation of powers

q Representative government-

q Federal system-

31. What was the Enlightenment? Pg. 24

32. What are natural rights? Pg. 25

33. What was Thomas Hobbes’ idea of government? Pg. 24-25

34. What was John Locke’s idea of government? Pg. 24-25

35. Explain how the “Enlightenment Ideas” shaped the U.S. Constitution? Pg. 26

36. List 3 examples of the legacy of the French Revolution? Pg. 28




37. List 3 examples of how the United Nations promotes Demoracy? Pg. 28




38. Why has the idea of democracy survived wars and oppression? Pg. 29

39. Why must people be constantly watchful in maintaining democracy? Pg. 29