Faculty of Engineering Economics

Entrepreneurship and Human Resources Management Department

Approved at

the RTU Senate meeting

of 26 May 2008, Minutes No. 523

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs


Professional Bachelor Study Programme


Self-evaluation Report


Section: Accreditation

Riga, 2008

Ministry of Education and Science

Accreditation Commission of Study Programmes



1. Title of the programme: HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT

2. Education classification code: 4234519

3. Scope and duration of the

programme: 160 credit points

4 years – full-time studies

5 years – part-time studies

4. Place and mode of

implementation of the

programme: Riga

full-time and part-time (evening/day/weekends; correspondence) studies

5. Prerequisites for undertaking

the programme: general or vocational secondary education,

1st-level higher professional education in the field of human resources management

6. Degree and/or professional

qualification to be awarded: Professional Bachelor degree in labour organisation and management of organisations and the qualification ”Personnel Manager” (PS 0204)

7. Educational establishment: Riga Technical University

Legal address, telephone: Kaļķu iela 1, Riga, LV 1658. tel. 7089300

Registration certificate No.: 3341000709

8. RTU authorized person, post,

telephone: Professor of the RTU Faculty of Engineering Economics, Programme Director, Dr.oec. Jānis Ķipsna

tel. 67089015;


Rector I.Knēts


of the FEE Council meeting

Minutes No. 8 of 18 May 2008

Council members –

Present –

The Council members listened to: information presented by Dr.oec., Professor J.Ķipsna on the contents of the Self-evaluation Report of the professional Bachelor study programme ”Human resources management”.

FEE Council resolution: to recommend the Self-evaluation Report of the professional Bachelor study programme ”Human resources management” for approval by the RTU Senate.

Chairman of the FEE Council: R.Počs

Scientific secretary: N.Lāce


1. / Goals and objectives of the Programme...... / 6
2. / Organisation of the Programme...... / 7
2.1. Changes in the structure of the Programme...... / 7
2.2. Compliance of the Programme plan with RTU goals and objectives...... / 7
2.3. Operation of the internal quality management mechanism of
the Programme...... / 8
3. / Description of the Programme...... / 9
3.1. Duration and scope of implementation of the Programme...... / 9
3.2. Prerequisites for undertaking the Programme...... / 9
3.3. Location and mode of implementation of the Programme...... / 9
3.4. Scope of parts of the Programme and their distribution by time…………... / 9
3.5. Description of Programme parts...... / 10
3.6. Progression opportunities...... / 11
3.7. Advertising and informative materials about the possibilities to undertake the Programme...... / 11
4. / System of assessment...... / 12
5. / Practical implementation of the Programme...... / 14
6. / Provisional evaluation of the Programme ...... / 15
6.1. Compliance with the National Professional Higher Education Standard
and the Profession Standard...... / 15
6.2. Employers’ questionnaires...... / 18
7. / Students ...... / 19
7.1. Number of students in the Programme...... / 19
7.2. Number of students enrolled in the first year ...... / 19
7.3. Number of graduates...... / 19
7.4. Students’ questionnaires and their analysis...... / 19
7.5. Graduates’ questionnaires and their analysis ...... / 20
7.6. Participation of students in improving the study process...... / 20
8. / Academic staff engaged in the Programme...... / 20
8.1. Number of academic staff...... / 20
8.2. Appropriacy of qualification of academic staff ……………………………. / 21
8.3. Compliance of the profile of the Doctors of sciences to the branch of science of the Programme ……………………………………………………... / 22
8.4. Policy of selection, renewal, training and professional advancement of
academic staff...... / 22
9. / Sources of financing and provision with infrastructure ………………...... / 23
10. / External relations...... / 23
10.1. Cooperation with employers ...... / 23
10.2. Cooperation with higher education establishments offering similar profile programmes in Latvia and abroad...... / 24
10.3. Comparison of the Programme with similar study programmes in higher schools of the countries of the EU ……………………………………………... / 24
11. / Activities should the Programme be liquidated …………………………….. / 25
12. / Programme development plan...... / 25
Annexes...... / 28
1. Sites of keeping documents, regulations, laws and other regulatory provisions
2. List of Programme courses, scope of courses, plan of implementation of the course and academic staff involved
3. Sample copy of the Diploma Supplement on completion of the professional Bachelor study programme ”Human resources management”
4. List of the academic staff involved in the implementation of the Programme
5. CVs of the academic staff involved in the Programme
6. Comparison of the Programme with similar accredited study programmes in higher education institutions in the countries of the EU
7. Course syllabi of the Programme
8. Agreement between the Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy (RTTEMA) and Riga Technical University

1.  Goals and objectives of the Programme

The professional Bachelor study programme “Human resources management” (Annex 1, Item 1.1) is approved by the RTU Senate resolution of 15 December 2003, Minutes No. 482 (Annex 1, Item 1.2). The Programme was amended pursuant to the orders of the RTU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of 25 May 2005 (Order No. 02/18) (Annex 1, Item 1.3.) and 12 March 2007 (Order No. 02/12) (Annex 1, Item 1.4) and the RTU Senate resolution of 25 February 2008 (Minutes No. 520) (Annex 1, Item 1.5).

Pursuant to the resolution of the Accreditation Commission of 11 January 2006 No. 991 the professional Bachelor study programme ”Human resources management” (4234519) is accredited until 31 December 2008, which stipulates the right to implement the Programme and on its completion to award the professional Bachelor degree in labour organisation and management of organisations, as well as the qualification ”Personnel Manager” (Annex 1, Item 1.6).

The goal of the professional Bachelor programme “Human resources management” is to implement a study programme offering a relevant scope of theoretical knowledge and practical skills to ensure acquisition of knowledge and professional competences appropriate for the particular Professional Standard (Personnel Manager – PS 0204) (Annex 1, Item 1.7) and the 2nd-level professional higher education.

The professional Bachelor study programme envisages lectures, practical classes, practical placement and studies of literature leading to the acquisition of general subjects, fundamental branch-focused and theoretical courses, IT courses, branch-related professional specialization courses, which allow (section 3, 4, 5, 6):

·  To establish and formulate strategy, policy and goals of personnel management of an enterprise (institution, organisation) in a dynamic economic environment;

·  To plan and forecast personnel resources of an enterprise (institution, organisation);

·  To organize and manage the work of the personnel department of an enterprise (institution, organisation);

·  To provide an enterprise (institution, organisation) with the required personnel;

·  To participate in the development and assurance of operation of the system of occupational safety, and, in specific cases, to control the development of the system of occupational safety and control its performance;

·  To cooperate with the administration and managers of other structural units of an enterprise (institution, organisation) for attaining personnel strategy goals;

·  To analyze, evaluate and upgrade the personnel management system of an enterprise (institution, organisation);

·  To follow the observance of the requirements of relevant legislation effective in the Republic of Latvia regulating labour relations in an enterprise (institution, organisation);

·  To elaborate and manage international cooperation projects;

·  To prepare and conduct the analysis and assessment of performance results of a structural unit.

The attainment of the goals and objectives of the Programme is evaluated based on the results of students’ questionnaires, results of examinations and tests, academic papers, evaluation of the practical placement reports and Bachelor Thesis, as well as graduates’ and employers’ questionnaires and references.

Upon fulfilment of the requirements of the Programme, the graduates are awarded the Bachelor degree in labour organisation and management of organisations and the qualification ”Personnel Manager”.

2. Organisation of the Programme

2.1. Changes in the structure of the Programme

The structure of the Programme is designed pursuant to the LR CM Regulations No. 481 of 20 November 2001 “On the national standard of the second-level professional higher education” (Annex 1, Item 1.8.), the RTU Senate resolution of 29 April 2002, Minutes No. 467 ”On the structure of the 2nd-level professional study programmes” (Annex 1, Item 1.9).

Taking into account the recommendations of the Accreditation Commission and based on the RTU Senate resolution of 29 January 2007 “On updating of the structure of the professional study programmes” (Annex 1, Item 1.10), the following changes were made to the Programme, retaining its structure as stipulated by the state:

-  3 study projects were introduced (Computers for economists; Personnel management; Personnel planning, organisation and management) in Section 3 “Professional branch specialisation courses” of the compulsory subjects block (A);

-  the following subjects: Economics of human resources; Labour motivation theories; Labour management; Communication psychology; Project management, which were formerly included in Section 1 ”Compulsory elective professional branch specialisation courses” under the compulsory electives block (B), were moved to the Section 3 “Professional branch specialisation courses” of the compulsory subjects block (A);

-  Section 1 ”Compulsory elective professional branch specialisation courses” of the compulsory electives block (B) was complemented with the following subjects: Fundamentals of business logistics; Small business management.

2.2 . Compliance of the Programme plan with RTU goals and objectives

The goal of Riga Technical University is to provide studies and research opportunities in the main branches of science of operation of RTU. The study system at RTU is tailored to meet the requirements of the LR laws “On education”, “On higher education”, “On professional education” and other regulatory provisions and regulations in order to maximally promote the attainment of the goals laid down in the study programmes offered as well as to facilitate the fulfilment of the objectives defined. The system of studies at RTU is also governed by internal regulatory documents on relations between students and the University, and procedures and processes of organisation and implementation of studies.

Most relevant documents specifying the relations between students and the University are enrolment documents and individual agreements specifying the requirements for obtaining education, as well as regulations on internal working procedures.

Most relevant documents and governing bodies regulating, administering and determining the course, procedures and organisation of studies are:

§  RTU Charter;

§  RTU Administration and the RTU Senate;

§  Faculty Administration and the Faculty Council;

§  Programme Administration;

§  Students Self-Government;

§  Study programme;

§  Course syllabi.

Students enrolled for studies at RTU are issued the RTU Student’s Identity Card. Upon enrolment, Programme students are entitled to all the rights enjoyed by RTU students as specified by the LR laws “On education”, “On higher education establishments”, the Charter of Riga Technical University, as well as other binding documents.

Students are offered a possibility to master additional courses/subjects, to change the mode of studies and the study programme, incl. the right of the transfer of grades acquired in other higher education study programmes, as well as to temporarily (but not longer than for 2 years) suspend studies, still retaining relations with RTU.

Regulatory documents governing activities of the University are available with the Programme Administration and may also be found in the RTU home page in the Internet.

To ensure the attainment of the goals and objectives of the Programme, the 1st year is devoted to studies of compulsory core subjects – general education courses and subjects common for the whole branch forming the basis for acquisition of special knowledge and practical skills relevant for further progression. Upon commencement of studies in the Programme students receive concise informative material containing the most essential information about organisation and practical implementation of studies, as well as are offered special classes “Introduction into speciality” valued at 1 CP.

The implementation of the professional Bachelor study programme ”Human resources management” corresponds to the goals and objectives of the structural units involved.

2.3.  Operation of internal quality management mechanism of the Programme

RTU has its internal quality management system. The quality of the Programme is assessed by the Programme Administration, the respective Department implementing the Programme. as well as by the structural units involved, the Faculty Commission of the Branch Study Programmes, the Faculty Council, the RTU Senate, as well as the Faculty Students’ Self-government.

The quality assurance mechanism is functioning as follows:

·  The quality of the study programme is ensured by regular reviews and analysis of the study programme at the meetings of Programme Administration, Department meeting, the meeting of the Faculty Commission of the Branch Study Programmes, the Faculty Council meeting, and the RTU Senate when approving annual self-evaluation reports;

·  Study programme directors, heads of departments, academic and administrative personnel are regularly holding meetings on the issues of organisation and upgrading of the study programme;

·  The quality of the study programme is also assured by involving members of the Faculty Students’ Self-government who are active in participating in decision-making bodies of the University: RTU Academic Convention, RTU Senate, RTU Senate commissions and the Faculty Council;

·  Each semester the Programme Administration conducts students’ questionnaires about the quality of the work of academic staff and evaluation the study programme. The results are analyzed at the meetings of Programme Administration, Department and Faculty Council;

·  Once a year course descriptions, course syllabi of the study programme, methodological materials, latest relevant study literature and methodological guidelines on how to elaborate academic papers (reports, course papers, reports of practical placement and final programme completion thesis) are reviewed;

·  Courses and seminars are organized for the academic staff on latest teaching literature, instruction methods; academic staff are encouraged to attend qualification advancement courses;

·  Academic staff and Programme Administration participate in different experience exchange events, cooperating with higher educational establishments in other countries, meeting with representatives of the industry and entrepreneurs, as well as mutually discussing topicalities of the particular branch, students’ papers and projects and analyzing the results.