Review for Chapter 16, 11, 12, & 13– 40 multiple choice questions and one free response

Chapter 16 – Mining

1. Know the definitions for mineral and ore

2. When I talk about clean burning coal, what does that mean?

3. Know the sedimentation and hydrothermal processes are for making minerals.

4. Know the definition of spoil bank and tailings.

5. Be able to describe the environmental impact of mining.

6. Know what the General Mining Law is and what it accomplished..

7. Know how we find new minerals on the planet

8. Know what spoil bank and tailings are

9. Know the difference between surface and subsurface mining and the types.

Chapter 11 – Fossil Fuels

1. Know what scrubbers do on power plants.

2. Why is energy consumption going up?

3. How are burning fossil fuels linked to global warming and which type leads to the most global warming?

4. Know what synfuels are.

5. Know the different types of coal, what distinguishes them, which types the US has and what types do we use for power.

6. How are fossil fuels formed including gas hydrates?

7. How can we clean up pollutants from mine lands?

8. Know how fossil fuels are formed including the geology.

9. Know what petrochemicals are and what we use them for.

10. What is cogeneration.

11. Which fossil fuel is the most abundant and which will we run out of first?

Chapter 12 – Nuclear Energy

1. Know the definition of atomic mass, atomic number and isotope.

2. Know what the fuel and control rods do in a nuclear reactor

3. Know the definition of fission and fusion

4. Know the difference between low level and high level waste.

5. Know the three isotopes of uranium and the percent they are present in the earth.

6. Know the configuration of a nuclear power plant and what each part does.

7. Know what the reactor vessel is.

8. Know the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power.

9. Know about the nuclear power plant accidents.

Chapter 13 – Alternative Energy

1. Know ways you can conserve energy both in your home and beyond.

2. Know what a solar power tower is.

3. Know how improvements in energy efficiency can be obtained in your home and beyond.

4. What is passive solar heating and how you would design a home with passive solar heating.

5. Know the definition of biogas.

6. Know what biomass is and what are the advantages and disadvantages.

7. Understand what photovoltaic solar cells are.

8. Know the advantages and disadvantages of wind power.

9. Know what renewable forms of energy are and how they compare to fossil fuels.

10. Know what geothermal energy is.

11. Know what active solar heating is.

12. Know what the best way to solve our energy problems in the US.

13. What is the liquid derived from biomass.

14. What are the pros and cons of hydropower.