Returning to school after surgery
1. Bring a note from your doctor that includes any limitations you may have. (ie. no PE, no lifting, no weight bearing)
-be sure it includes how long
2. Bring a signed permission from your doctor and/or parent for any medications you may need at school.
-prescription medications need a doctor note
-over-the-counter medications need a parent note
3. See the nurse for any passes you may need
-extra time between classes (even if you are walking fine you may want to avoid the crowd & the possibility of getting bumped around in the hall)
-do you need an out of uniform pass?
If you are on crutches, please wear tennis shoes
If you have a cast or brace, do you need to wear gym
4. Remember that the first day or two back in school can be
exhausting. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, or come to the nurse’s office to take a break.
5. Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to make your return easier. Even if it is simply e-mailing teachers for you.
6. Call me with any questions:
Kathy Hunter 847-388-3343
Know that our thoughts and prayers are with you!