Exercise 2: Distinct Identity
To the Facilitator: After providing the group identity information in the box above, please type in the individual responses to each of the questions of this exercise, as well as a summary of comments from the group discussion. Use as much space as you need, and submit the completed document as a Word document attachment in a message to .
· What words and phrases are significant in the history and traditions of SUNY Fredonia?
· What words and phrases are significant about the location of SUNY Fredonia?
· What words and phrases are significant about the distinct programs of SUNY Fredonia?
· What other words and phrases come to mind when you think about what is distinct about SUNY Fredonia?
· What features of SUNY Fredonia’s history, location, and other distinctive qualities should guide our vision in the next Strategic Plan?
· What do you want people to think of when they think of SUNY Fredonia?