Issued by the State of New Mexico,
Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department,
Forestry Division
The New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department (EMNRD), Forestry Division (Division) is seeking applications (Exhibit A) to develop sustainable urban and community forestry programs at the local level from non-federal governmental entities, including public colleges and universities, and tribes and pueblos (as long as other federal funds are not involved). EMNRD may award multiple contracts as a result of this Request for Applications (RFA). Successful Applicants shall be required to provide a 1:1 match and shall not use any funds awarded for construction.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service (USFS) has provided cost-share funds, administered through the Division, specifically to support healthy community forests in New Mexico. Projects must emphasize tangible development or improvement of community forestry programs, arborist and community forestry education and professional development of local staff and citizen organizations, or maintenance and establishment of forest cover and trees in communities. Funds awarded may not be used for construction.
EMNRD seeks applications in the categories specified below to address management of community forests to sustain community forest health in New Mexico.
1) Program Development and Improvement:
Project examples - Development of citizen-based volunteer efforts and programs (tree inventory training, planting training, maintenance, etc.); community forestry board or tree board development; tree ordinance development or revision; efforts toward becoming a Tree City USA; development or implementation of community forest, street tree, or tree risk management plans; implementing tree improvement and replacement programs; maintaining and improving community tree cover; and, enhancement of existing programs and services provided.
2) Inventory and Assessment:
Project examples - Tree inventory and assessment; canopy cover mapping; assessing green infrastructure development strategies; community forest benefit assessments; and, community forest resource analysis.
3) Certification and Professional Development:
Project examples – International Society of Arboriculture certification scholarships for community foresters (study materials, exam costs, first year membership); professional development through attendance at the Municipal Forestry Institute, Arbor Day Foundation Partners in Community Forestry Conference, or other EMNRD-approved arborist or community forestry conferences; and, tree care worker training on planting, care, and maintenance of trees.
4) Training and Environmental Education:
Project examples - Arborist or community forestry training for staff and volunteers; tree planting and maintenance training for community volunteers invested in community forestry efforts; strategies for improving the understanding of the benefits of community forests; establishing demonstration projects to improve public understanding of benefits and importance of community forests; and, implementing methods to encourage owners of private and commercial properties to maintain trees on their property.
Applicants may submit applications with funding requests for any amount up to a maximum of $15,000.
The Division shall evaluate Applications on 100 possible points as specified below.
1. Does the project meet 1:1 match requirement? (yes or no) – If the answer is no, the project is not eligible for scoring.
2. Context, Goals, and Objectives (20 points possible) – Identify the community forestry issue you are addressing. Include a description of the current health of your community forest and status of your community forestry program. Clearly state your goals and objectives for the project.
3. Proposed Activities (20 points possible) – Describe the activities to be accomplished and deliverables produced. Identify how they address one or more of the following categories:
· Program Development and Improvement;
· Inventory and Assessment;
· Certification and Professional Development; or
· Training and Environmental Education.
EMNRD encourages Applicants to submit applications that address multiple project categories.
4. Project Timeline (5 points possible) – Projects shall be completed within two years of award.
5. Program Development and Sustainability (30 possible points) – Identify how this project will help the long-term sustainable development of your community forestry program, including project elements extending beyond the life of the project. Provide information about plans, programs, and partnerships that will be built upon through this project.
6. Collaboration (15 points possible) – Describe how you will use coordination and partnerships (within your own organization, or with other organizations) to improve project results, and strengthen long-term sustainability of your community forestry program.
EMNRD encourages Applicants to develop partnerships within a community and encourages cooperation with community civic organizations capable of developing grassroots community support.
7. Project Budget and Narrative (10 points possible) – Include both items to be purchased with any funding which may result from this RFA, and project contributor matching cost-share. Where applicable, applicants must factor in Governmental Gross Receipts Tax (GGRT) as part of their responses.
Please note applicants must match project funding 1:1, either in dollars, in-kind contributions, or both. Use of federal match is not allowed.
Cash Purchases are direct out-of-pocket expenditures for eligible project activities that are documented by paid invoices, cancelled checks, signed receipts, or payroll records.
In-Kind Contributions include third party donations of supplies or equipment, or value of time by employee or volunteers on eligible project activities. Assistance provided by federal employees may not be claimed as part of the in-kind match.
In-Kind Contribution Guidelines:
· volunteers - $23.07 per hour (must include sign-up sheet of volunteers, date, and hours worked);
· prison inmate labor – hourly rate charged to Applicant; if labor is free, volunteer hourly rate may be substituted;
· donated professional services – use customary rates for services provided;
· donation of materials – use customary retail rates.
This RFA provides funding on a reimbursement basis and does not reimburse for indirect costs. EMNRD shall not allow more than 10% in administrative costs. The last funded application may receive only partial funding if the Division lacks sufficient monies to fully fund that project. Project contacts will be notified by the Division Program Manager before any partial funding is approved.
Successful applicants shall be required to provide at least one written report and a reimbursement request on the projects funded through this RFA.
The contract period shall extend from the date of contract approval by EMNRD and encumbering of funds by the Department of Finance and Administration for a maximum of two years.
Contract may be awarded in accordance with the terms of the attached Exhibit A, and Governmental Services Agreement (Exhibit B) and this RFA. EMNRD shall act as the fiscal agent for successful New Mexico funding recipients.
Questions regarding this RFA shall be addressed to:
Jennifer Dann
Urban and Community Forestry Program Manager
EMNRD, Forestry Division
1220 S St. Francis Drive
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
Telephone: (505) 476-3332
The application is available for downloading from the Forestry Division website,, under the “RFPs & Grants” tab. Applicants may also contact Ms. Dann to obtain Application copies.
Applicants must submit one original completed, signed application packet with attachments (if applicable), and four identical paper copies to the above address no later than 4 p.m., MDT, Friday, July 15, 2016. Mailed documents must be physically received at EMNRD by this date and time. EMNRD shall make absolutely no exceptions for applications not received at the above location by the appointed time. RFA responses MAY NOT be sent by facsimile or e-mail.
Award of agreements is contingent upon sufficient appropriations and authorization being made by the US Forest Service and the State of New Mexico.
Where applicable, applicants must factor in Governmental Gross Receipts Tax (GGRT) as part of their responses. Any response that does not clearly indicate GGRT is included in the cost section may be deemed non-responsive and rejected.
EMNRD may cancel this RFA and may reject any and all applications when it is in the State of New Mexico’s best interest.
EMNRD may conduct discussions with Applicants who submit applications, but may also accept applications without such discussions.
Exhibit A
Dollar amount requested
Matching share
Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department
Forestry Division
2016-2017 Community Forestry Assistance Funds Application
Applicant Information
Applicant Name
Contact Person
City/State/Zip Code
Telephone (Work/Cell)
Project Summary (Check all that apply and answer related questions)
Project Name
Project type (check all that apply)
Community Forestry Program Establishment and Development
Inventory and Assessment
Certification and Professional Development
Training and Environmental Education
Context, Goals, and Objectives (2,000 characters including spaces)
Identify the community forestry issue you are addressing. Include a description of the current health of your community forest and status of your community forestry program. Identify your goals and objectives for the project.
Proposed Activities (2,000 characters including spaces)
Describe the activities to be accomplished and deliverables produced. How will the project emphasize development or improvement of community forestry programs, inventories/ assessment, professional development, and/or training and environmental education?
Project Timeline (500 characters including spaces)
Provide a timeline for the project. (Remember the length of the contract will be two years.)
Program Development and Sustainability (2,000 characters including spaces)
Identify how this project will help the long-term sustainable development of your community forestry program, including project elements extending beyond the life of the project. Provide information about plans, programs, and partnerships that will be built upon through this project.
Collaboration (2,000 characters including spaces)
Describe how you will use coordination and partnerships (within your own organization, or with other organizations) to improve project results, and strengthen long-term sustainability of your community forestry program.
Project Budget (include matching share totals from Section 6, Project Contributors)
Item (describe briefly) / $ Amount Requested / Match / Total
Dollars / In-kind
$ / $ / $ / $
$ / $ / $ / $
$ / $ / $ / $
$ / $ / $ / $
$ / $ / $ / $
$ / $ / $ / $
$ / $ / $ / $
Total / $ / $ / $ / $
Budget Narrative (2,000 characters including spaces)
Provide a detailed narrative of your project budget. Explain specific costs and match amounts listed in the budget categories in the Total Program Budget Section above. Where applicable, factor in Governmental Gross Receipts Taxes (GGRT) as part of the response.
Administrative Requirements
By signing this Application, Applicant certifies the following:
If the applicant finds discrepancies, omissions, or ambiguities in the contract documents, it will at once notify EMNRD, which will send written corrections or explanations to all applicants. EMNRD will not be responsible for any oral instructions.
If the applicant's application substantially adds to, subtracts from, or otherwise changes the provisions of this RFA, the application shall be void.
Applicant has examined all contract documents, noting particularly all stipulations that in any way affect contract work. EMNRD will not consider Applicant’s failure to acquaint itself fully with the amount and nature of the work required to fulfill all terms of the contract documents as a basis for extra compensation after a contract has been awarded.
Applicant certifies that all entities responsible for authorizing the activities of the Applicant have agreed that this application should be submitted as written.
Applicant certifies that that funds awarded to applicants by EMNRD through any contract issued pursuant to this RFA will not be used to supplant funds that the Applicant may have at its disposal from other sources.
Application Checklist
The application package must include the documents listed below. If all of the required information is not provided, EMNRD will deem the proposal as non-responsive.
Application – One original application, electronically completed, printed and signed, including applicable attachments
Four identical hard copies of the completed/signed application and applicable attachments
Submitted by:
Authorized Representative Signature Date
Printed Name and Title
Exhibit B
THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the State of New Mexico Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department (EMNRD) and New Mexico Institute of Mining and (Insert Contractor name. Remove this instruction.) (Contractor).
1. Scope of Work: Contractor shall:
(Insert brief description of work. Remove this instruction.)
Contractor shall also provide brief written progress reports to EMNRD on a (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual, with each request for payment/reimbursement or some other time frame) basis. (All contracts must have reporting requirements, or the program manager must justify the lack of reports in a written memo to the file for auditing purposes.)
2. Compensation: (For paragraph A, select option 1, 2, 3 or 4)
Option 1: Work Product. If you choose this option, delete this Option 1 heading and delete the optional Paragraph A’s below.
A. EMNRD shall pay Contractor for services satisfactorily performed pursuant to the Scope of Work and as specified below. This amount shall not exceed ______($ ______), including New Mexico gross receipts taxes, if any, and any travel pursuant to Paragraph B of this Compensation Section. EMNRD shall make payment upon the satisfactory and timely completion of the work described in the Scope of Work and for no more than the maximum amount set forth below for each deliverable:
(Insert deliverables/payment schedule here. Delete this instruction)
This amount is a maximum and not a guarantee that the work assigned to be performed by Contractor under this Agreement shall equal the amount stated herein or the amounts state per task. The parties do not intend for the Contractor to continue to provide services without compensation when the total compensation amount is reached. Contractor is responsible for notifying EMNRD when the services provided under this Agreement reach the total compensation amount. In no event shall the Contractor be paid for services provided in excess of the total compensation amount without this Agreement being amended in writing prior to those services in excess of the total compensation amount being provided. EMNRD MUST receive all invoices no later than 15 days after the termination of the Fiscal Year in which the services were delivered. Invoices received after such date SHALL NOT BE PAID.