Earth Science Culminating Project


o  Your goal is to teach third graders the most important concepts from our Earth Science unit through the use of a memorable and entertaining song.


o  You are an educational music producer (singer/song writer).


o  The audience consists of third graders around the state who are beginning their Earth Science unit, and have little to no knowledge of the subject.


o  Third grade teachers are teaching Earth Science for the first time! Third grade students are learning Earth Science for the first time! Both teachers and students are afraid there is too much to learn, and that the subject matter is boring. Your task is to create a song that is fun and memorable, that also summarizes the key concepts students need to understand for the unit.

Product, Performance, and Purpose

o  You need to write and record a song that includes the key concepts covered in our Earth Science lesson. The purpose is to determine what elements of the unit are most important to remember, and to present these in a logical sequence that can be understood by third graders and used to excite them for their own Earth Science study. You will be given the opportunity to record your song using school computers, and may use music from a popular song, or create your own melody.

Standards and Criteria for Success:

o  Songs must contain content from the Earth Science unit that is viewed as essential for understanding

o  Song recordings must be easy to understand

o  Group members must all work towards the common goal, and must self evaluate the progress of the group towards a common goal

o  Groups must evaluate the work of other groups, providing constructive feedback to ensure that all songs are worthy of sharing (publication)

Questions to consider when creating your rock song

o  What are the most important concepts learned in the unit?

o  How are the important concepts connected? How can your song make connections between important concepts meaningful to younger learners?

o  What will make your song memorable and meaningful to your audience?

Rock Song Rubric

Earth Science Song Introducing Third Graders to Important Concepts through Music

1 / Developing
2 / Accomplished
3 / Exemplary
4 / Score
Knowledge of content / Some understanding of Earth Science is demonstrated. Little information is included. Some information is incorrect and important information is left out. / Some understanding of Earth Science is demonstrated. Little information is included; all information is accurate, but important information is left out. / Adequate understanding of Earth Science is demonstrated. Key concepts are included. Appropriate connections are made. All information is accurate. / Complete understanding of unit is demonstrated. Key concepts and supporting details are included with appropriate connections made. All information is accurate.
Method of Delivery / Information is not presented in an entertaining or memorable way. Words not put to rhyme, rhythm or music. / Attempt at entertainment is unsuccessful. Words are put to Rhyme, rhythm, or music, but not all three, and/ or the attempt to do so interferes with the information. / Information is presented in song format. The song has rhythm or rhyme, but is not delivered in a memorable manner due to lack of repetition or focus on key concepts. / Song is entertaining, fun and memorable. Appropriate use of rhythm and rhyme work to support important concepts.
Written Component / Published lyrics are written, but hard to understand, or do not fully represent the song produced. No visuals are used, or do not relate to content. Grammatical errors number 6 or more / Published lyrics are presented in a neat format, and clearly demonstrate the lyrics of the final song.
Use of visuals is limited, or relation to content is unclear.
Between 3-5 grammatical errors exist in final product. / Published lyrics are presented are typed in verses, and clearly demonstrate the lyrics of the final song. Limited use of visuals are included to support the content of the song. 1-2 grammatical errors are present. / Published lyrics are typed in verses, and are easy to read directly along with the song. Visuals are used to effectively demonstrate content without interfering with presentation of lyrics. There are no grammatical errors.
Cooperative Learning / The student did not participate in one or many elements of the project. A positive attitude about the project was not illustrated. Lack of ideas and input suggests lack of motivation or understanding of content. / The student participated in most, but not all steps of the project. The student was unable to balance acting as listener and leader, either being too controlling, or too passive. The final product does not demonstrate many ideas from this student, or ideas only from this student. / The student actively participated in most or all stages of the project. The student attempted to find a balance between listening and leading, though ended up being either leader or follower. Final product shows either slightly too many or too few ideas from this student. / The student actively participated in every step of the project. Opinions of all group members were respected by the student. Ideas from this group member are clearly shown in the final product, in conjunction with ideas from every group member.