Request for Proposals RFP No. 2015-GA-02

For Security Services

Request for Proposals for Security Services

RFP No. 2015-GA-02

Massachusetts Technology Collaborative

75 North Drive

Westborough, MA 01581-3340

Procurement Team Leader: Jay McGann

RFP Issued: September 17, 2014

Bidders’ Conference: October 1, 2014

Questions Due: October 3, 2014

Answers to Questions Posted: October 8, 2014

Responses Due: October 15, 2014

1  Introduction

Massachusetts Technology Collaborative (“Mass Tech Collaborative”) is issuing this Request for Proposals for Security Services (“RFP”) (No. 2015-GA-02) to solicit responses from firms to provide security services on its 36-acre campus located at 75 North Drive, Westborough, Massachusetts (the “Campus”). The selected contractor shall provide unarmed, uniformed security guard services for the buildings and grounds on the Campus which includes, but is not limited to: (i) making tours of the Campus to the marked stations using the Morse Watchman System; (ii) making drive-by patrols; and (iii) during times not on patrol, maintaining a visible presence for employees and visitors at different stationary areas around the Campus in a marked patrol car. Respondents will be competing against each other for selection to provide the security services set forth herein (the “Services”). The submissions of all Respondents shall be compared and evaluated pursuant to the evaluation criteria set forth in this RFP, and a single Respondent shall be selected.


(a) This RFP does not commit Mass Tech Collaborative to select any firm(s), award any work order, pay any costs incurred in preparing a response, or procure or contract for any services or supplies. Mass Tech Collaborative reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to accept or reject any or all submittals received, to negotiate with any or all qualified Respondents, to request modifications to proposals in accordance with such negotiations, to request supplemental or clarifying information from respondents, or to cancel, amend or modify the RFP in any manner, in part or in its entirety, at any time.

(b) Individuals providing services to Mass Tech Collaborative may be considered “special state employees” subject to the provisions of the Massachusetts Conflict of Interest Law (M.G.L. c.268A). Mass Tech Collaborative’s Master Agreement for Services (the “Master Agreement”) requires contractors to certify, among other things, compliance with the Massachusetts Conflict of Interest law.

(c) Respondents to this RFP who are currently (or who anticipate that they prospectively may be) providing services to Mass Tech Collaborative grantees are advised to review the Mass Tech Collaborative procurement conflicts policy (located at As part of its response, Respondent must affirmatively indicate whether it has contracts for services funded in part or in whole by Mass Tech Collaborative grants.

See Section 3 for other eligibility requirements.

Background on Sponsors and Project

2.1  Massachusetts Technology Collaborative

Mass Tech Collaborative is an independent public instrumentality of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts chartered by the Commonwealth to serve as a catalyst for growing its innovation economy. Mass Tech Collaborative brings together leaders from industry, academia, and government to advance technology-focused solutions that lead to economic growth, job creation, and public benefits in Massachusetts. Mass Tech Collaborative energizes emerging markets in the high-tech sector by filling gaps in the marketplace, connecting key stakeholders, expanding broadband services, conducting critical economic analysis, and providing access to intellectual and financial capital. Mass Tech Collaborative has three primary divisions: The Innovation Institute at the MassTech Collaborative, the Massachusetts Broadband Institute, and the Massachusetts e-Health Institute. For additional information about Mass Tech Collaborative and its programs and initiatives, please visit our website at

2.2  The Campus

Mass Tech Collaborative owns and operates a 10-building, 36-acre site located in Westborough, Massachusetts. The Campus generates revenue and supports Mass Tech Collaborative’s programmatic activities. Mass Tech Collaborative actively utilizes three of the ten buildings on the Campus: (1) the George Kariotis Center serves as Mass Tech Collaborative's administrative headquarters; (2) the Karl Weiss Education and Conference Center is used by Massachusetts eHealth Institute’s (“MeHI”) Medicaid Division and for collaborative meeting space; and (3) the Innovation Center houses the Massachusetts Broadband Institute’s (“MBI”) and the Innovation Institute’s staff. Other buildings include a 72,000 square foot fabrication facility, currently leased by Kopin Corporation who retain their own security services, the headquarters for the Massachusetts Department of Fisheries and Wildlife (“DFW”), and six other unoccupied buildings dating from the late nineteenth century. The selected contractor will not be responsible for providing security services for Kopin or DFW.

3 Services Required

3.1 General

The selected contractor shall furnish unarmed, uniformed guard protection services for the protection of the Campus as set forth by Mass Tech Collaborative in its written Security Instructions (the “Instructions”) or as otherwise directed from time to time by the Mass Tech Collaborative’s duly-authorized agent in a manner consistent with the provisions of the Instructions. In addition, the selected contractor will be required to adhere to the security procedures outlined herein.

The general purposes of the security services are to:

 Ensure that trespassers do not enter the unoccupied buildings located at the Campus;

 Provide for the safety and security of all authorized individuals on the Campus after-hours, especially when walking to the parking lots; and

 Maintain a high visibility of security by conducting patrols of the grounds with a stationary post between patrols.

3.2 Alternative Solutions

Section 3.3 sets forth the specific security procedures requested by Mass Tech Collaborative. However, Mass Tech Collaborative encourages Respondents to submit alternative proposals that offer creative and effective security solutions at a lower overall cost in addition to submitting a bid based on the procedures set forth in Section 3.3. Alternative proposals must satisfy the general purposes for security services listed in Section 3.1. Mass Tech Collaborative is particularly interested in obtaining alternative proposals to achieve comparable security benefits while reducing the number of hours that security guards are required to be present on Campus patrolling the buildings and the grounds. For example, Mass Tech Collaborative is open to considering alternate approaches that leverage other modes of delivering security services, including, but not limited to: (1) remote monitoring; (2) use of video surveillance and other security technologies; and (3) increased use of periodic visits to conduct automobile and foot patrols in lieu of uninterrupted security guard assignments. NOTE: RESPONDENTS ARE STILL REQUIRED TO PROVIDE A BASE BID AND PROPOSAL THAT CONFORMS TO THE REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN SECTION 3.3.

3.3 Specific Security Procedures

(a) In general, the hours for security requirements are as follows:

 Monday through Friday: 6:00 p.m. until 1:00 a.m.

 Two (2) Drive-by patrols per night between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. (14 total per week)

 Weekends: 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 a.m.

 Holidays: 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 a.m.

These hours may increase or decrease subject to Mass Tech Collaborative’s security requirements on the Campus. In the event that modifications to the security services are required, Mass Tech Collaborative and the selected Respondent will execute an amendment to the applicable contract documents setting forth the terms of such revised security services.

(b) The selected contractor shall be responsible for following the specific security procedures set forth below.

1. Commencement of Security Operations: Upon arrival at Mass Tech Collaborative’s Campus for the first shift Monday through Friday, the Security Officer will:

 Go to the Security Box on the right side of the Innovation building by the double doors to obtain the Security Log book, the Morse Watchman System equipment, and any other required equipment to begin the shift;

 Begin regular patrols on foot in good weather or in a marked vehicle during inclement weather.

2. The Morse Watchman Security System: Mass Tech Collaborative uses the Morse Watchman Security System to ensure that the hourly patrols are being performed. The instructions for conducting the tour, the stations of the tour in sequential order, the incident codes and the staff ID chart are all contained in the Morse Watchman Security Booklet located with the contractor’s Post Orders book (as approved by the Mass Tech Collaborative). Several of the buildings have multiple Morse Watchman Stations, in the front, rear and sides of the buildings that will need to be checked during the tour.

A summary of security patrol procedures is appended hereto as Attachment C.

3.4 Other Requirements

If selected under this RFP, Respondent shall be required to:

 Provide all Security Officers with distinctive company uniforms identifying themselves as security officers, with uniforms befitting the time of year.

 A marked company vehicle will be required to be on Campus at all times at an area designated by the Mass Tech Collaborative, to provide the visible presence of security even when the security company is not on duty. Respondents are required to include in their bid the cost of providing a marked company vehicle for use by the Security Guards on Mass Tech Collaborative’s Campus. If MassTech elects not to include this element in the contract awarded under this RFP, the selected contractor will be required to provide two magnetic signs (to be approved by the Mass Tech Collaborative) that shall be affixed to the doors of the Security Guard’s vehicle while duty at the Mass Tech Collaborative Campus.

 Provide a working cell phone that the security guard shall carry at all times for the purpose of providing the security services set forth herein.

 Have a 24/7 operation with a live supervisor for emergencies or calls.

 Provide all training necessary for the Security Guards to perform their duties on the Mass Tech Collaborative Campus.

 Provide mobile supervision of Security Guards, detailing when and how often the supervisor will visit the Mass Tech Collaborative site.

 Develop Post Orders for approval by Mass Tech Collaborative that are site specific for the Mass Tech Collaborative campus. The Post Orders will contain detailed instructions for the security guards explaining what to do in the case of emergencies. They will list the chain-of- command phone numbers and also the local Police and Fire department phone numbers. Post Orders will be submitted within thirty (30) days of notice of contract award.

 Participate in bi-weekly meetings with Mass Tech Collaborative staff and as otherwise necessary to ensure Mass Tech Collaborative’s satisfaction with the services provided hereunder.

 Provide an Activities Log Book for the submittal of a “Daily Activity Report” on a standard Daily Activity Report form. The reports will be filled out and left daily in a designated area. The report will include the times of rounds made during the shift, the times the nightly cleaning company arrived and departed, and any incidents that happened during the shift that the Facilities Manager should be made aware of and what actions, if any, were taken.

4 Submission of Responses

4.1 Schedule

The RFP process will proceed according to the following anticipated schedule:

September 17, 2014 / RFP Issued the Mass Tech Collaborative
October 1, 2014 / Site Visit and Bidders Conference
October 3, 2014 / Deadline to submit Questions and Clarification Inquiries by 5:00 p.m.
October 8, 2014 / Responses to Questions posted by the Mass Tech Collaborative by 5:00 p.m.
October 15, 2014 / Responses due to the Mass Tech Collaborative by 3:00 p.m.

Responses will be due no later than 3:00 p.m. EST, on October 15, 2014 Responses received later than the date and time specified will be rejected or deemed non-conforming and may be returned to the Respondent unopened. Mass Tech Collaborative assumes no responsibility or liability for late delivery or receipt of responses.

4.2 Bidders’ Conference

A bidders’ conference will be held on October 1, 2014 at 11:00 a.m., in Room 104 of the Weiss Center. A tour of the Campus will be provided during this conference. Therefore, all prospective respondents are required to attend this conference in person. Directions to the Mass Tech Collaborative’s offices can be found at

While registration is not required to attend the Bidders’ Conference, it is requested that you call or email in advance to notify Mass Tech Collaborative of your intent to attend: Jay McGann, 508-870-0312 ext.401 or email .

4.3 Questions

Questions regarding this RFP must be submitted by electronic mail to with the following Subject Line: “Questions – RFP No. 2015-GA-02. All questions must be received by 5:00 p.m. EST on October 3, 2014. Responses to all questions received will be posted on or before 5:00 p.m. on October 8, 2014 to Mass Tech Collaborative and Comm-Buys website(s).

4.4 Instructions for Submission of Responses:

Respondents are cautioned to read this RFP carefully and to conform to its specific requirements. Failure to comply with the requirements of this RFP may serve as grounds for rejection.

(a)  All responses must be submitted in writing, on 8 ½ x 11 paper (including all required submissions), with one (1) unbound original; one (1) unbound copy; and three (3) bound copies (no three ring binders); and one electronic version (.pdf or .doc) thereof.

Respondents are cautioned to review Attachment A, prior to submitting an electronic copy of their response. In accordance with the procedures set forth in Attachment A, any information that Respondent has identified as “sensitive information” in the hard copy of their Response should be deleted from the electronic copy prior to submission to Mass Tech Collaborative.

(b)  Responses must be delivered to:

Request for Proposals No. 2015-GA-02

Massachusetts Technology Collaborative

75 North Drive

Westborough, MA 01581

(c)  A statement indicating compliance with the terms, conditions and specifications contained in this RFP must be included in the response. Submission of the signed Authorized Respondent’s Signature and Acceptance Form (Attachment B2) shall satisfy this requirement.

(d) Any and all data, materials and documentation submitted to Mass Tech Collaborative in response to this RFP shall become Mass Tech Collaborative’s property and shall be subject to public disclosure under the Massachusetts Public Records Act. In this regard, Respondents are required to sign the Authorized Respondent’s Signature and Acceptance Form, set forth as Attachment B2 hereto.