Statement of Basis xxx, xx, 2010

Renewal of Title V Federal Operating Permit No. 13003 Page 3

Calpine Greenleaf Unit One

1007 Live Oak Blvd, Suite B-3 FEATHER RIVER Yuba City, CA 95991






Title V Permit No.: / 13003
Reviewing Engineer: / Baldwin


FACILITY NAME: Calpine Greenleaf Unit One

LOCATION: 5087 South Township Road

Yuba City, CA 95993

MAILING ADDRESS: Calpine Corporation

Greenleaf Unit One Associates

PO Box 330

Yuba City, CA 95992-3330


Vice President

Yuba City Cogeneration Partners, L.P.

(916) 447-5171

CONTACT PERSON: Daniel Richardson

Plant Manager

Yuba City Cogeneration

(530) 755-3280


The Title V Federal Operating Permit is intended to be a document containing only enforceable terms and conditions as well as any additional information, such as the identification of emission units, emission points, emission sources and processes, that makes the terms meaningful. 40 CFR Part 70.7(a)(5) requires that each Title V permit have an accompanying "...statement that sets forth the legal and factual basis for the draft permit conditions". The purpose of this Statement of Basis is to satisfy the above requirement by providing pertinent details regarding the permit and application data and permit conditions in a more easily understandable format. This report will also include background narrative and explanations of regulatory decisions made by the reviewer. It should be emphasized that this Statement of Basis, while based on information contained in the permit, is a separate document and is not itself an enforceable term and condition of the permit.


This Statement of Basis is for the first renewal of the Title V Federal Operating Permit No. 13003 for Calpine Greenleaf Unit One. The initial Title V permit was issued November 08, 2001 with an expiration date of November 07, 2006. The Title V permit renewal application was received on September 02, 2005. Calpine Greenleaf Unit One is currently operating under an application shield as specified in FRAQMD Rule 10.3.D.1 because they submitted the application for permit renewal during the required submittal period of 6 - 18 months prior to permit expiration (FRAQMD Rule 10.3.D.2.b). The application shield will be removed when the Title V permit is renewed.


The Calpine Greenleaf Unit One facility is a natural gas-fired cogeneration facility used to generate electricity and produce useful thermal energy. In addition to electrical energy produced by both the gas turbine and steam turbine generators, Greenleaf Unit One provides a drying service for locally produced biomass and forest products.

The major mechanical components of the power generation side of the plant include a single gas-fired turbine-generator set, an associated natural circulation duct-fired heat-recovery steam generator (HRSG); and a condensing steam turbine-generator set. Other major systems include a cooling tower, switchgear, and the main transformer for produced electricity. In addition, the facility has water wells, water and wastewater treatment facilities, and facilities and equipment for biomass drying. The latter includes “untreated” wood product handling, drying, and storage facilities. The plant can be divided into three inter-related functional systems:

1.  The gas turbine and exhaust heat recovery system, a flow-through system including an evaporate cooler, a gas turbine-generator, the HRSG, exhaust stacks, the wood chip dryer and cube processing facility;

2.  The steam cycle, a loop interlacing with the exhaust heat recovery system through the HRSG, and consisting of a turbine and generator, condenser, and feed pump; and,

3.  The circulating water system, a loop connected with the steam cycle system via the condenser, consisting of a cooling tower and circulating water pump.

Gas Turbine and Exhaust Heat Recovery System

For the gas turbine and exhaust heat recovery system, combustion air enters the evaporative cooler, where it is adjusted to an optimized temperature and then compressed in the gas turbine. Natural gas is injected into the compressed air and burned in the combustion section of the gas turbine. Combustion exhaust drives the gas turbine-generator, and produces electricity. The gas turbine-generator is a 46 MW (at design ambient conditions), General Electric LM 6000 machine complete with lube oil system, inlet air filtration, starting system, fire protection, and microprocessor based control panel. The combustion section of the turbine includes steam injection for nitrogen oxides emission control. The electrical generator is air-cooled using water-to-air heat exchange.

The gas turbine exhaust flows through ductwork to the HRSG, a chamber enclosing coils through which water is pumped to produce steam. A supplemental burner in the duct increases the inlet temperature of the turbine exhaust gas to raise the HRSG's steam output. The HRSG is a duel pressure, natural circulation unit producing high pressure superheated steam and low pressure saturated steam. After the gas turbine exhaust passes through the HRSG, it is released through the plant's main stack or a portion is diverted to the dryers where materials are dried by direct contact with the hot flue gas.

Steam Cycle System

The steam cycle produces additional electrical power by expanding steam from the HRSG through a steam turbine generator. The steam turbine-generator is a 23 MW, dual admission, condensing machine with lube oil system, steam seal system, electrohydraulic controls, and turning gear.

Circulating Water System

The circulating water system provides cooling water for the condenser and auxiliary coolers (such as lube oil coolers and vacuum pump coolers). The major components in the system include a two-cell, counterflow, mechanical draft cooling tower, two vertical circulating water pumps, underground supply and return headers, and acid and chlorine addition systems.

Biomass Drying

The drying process entails the delivery of a steady flow of uniformly sized “untreated” wood products into controlled contact with hot exhaust gases from the HRSG exit. The system consists of three rotary dryers, each with cyclone separators, induced draft fans, exhaust stacks, and interconnecting ductwork.

The dryers are rated for 425,000 lb/hr gas flow with a 350 degrees F inlet. Also included in the system is the mechanical equipment used to size and convey the high moisture content “untreated” wood products to the dryer, and the equipment to convey the dried material to truck load-out facilities.

In typical operations, trucks delivering high moisture content “untreated” wood products are weighed at the scale, then driven to the hydraulic truck dumper area for offloading. The high moisture content product is placed in the dryer feed hoppers with a front-end loader and conveyed to the dryers. After processing through the dryers, the product is pneumatically conveyed to cyclone separators for separation of waste fines and finished product. The dry finished product collected from the cyclone separator is conveyed to the storage bay then loaded by front-end loaders onto trucks for offsite delivery. The waste fines are collected and disposed.



Manufacturer: General Electric

Model No.: LM6000-GE-NGA

Serial No.: Unknown

Type: Combined cycle

Emission Control: Steam injection

Fuel: Natural gas

Max. Heat Input: 450 MMBTU/hour

Net Output: 46 MW


Manufacturer: Coen

Model No.: Unknown

Serial No.: Unknown

Emission Control: Low NOx combustion design

Fuel: Natural gas


Rotary Dryer #1

Manufacturer: MCE

Model No.: 12’ x 42’ single pass rotary dryer

Emission Control: Cyclone Separator

Rotary Dryer #2

Manufacturer: Stearnes-Roger

Model No.: 10’ X 60’ single pass rotary dryer

Emission Control: Cyclone Separator

Rotary Dryer #3

Manufacturer: Hiel

Model No.: 12’ x 42’ single pass rotary dryer

Emission Control: Cyclone Separator


An insignificant activity is any activity, process or emissions unit which is not subject to a source-specific requirement of a State Implementation Plan, preconstruction permit or federal standard and which: 1) meets the FRAQMD's “Criteria for Specific Source Categories” or 2) emits no more than 0.5 tons per year of a federal hazardous air pollutant (HAP) and no more than two tons per year of a regulated pollutant that is not a HAP.

Equipment or Process / Basis for Designation as Insignificant Activity /
Mobile Equipment (nonroad vehicles) / Rule 4.3 a. and g.
Mobile Equipment (road vehicle) / Rule 4.3 a.
HVAC equipment / Rule 4.3 d. and e.
RTC66 Cat fork lift (nonroad vehicle) / Rule 4.3 a.
Solvent cleaning tank (Safety Kleen) / Rule 3.14 a. Rule 10.3 B.15 a
2-Quincy Northwest QNW-C30 air compressors electric drive w/ evaporative coolers. / Electric
Turbine lube oil tanks (vapor pressure < 1.5 psig) / Rule 3.9 capacity and vapor pressure
Rule 10.3 B.7d
Emergency feedwater pump / Steam Drive
Diesel storage tank / Rule 3.9 capacity and vapor pressure
Rule 10.3 B.7c
Brazing, welding, soldering associated with maintenance. / Rule 10.3 B 17


None requested by permittee.


Equipment / Maximum Allowable Annual Emissions
tons per year
ROC / NOx / SOx / PM10 / CO
Gas Turbine
Duct Burner / 37 / 200 / 25 / 10.6 / 102
Biomass processing plant / 0 / 0 / 0 / 23.1 / 0
Total / 37 / 200 / 25 / 33.7 / 102

Feather River Air Quality Management District

Statement of Basis xxx, xx, 2010

Renewal of Title V Federal Operating Permit No. 13003 Page 8

Calpine Greenleaf Unit One

Facility-wide Requirements

FRAQMD Rule 1,1 - Definitions

SIP approved: 04-12-1982 (47 FR 15585)

Rule Description: This rule provides definitions of terms used in permitting and prohibitory requirements.

Compliance Status: The rule does not require the permittee to take any actions.

FRAQMD Rule 3.0 - Visible Emissions

SIP approved: 04-12-1982 (47 FR 15585)

Rule Description: This rule limits the discharge of air contaminants into the atmosphere through visible emissions and a 40% opacity limitation.

Compliance Status: All equipment complies with the visible emission requirement.

FRAQMD Rule 3.3 - Dust and Fumes

SIP approved: 04-12-1982 (47 FR 15585)

Rule Description: This rule regulates emissions of particulate matter (PM) from sources that "process" materials that emit particulate matter. The allowable particulate matter emission is based on the weight of the material "processed".

Compliance Status: The FRAQMD has determined that the rule is not applicable to this source. Compliance with the emission limitations and operating requirements in the permit constitute presumptive compliance with Rule 3.3.

FRAQMD Rule 3.11- Posting of Permit

SIP approved: 09-22-1972 (37 FR 19812)

Rule Description: This rule requires that a permit be posted or be readily available at all times on the operating premises.

Compliance Status: The permittee complies with this requirement.

FRAQMD Rule 3.14 - Solvent Degreasing

SIP approved: 05-03-1982 (47 FR 18856)

Rule Description: This rule regulates emissions of volatile organic compounds from solvent containers greater than 55 gallons capacity.

Compliance Status: The permittee does not store solvents in containers which exceed 55 gallons capacity but will comply with the rule requirements if they do store such containers in the future.

FRAQMD Rule 3.15 - Architectural Coatings

SIP approved: 05-03-1982 (47 FR 18856)

Rule Description: This rule limits the quantity of volatile organic compounds in architectural coatings supplied, sold, offered for sale, applied, solicited for application or manufactured for use within the FRAQMD.

Compliance Status: The affected coatings used by the permittee are received and stored in containers that display the required manufacturer's labels and demonstrate compliance with the rule's requirements.

FRAQMD Rule 4.0 - General Requirements

SIP approved: 04-12-1982 (47 FR 15585)

Rule Description: This rule provides a procedure for the review of new sources of air pollution and of the modification and operation of existing sources through the issuance of permits.

Compliance Status: The permittee has obtained permits for all sources that require permits.

FRAQMD Rule 4.1 - Permits Required

SIP approved: 04-12-1982 (47 FR 15585)

Rule Description: This rule requires an Authority to Construct and a Permit to Operate for sources of air contaminant emissions.

Compliance Status: The permittee has received permits for all sources that require permits.

FRAQMD Rule 4.5 - Conditional Approval

SIP approved: 04-12-1982 (47 FR 15585)

Rule Description: This rule allows the FRAQMD Air Pollution Control Officer to issue permits with conditions that bring the operation of the subject equipment within the standards of the FRAQMD rules.

Compliance Status: The permittee has received conditional permits for sources at their facility and they are in compliance.

FRAQMD Rule 4.14- Posting of Permit

This rule is the same as FRAQMD Rule 3.11.

SIP approved: 04-12-1982 (47 FR 15585)

Rule Description: This rule requires that a permit be posted or be readily available at all times on the operating premises.

Compliance Status: The permittee complies with this requirement.

FRAQMD Rule 9.5 - Air Pollution Control Equipment - Scheduled Maintenance

SIP approved: 04-12-1982 (47 FR 15585)

Rule Description: This rule requires that the source notify the FRAQMD Air Pollution Control Officer of any shutdown of the air pollution control equipment.

Compliance Status: The permittee notifies the FRAQMD Air Pollution Control Officer of any such shutdown and is in compliance.

FRAQMD Rule 9.6 - Equipment Breakdown

SIP approved: 04-12-1982 (47 FR 15585)

Rule Description: This rule requires that the source notify the FRAQMD Air Pollution Control Officer of any breakdown of equipment that causes a violation of FRAQMD rules.

Compliance Status: The permittee notifies the FRAQMD Air Pollution Control Officer of any such breakdown and is in compliance.

FRAQMD Rule 10.3 - Title V Federal Operating Permits

SIP approved: The rule is not SIP approved but the rule is applicable because it is part of the FRAQMD Title V Federal Operating Permit program approved by U.S. EPA on 11-21-2003 (68 FR 65637).

Rule Description: This rule sets forth the procedures for review, issuance, modification and renewal of Title V federal operating permits.

Compliance Status: The permittee has submitted a timely and complete Title V renewal permit application.

Feather River Air Quality Management District

Statement of Basis xxx, xx, 2010

Renewal of Title V Federal Operating Permit No. 13003 Page 19

Calpine Greenleaf Unit One

Equipment Specific Requirements
Gas Turbine and Duct Burner

FRAQMD Rule 3.2 - Particulate Matter Concentrations