CHAPTER 17 PP. 468-500


Renaissance humanism secular patron perspective vernacular

city-states classical arts The Prince utopia Northern Renaissance

Christian humanists indulgence Reformation 95 Theses Lutheran Protestant

Peace of Augsburg Anglican annul Act of Supremacy predestination Calvinism

Peasant’s Revolt Presbyterian Anabaptist Catholic Reformation Council of Trent


Medici Castiglione Michelangelo Donatello Leonardo da Vinci Raphael

Petrarch Machiavelli Holbein Jan van Eyck Bruegel Erasmus

Thomas More Shakespeare Gutenburg Martin Luther Tetzel Charles V

Henry VIII Catherine of Aragon Mary Anne Boleyn Elizabeth Edward VI

Jesuits John Calvin Henry Knox Ignatius Loyola


Florence Greece & Rome Wittenburg Flanders


Why did the Renaissance begin in Italy?

How did classical ideas influence the Renaissance ?

Explain the idea of a Renaissance man.

How was art revolutionized during the Renaissance?

How did literature change during the Renaissance?

How was the Northern Renaissance different from the Italian Renaissance?

How did Northern writers try to reform society?

How did printing spread Renaissance ideas?

What was the legacy of the Renaissance?

What were the causes of the Reformation?

Why did Henry VIII break from the Church?

Explain the purpose of the Catholic Reformation.

What were the political, social and religious effects of the Reformation.