Renaissance: A new way of thinking
High School Subject:World History
Social Studies - History
Core Content
SS-H-5.3.1 - During the Renaissance and Reformation, humans began to rediscover the ideas of the Classical Age and to question their place in the universe.
During the Renaissance, a great cultural awakening spread throughout Europe challenging contemporary thoughts.
A. Identify three significant ideas or discoveries of the Renaissance.
B. Select one idea or discovery and explain how it changed society.
Examples to Look for in a Student Response
Literature - new form (sonnet); written in vernacular; humanism emphasized
Printing Press - Cheap books; more books and pamphlets available; books published in vernacular
Catholic Church - abuses criticized, ideology challenged (church positions, indulgences), Inquisition, index, political power
Art - new media (oil), real life, perspective, return to classical style and values, Old Masters
Philosophy - humanism, Christian Humanism, individualism, secular
education - Universities, humanities, humanist replace clergy as teachers, classical values
Social Classes - upper class expands to include merchants and bankers
Architecture - return to classical styles, domes and columns, comfort and beauty in buildings.
Scoring Guide
4 -Student identifies 3 ideas and/or discoveries; selected one and explained in detail how it changed society
3 -Student identifies 3 ideas and/or discoveries; and provided a limited explanation of how it changed society.
2 -Student identifies 2 ideas and/or discoveries; and explained briefly how one changed society.
1 -Student identified 1-2 ideas and/or discoveries; did not explain impact.