Easter Sunrise Children’s Message

Jesus is Alive--Death Has Lost Its Sting”

Linda tells the story using a bumblebee hand puppet. It is hidden at the beginning of the story. Mike is the character in her story and is seated in a chair as if riding in a car. Act up…ad lib.

“Once there was a little boy named Mikey who was on a trip in the car with his father. It was a wonderful warm day so they had the windows down in their car. Mike loved stick his hand out the window and make a flying plane. His dad laughed. But he also wanted Mikey to be safe and not hurt, so he didn’t let him stick his whole arm out of the window. When it was time to get gas, they both went inside and got a pop to drink. It was going to be a wonderful day.

As they drove off again, they rolled up the windows and turned on the air conditioner. Then they saw it. Something had come into the car through the open window when they were getting their soft drinks. Guess what it was…wait…I hear it….buzz….buzz… can you guess? Right! It was a bee. Mikey was allergic to bee stings…so he screamed…”Aaagh….Dad, there’s a bee in here…Dad, don’t let him sting me…Do something”

Just like that (snap) Mikey’s dad grabbed the bee with his hand…and held it tight. “You got it, Dad” said Mikey.

But then Mikey’s dad did the most unusual thing…he winced…and then he slowly opened his hand and let the bee go. “What are you doing, Dad” screamed Mikey. The bee will get me now!

“Don’t worry, Mikey” said his Dad. Then he opened his hand and showed him. On the middle of his palm was a red swollen mark with a little black thing in it. It was the bee’s stinger. He explained, “Mikey, the bee only has one sting. When it stung me, it left the stinger right here. It can’t hurt you anymore. You don’t have to be afraid of it anymore.”The end.

How is this like what Jesus did for us? Who can think of a way?

Mike: I will read something from the Bible. When you hear the word “sting” I want you to clap your hands once. Read I Corinthians 15: 54b-57-(“Then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.”

55 “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?”

56 The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”)

It says that on the last day when this world is over…everyone who trusts in Jesus will be gathered together…Then the saying will be true…

After reading… I will say the first part: “Jesus is alive” and you say the second part: “Death has lost its sting.”

Copyright 2012 Kids Kount Publishing, Omaha, NE 68137,