Reitz Union Game Room Request Form
This form is to request use of the Reitz Union Game Room. Requesting a reservation does not ensure that you have a reservation. A reservation confirmation will be emailed when the reservation is reviewed accepted. It is a good practice to keep this confirmation until after the event. You may fill out a downloadable version of this form and complete the form returning it to the Reitz Union Game Room or fax to (352) 392-6702 attention Charlotte. Please check Reservation Rates to see our prices for group reservations before completing this form.
· All Requests must be submitted at least 5 days prior to the event.
· No Reservations are made for Friday or Saturday night after 8pm or for groups smaller than 15 people.
· Please read the entire Terms and Conditions before completing this form.
Organization or Party Name:______
Contact Name:______Phone Number:______
E-Mail (Please print legibly):______
Responsible person here with the group at the event:______
Event Title:______
Estimated Attendance:______
Event Date: ______
Event Start Time: ______AM/PM End Time ______AM/PM
How many bowling lanes will you need (max of 8)? ______
How many billiard tables will you need (max of 8)? ______
Are you planning to serve food or beverages? Y/N
Do you need additional 6 foot tables for food or registration? Y/N
If yes, how many are needed? ______
Please provide age of attendees and number of chaperones if any attendees are under age of 18:
Ages of anyone under 18______# of Adults ______
Are bumper lanes needed for your party? Y/N
Bumpers can be used by children under 12 years of age only!
If yes, how many lanes of bumpers do you need? ______
Are you going to have any outside vendors provide equipment? Y/N
If so what kind of equipment? ______
Does anyone in your group require handicap access? Y/N
Payment Information (PLEASE CHECK ONE)
q UF Student (non-registered organization)
§ A valid UF Student ID required at check-in to receive UF Student rates.
§ Only payment by cash or credit card the night of the event will be accepted.
q Registered UF Student Organizations:
§ Must be a registered UF Student Organization.
§ If the reservation is going to be paid by Student Government a blue slip must be given to the Game Room at least two days prior to the event.
Check payment method:
¨ Payment thorough Student Government Funds. A Blue Slip must be obtained from Student Government and given to the Game Room at least two days prior to the event. If the Game Room does not receive a blue slip PRIOR to the event, the person in charge of the event will have to pay from personal funds the night of the event.
¨ Payment by cash, organization check, or credit card the night of the event.
q UF Departments:
Payment information must be received at least 5 days prior to the event. However your department will not be charged until after the event. Reservations not having billing information at least 5 days before the event are subject to cancellation without notice.
q P-Card (If the person whose name is on the P-card is not going to be coming in with the group then please choose the Direct Bill option below. We can direct bill the charges then a P-card can be used to pay the invoice. Please do not fax, e-mail or call with credit card information to the Reitz Union for any reason. These methods of transmission are not secure and will put you at risk for identity theft)
q Would like it direct billed to:
Organization: ______
Attention To: ______
Street Address: ______
City/State ______
Zip Code ______
Phone Number ______
All direct bill requests will be reviewed and approved before a reservation confirmation is sent.
Non-UF or Non-UF Funds
q Credit Card the night of the event
q Check or Cash the night of the event
q Would like it direct billed to:
Organization: ______
Attention To: ______
Street Address: ______
City/State ______
Zip Code ______
Phone Number ______
All direct bill requests will be reviewed and approved before a reservation confirmation is sent.
q I have reviewed my reservation request and everything is correct and completed.
q I have read and understand the terms and conditions of reserving the Reitz Union Game Room.
Signed: ______
Printed Name: ______
Terms and Conditions
All reservations are accepted on a first come, first served basis. Priority is given only to regular University and/or Union functions based on the University calendar, i.e. Leagues, GatorNights!, etc. Requesting a reservation does not insure that you have a reservation. A Reservation Confirmation will be e-mailed when the reservation is reviewed accepted. It is a good practice to keep this confirmation until after the event.
The Reitz Union does not reserve the whole area for one group’s use. The maximum amount of bowling lanes and billiard tables we will reserve at one time is 8 each. The area also cannot be reserved for after hours or overnight (lock in) groups.
We reserve to groups larger than 15 people and require that a reservation be requested at least 5 days prior to the event. We do not reserve any part of the Game Room after 8pm on Fridays or Saturday nights. A reservation can not continue past 8pm on these days.
Please be sure to cancel any lanes or tables that you do not plan to use as soon as possible. No shows will be reported to the Game Room manager. After two reported no shows the Game Room reserves the right to not reserve to that group in the future.
We recommend that if you are making the reservation for younger children that you have not more than 4 or 5 children per lane. If you have older children (over 10) or adults, it is your choice how many people per lane up to 8 people per lane. This may however cause them not to get much bowling done in the time allotted. We suggest that you do not put more than 6 people per lane.
Bumpers are reserved for children under the age of 10 only. No one older than age 10 can use the bumpers.
On Thursday nights from 10pm – 12am we have Extreme bowling (blacklight bowling) Groups can make a reservation during this time but understand that we will be doing Extreme Bowling during those hours.
Student Organizations - Program Planning Form/Permit
All UF student organizations are REQUIRED to complete the Program Planning Form online at for any on-campus event other than a meeting. All required signatures must be obtained and the completed form returned to the Student Activities Office for final approval two weeks prior to the event. Failure to obtain the permit or final approval could result in the cancellation of your event.
UF Students (non-registered Student Organizations) can pay by cash, VISA, MASTERCARD, American Express, or Discover Card the night of the event. We can also accept your UF ID as payment if it is linked to your Wells Fargo account. You must present your valid UF Student ID to receive student rates for the reservation.
Student Organizations that are funded by Student Government must secure funding from SG Finance and provide the Game Room with the blue Authorization to Purchase form at least two days prior to the event. Failure to do so could result in the cancellation of your event or Student Government’s denial to pay the invoice. Any charges that go over the amount of the “blue slip” must be paid for out of pocket the night of the event by the person responsible for the reservation.
Student Organizations that are NOT funded by Student Government will have to pay the night of the event by cash, organizational check, or credit card.
University departments: Billing information for University Department functions is required prior to the event. Departments will be required to notify Game Room manager of their intent to set up a purchasing requisition within 5 days of making the reservation. The cost will not be charged to the department until the month following of the event; however, we need the correct billing information either at the time the reservations is made or within the next 5 days. Failure to provide this information will result in the cancellation of the reservation. The JWRU vendor code is RU and the vendor number is 2476. University departments can also provide the Game room manager with their PeopleSoft Chartfield String (Department ID Number, Fund Code, Program Code, and Account Code) and an inter-departmental purchase can be done.
If a Pcard is going to be used to pay for the event the person that the Pcard belongs to needs to be at the event. If the person that’s name is on the Pcard can not attend we can direct bill the charges and when the department gets the invoice they can contact the Reitz Union Business Office to pay with the Pcard. All direct bill requests will be reviewed and approved before a reservation confirmation is sent. If approved, an invoice will be mailed to the contact person listed for the event after the event takes place. Payment is due within 30 days of receipt of invoice.
Non-UF or Non-UF Funded events: We do accept VISA, MASTERCARD, American Express, or Discover Card credit or debit cards, personal checks or cash. All checks must be written to the University of Florida and you must present a drivers license and current address.
If you wish to have the charges direct billed to your organization this must be noted when making the reservation. All direct bill requests will be reviewed and approved before a reservation confirmation is sent. If approved, an invoice will be mailed to the contact person listed for the event after the event takes place. Payment is due within 30 days of receipt of invoice. The JWRU accepts payment in the form of cash, check (payable to the University of Florida) or credit card (MasterCard, Visa). All direct bill requests will be reviewed and approved before confirmation of the reservation is sent.
Any student organization, department or non-UF person that fails to pay a bill will be denied use of the JWRU until such obligations are met.
Tax-Exempt Organizations
If you are a tax-exempt organization you must fax a copy of the organization's tax-exempt certificate to us at 352-392-6702 attention Charlotte three days prior to the event. If this is not done then your organization will be charged tax for the event. This is a state regulation that the Reitz Union must follow stating that we have the tax-exempt certifications prior to the day of the event.
K-12 Schools, Church groups, or large groups with young children
You must have one chaperone for every 10 children under the age of 16 in your group. The chaperones must remain with the children at all times. A rules page will be sent to the contact person making the reservation. Please explain these rules to all members of your group. Also explain that they are expected to behave maturely and to respect the building and grounds. Vandalism will not be tolerated. If desired, a JWRU staff person could address your group at the beginning of your event to discuss JWRU policies. Please contact Charlotte Dare, Game Room manager at 352-392-7186 or e-mail to make arrangements.
Game Room patrons are permitted to bring in nonperishable snacks and beverages, and similar “store-bought” prepared foods. Items such as cookies and birthday cakes are also approved. “Pot-luck” type items that require refrigeration, heating, or similar temperature control in order to preserve food quality and safety are prohibited.
Game Room patrons will not have access to University or JWRU food preparation facilities or related equipment and supplies, including but not limited to: kitchens, refrigerators, ice machines, ovens, stoves, Reitz Union food court, Orange and Brew,restaurant seating areasor other Gator Dining facilities.
The use of hot plates, crock pots, open flame burners, canned heat (Sterno), chafing fuels, or similar methods or products by Game Room patrons is prohibited at all times. Patrons are responsible for cleaning up following activities where food is brought in. All trash will be disposed of in approved containers. The JWRU will assess cleaning charges or deposits if JWRU personnel are required to provide clean-up services and/or if furnishings or facilities are damaged or soiled.
If any 6-foot tables and tablecloths are needed to accommodate your food, presents, etc. please note that on the reservation form.
No alcohol or smoking is permitted in either the Game Room, in the Reitz Union or outside areas of the Union.
Reitz Union Game Room prohibits taping, stapling or otherwise attaching items to any walls, doors, curtains, windows, floors or ceilings. Candles are not allowed. Confetti may be used on tables only. All equipment, decorations, etc. provided by the group must be removed immediately following the event. Any decorative items left behind will become the property of the Reitz Union Game Room and will be disposed of at its discretion. Additional charges may be applied to your group if extensive cleaning or removal of items by JWRU staff is required.
Rental Equipment from Outside Vendors
If additional equipment will be rented for use in the Reitz Union Game Room it must be noted on the reservation form. The manager reserves the right to deny use of some equipment.