Instructions for Hiring Packet
Checklist of Required items. Use this as your guide.
Original Drug Screening Agreement to submit to Drug/Alcohol Testing Form (you will receive this shortly and be asked to fax. Please send the original in this Hiring Packet.)
Copy of PGY1 Certificate
If you do not have a certificate, you must request that your PGY1 program send verification that you are on target to graduate. When you get your certificate, please provide us a copy.
Copy of all Residency certificates, if applicable (or letter from the program verifying anticipated graduation)
Copy of LSBME License wallet Card/GETP Please note the expiration date where requested. If you have not yet received your license, please note that. On the back of the checklist, please note the status of it.
House Officer Agreement – sent individually. Please read and sign
Read GME House Officer Manual and submitted form according to directions
AAO Application complete and return in the packet. Your program will obtain the required signatures and send it in for you.
Copy of LSBME Orientation Certificate If you have not yet attended orientation put N/A You must attend orientation within one year. Please make arrangements to do so.
Verification of passing USMLE 3 or date scheduled to complete
All PGY2 residents must PASS the USMLE 3 by 12/31 of their first year.
Review GME website and acknowledge that you have reviewed it
Reviewed House Officer Association website and acknowledge that you have reviewed it
Verification Letter from PGY1 the program meets ABO requirements
If you are at any other program, please print the letter and ask your PD to send it to us. If there are more than one of you in the program, your program only needs to submit one letter. The ABO requirements can be found
All Rotation Credentialing submitted
This is the paperwork that you completed and submitted previously to the rotation sites. You received a separate checklist for this and were to send it to the coordinator previously.
Other possible required documents If not applicable, put N/A
______Copy of J-1Visa
______Copy of DS 2019
______Copy of foreign passport
______Copy of I-94
______Copy of ECFMG; Certificate Valid Through Date ______
Final Steps
· Put the documents in order of the checklist
· Ensure that the checklist is complete. Incomplete packets will be returned.
· Paperclip – Do not staple – the packet together
· Mail or drop the packet to 2020 Gravier St Suite B New Orleans, LA by April 29, 2013