Megan Herman

DOB: 11/16/1988

Regularly Taken Medications
Name / Dose / Reason for Taking
Armour (changed dose) / 90 mg & 30 mg / Take 90 mg in AM & 30 mg 30 mins lunch ~Started May 14~
Liothyronine (Cytomel) / 5 mcg & 5 mcg / Take 5 mcg in AM & 5 mcg 30 mins before lunch ~Started March 13~
Glumetza 24 Hr / 1500 mg / Increased to 500mg AM & 1000mg PM ~Increased Dec 31~
Seroquel (increased dose) / 300 mg / Raised to help decrease mania (1 at 7 PM & 1 at Bed) ~Increased May 14~
Pristiq (decreased dose) / 50 mg / Temporarily decreasing to try & decrease agitation ~Decreased May 19~
Adderall XR (resumed) / 60 mg / Stopped May 15-22 to decrease agitation ~Resumed May 23~
Adderall (resumed) / 20 mg / Stopped May 15-21 to decrease agitation ~Resumed May 22~
Neurontin / 3000 mg / Take 600 mg in AM & 2400 mg at 9 PM ~Increased March 25~
Fentanyl / 25 mcg/hour / Transdermal pain patch added to help increased pain ~Started May 21~
Baclofen / 60 mg / Take 20 mg three times a day for muscle spasms ~Increased Dec 25~
Percocet / 10-325 mg / Taking 4 Percocet daily due to increased pain ~Increased May 9~
Meloxicam / 15 mg / Started to try & help with increased inflammation ~Started April 18~
Requip / 4 mg / RLS & Agitation. Too fatigued during day ~Split Jan 14; Combined Jan 20~
Deplin (temp stopped) / 15 mg / Started after MTHFR Mutation C677T identified ~Stopped May 16~
Propranolol (Inderal LA) / 120 mg / Tachycardia, Hypertension, Sympathetic Suppression
Nystatin / 500,000 UNIT / Take 1 AM & 1 PM as part of Lyme Disease Regimen ~Started March 31~
Cortef (temp stopped) / 5 mg / Take 1 AM & 1 noon. Cortisol to help w/adrenal fatigue ~Stopped May 16~
Trileptal / 150 mg / Take 2 tabs in AM & 2 tabs at 2PM ~Started April 28~
Rifampin / 300 mg / Antibiotic taken 2X daily in Lyme Disease Regimen* ~Started April 28~
Zithromax / 250 mg / Antibiotic taken 2X daily in Lyme Disease Regimen* ~Started May 12~
Plaquenil / 200 mg / Antibiotic taken 2X daily in Lyme Disease Regimen* ~Started May 19~
Integra / 62.5-62.5-40.3 mg / Taking 2 capsules daily ~Increased Dec 31~
GABA + (Neurogistics) / 200 mg (8 daily) / Bio-identically similar to neurotransmitter GABA ~Started Nov 13~
Vitamin D3 / 10,000 IU / Low levels (29) as of 12/17/13 ~Increased Dec 31~
Copper / 4 mg / Taken once daily as levels low (0.46) 1-13-14 ~Started Feb 25~
IP: Multi-Vita / 2 Capsule(s) / Multivitamin & Mineral Support ~Started Feb 1~
IP: Cal-Mag / 4 Tablet(s) / Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc and Vitamin D Supplement ~Started Feb 1~
IP: Potassium / 99 mg / Potassium (as Potassium Citrate) Supplement ~Started Feb 1~
IP: Ideal Salt / ¼ tsp / Iodized Sea Salt and Potassium Chloride ~Started Feb 1~

Current Medications

Key: Nancy Benzel, Dr Spillar (psychiatrist), Dr Aijaz (pain doctor), Dr Molina (primary care), Dr Imsais (cardiologist), Dr Wilson (Lyme doctor), Ideal Protein

*Oral Antibiotic Schedule for Lyme Disease includes Nystatin (500,000 UNIT), Rifampin (300 mg), Zithromax (250 mg), and Plaquenil (200 mg)*

~See List of Nutraceuticals for Lyme Disease on Page 3 for my additional supplements~

When I Take the Medications

Morning Medications

-  Armour (90 mg)

-  Liothyronine (5 mcg)

-  Meloxicam (15 mg)

-  Adderall XR (60 mg)

-  Glumetza 24 Hr (500 mg)

-  Neurontin (600 mg)

-  Pristiq (100 mg)

-  Baclofen (20 mg)

-  Inderal LA (60 mg)

-  Nystatin (500,000 UNIT)

-  Cortef (5 mg)

-  Trileptal (300 mg)

-  Rifampin (300 mg)

-  Plaquenil (200 mg)

-  GABA+ (800 mg)

-  Zithromax (250 mg) Taken @ 10:30 AM

Afternoon Medications

-  Armour (30 mg) Taken @ 11:30 AM

-  Liothyronine (5 mcg) Taken @ 11:30 AM

-  Cortef (5 mg) Taken @ 11:30 AM

-  Trileptal (300 mg) Taken @ 2 PM

-  Baclofen (20 mg) Taken @ 3 PM

-  Rifampin (300 mg) Taken @ 5 PM

Dinner Medications

-  Integra (62.5-62.5-40.3 mg taking two capsules) Taken @ 7 PM

-  Copper (4 mg) Taken @ 7 PM

-  Nystatin (500,000 UNIT) Taken @ 7 PM

-  Seroquel (300 mg) Taken @ 7 PM

Night Medications

-  Neurontin (2,400 mg) Taken @ 9 PM

-  Zithromax (250 mg)

-  Plaquenil (200 mg)

-  Glumetza 24 Hr (1,000 mg)

-  Seroquel (300 mg)

-  Baclofen (20 mg)

-  Requip (4 mg)

-  Inderal LA (60 mg)

-  GABA+ (800 mg)

Nutraceuticals for Lyme Disease

~  Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR)

o  Dose: 1000 mg

o  Taken once daily in AM

~  Alpha Lipoic Acid

o  Dose: 600 mg

o  Taken once daily in AM

~  Coenzyme Q10

o  Dose: 400 mg

o  Taken once daily in AM

~  Resveratrol

o  Dose: 250 mg

o  Taken once daily in AM

~  Probiotic

o  Dose: 50 billion CFU’s

o  Taken once daily in AM on empty stomach

~  Magnesium Malate

o  Dose: 1250 mg

o  Take 2 tabs in AM & 2 tabs in PM

~  Methylcobalamin B12

o  Dose: 25 mg/ml

o  Subcutaneous injection of 1 cc 3 days a week (Mon, Wed, Fri)

~  N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC)

o  Dose: 500 mg

o  Taken twice daily

~  Omega-3’s (Krill Oil)

o  Dose: 1000 mg

o  Take 2 caps in AM & 2 caps in PM

~  Saccharomyces Boulardii (Saccharomyces Boulardii + MOS)

o  Dose: 5 billion organisms

o  Taken three times daily

~  Phosphatidylserine

o  Dose: 200 mg

o  Take 1 softgel at 7:00 PM

~  LivOn Laboratories Lypo-Spheric GSH

o  Dose: L-Glutathione (450 mg) & Essential Phospholipids (1,000 mg)

o  Take 1 packet daily

Past Medications from Sept 2013 to Present

Medications That Have Been Stopped
Name / Dose / Reason for Stopping and Date Stopped
Butrans / 20 mcg/hr / Medication not helping enough so started Fentanyl ~Stopped May 21~
Norco / 7.5-325 mg / Pain not being controlled so changed to stronger one ~Stopped April 28~
Etodolac (NSAID) / 400 mg / Changed anti-inflammatory med due to ineffectiveness ~Stopped April 18~
FML Liquifilm / 0.1% / Used successfully to treat Dry Eye from Lyme ~Stopped April 15~
Magnesium (glycinate) / 120 mg / Take 1 cap in AM & 1 cap in PM ~Stopped March 30~
Vitamin B12 / 2000 mcg / Stopped b/c started B-12 injections 3X a week ~Stopped March 27~
Butrans / 10 mcg/hr / Decided that we needed to try an increased dose ~Stopped Jan 21~
Pamelor / 20 mg / Taking for migraine prevention ~Decreasing Jan 13; Stopped Jan 18~
Nucynta ER (stopped) / 100 mg / 50 mg opioid pain med stopped due to SE. Started Butrans. ~Stopped Dec 31~
Adderall XR (stopped) / 60 mg / Started b/c Nuvigil failed. Trying higher dose. ~Stopped Dec 24~
UltraClear Plus (Metagenics) / Powder / Liver detox powder ~Started Dec 16 & Completed Jan 5~
IH-Two (stopped) / Unknown / Inhibitory Neurotransmitter Synthesis Support ~Stopped Nov 25~
Lorazepam (stopped) / 2 to 3 mg / Help when anxiety gets too bad. Taken PRN. ~Stopped Dec 15~
Fioricet (BUT/APAP/CAF) / 50-325-40 mg / Help chronic pain due to daily headaches. Taken PRN. ~Stopped Dec 15~
Rocephin (Injectable Antibiotic) / 2 grams / 1 injection in each hip for sinus and ear infections ~Injected Dec 11~
Limbrel / 500-50 mg / Did not work as well as hoped for pain ~Stopped Dec 10~
Opana IR / 10 mg / Not enough pain relief & had interaction symptoms ~Stopped Dec 10~
Toviaz / 8 mg / Going to do Botox injections into bladder ~Stopped Dec 4~
Adderall XR / 40 mg / Possible ADHD or ADD ~Stopped Sept 19~
Buspar / 60 mg / Prescribed for anxiety but failed to help ~Stopped Nov 10~
Dexedrine ER / 15 mg (1X a day) / Tried after 40 mg Adderall XR stopped helping ~Stopped Oct 25~
Dexedrine IR / 15 mg (2X a day) / Designed to help supplement Dexedrine ER ~Stopped Oct 25~
Nuvigil / 250 mg / Started to try & help with staying awake ~Stopped Nov 1~
Kariva/Mircette / Unsure of Dose / Birth Control b/c of Irregular Periods ~Stopped Sept 16~
Myrbetriq / 25 mg / Incontinence med tried after Detrol LA ~Stopped Oct 25~
Lamisil / 250 mg / Anti-fungal for toenails ~Finished Sept 27~
Dicyclomine / 20 mg / Stomach pain of Unknown Origin ~Stopped Sept 6~
Protonix / 40 mg / Stomach pain and problems ~Stopped Sept 6~
Losartan/HCT / 50-12.5 mg / High blood pressure (didn’t help lower it) ~Stopped Sept 9~
Omnicef / 1200 mg / For Sinus Infection ~Started Oct 11~ (completed Oct 21)
Omnaris (nasal spray) / 50 mcg/1 actuation / For Sinus Infection ~Started Oct 11~ (stopped Oct 23)
Patanase / 665 mcg / For Sinus Infection; 2 sprays per side twice daily ~Nov 21 to Nov 30~
Iron (slow release) / 45 mg / Iron levels low so starting Integra ~Stopped Nov 12~
Synthroid / 112 mcg / Low thyroid levels, Synthroid ineffective ~Stopped Nov 12~

*Flu shot given on December 21, 2013 (Fluvirin)*