AugustaCo., VASelected Court Records,

Order Books and Wills

Note: I placed theses items in a date sequence. Some documents could have been prepared years later. Primary reference: Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia, by Lyman Chalkley

Order Book No. I.

NOVEMBER 21, 1747.

(p. 334) Wm. McClean bound over as idle and vagrant.

(p. 335) Abram Clements, same.

Early Wills

Will Book 1

Page 91.--Cash for John Jennet. Cash for thrashing grain. Cash paid Jno. Boyd. Cash
for Jno. Finley. Edmond Smith's account. Cash paid Robert Looney, Robert Rowland, Jno.
Bramham. Cash paid Andrew Clemons. 18th June, 1747--Daniel Monahan to Simon Akers,
1 year's keeping his child, £4. 7. 6. Paid John Bird. (Here James Porteus begins
to be scribe, vid., page 282.)



Page 165--Order of General Court, 18th October, 1753, on petition of

Robert McClenachan, forfeiture declared of 400 acres in Augusta on the

Mary Branch of James River, near Broad Spring Branch, patented to Benj.

Borden, 9th March, 1740, since become vested in Abraham Clements, who

is non-inhabitant, and patented to Robert.

Will Book 2

Page 343.--5th October, 1754. William Campbell's will--To sons James
and John; to daughters Mary Clements, Margaret Gillham, Elizabeth Price,
Mary Ann Ashton, Rachel Carlile; son-in-law Thos. Gillham; daughter
Margaret Gillham's children, 100 acres, part of testator's home plantation;
son, Samuel. Executrix, Sarah. Teste: Jacob Clements, Chas. Gillham.
(No certificate of Probate.)

Page 337.--1st September, 1759. Jacob Clements' will--Wife; youngest
children, Ruth, Isabella Clements; three daughters, Ann Burnet, Mary
McKnight, Rachel Barnet; daughter, Sarah Clements; five daughters,
Margaret, Elizabeth, Rebecca, Ruth, Isabel Clements. Executors, Thos.
Gillham, James Campbell. Teste: Andrew Hamilton, Robert Lockridge,
Thomas Lloyd. Proved, 21st November, 1759, by Lockridge and Hamilton.
Executors qualify, with Andrew Hamilton and Robert Lockridge

Will Book 3

Page 50.--9th October, 1759. Johan Paul Faught's (John Bellfaught)
will--Wife, sole executrix; wife, Mary Katrine; 3 children, Katrine
Cleman, Andrew and Casper Faught. Teste: Archd. Huston, Peter Funk,
Catrine Funk. Proved, 18th August, 1761, by Huston and Peter Funk.
Mary Catrine qualifies, with Christian Cleman, Geo. Trout (signed, Cath.

Order Book No. VI.

NOVEMBER 22, 1759, (p. 320) Administration of John Gilmore was moved for by James Gilmore, eldest son, and also by Thomas Gilmore, the younger son--granted to Thomas. Jacob Clements, witness to will of Wm. Campbell, is dead. Jane Scott, aged 16, chose Danl. Smith guardian.

Order Book No. VII.

AUGUST 19, 1762.

(p. 291) Alexr. and John Collier, Saml. Lindsay, James Clemons--jurors.

NOVEMBER 18, 1762.

(p. 364) John Carlile and Mary Carlile are appointed guardians for Ruth and Isabella Clemons, orphans of Jacob Clemons.

Will Book 3

Page 249.--18th November, 1762. John Carlile and Mary Carlile's bond
(with Wallace Estill, Thos. Hugart) as guardians (appointed) to Ruth
and Isabella Clements, orphans of Jacob Clements.

Court Records – the page # refers to a published book not the official records.

Page 448.--10th September, 1761. John Bellfaught's estate sold at
vendue--To Catrina Faught; to Henry Lynor; to Andrew Faught; to Peter
Funk; to Caspar Faught; to Henry Colar; to Elizabeth Bruester; to James
Waite; to Alex. Kile; to Geo. Trout; to Robt. Reyburn; to Jno. Hines, Geo.
Martin, Peter Miller. Robt. Stevens, Edward Rutledge, James Cover, David
Menerley. Cash paid Christian Clements for 1 year's board of the widow.
Balance due the legatees to be equally divided between Andrew Faught,
Casper Faught. and the wife.--Christian Clements. Recorded, 21st May,

Page 249.--18th November, 1762. John Carlile and Mary Carlile's bond
(with Wallace Estill, Thos. Hugart) as guardians (appointed) to Ruth
and Isabella Clements, orphans of Jacob Clements.

(364) John Carlile and Mary Carlile are appointed guardians for Ruth and Isabella Clemons, orphans of Jacob Clemons.

Order Book NO. XI

AUGUST 18, 1767.

(p. 217) Saml. Henderson appointed surveyor of highway from John Madison's to Givens's Mill.--Tithables from James Craig's up Middle River to James Givens and on South River from William Patterson's to Christian Clemons. John Madison appointed surveyor of highway from his house to Jones's Ford, tithables on Middle River from James Craig's downwards, and on South River from William Patterson's downwards, and as low as said Madison's. Andrew Fought appointed surveyor of highway, vice Archd. Huston.

Order Book No. XII

MAY 18, 1768.

(p. 145) Constables: Geo. McAfee, vice David McGee; John Clemons, vice Wm. Patton; Robt. Fletcher, vice James Crockett.

Court Records, cont’d.

Page 144.--Patent to Henry Dooling, 30th January, 1741, and by him
conveyed to Christian Clemons (now deceased), now invested in Jasper
Clemons as heir-at-law. Patented to Christian Clemons, 16th March, 1771.
Teste: Jno. McCune.

Page 174.--18th March, 1772. John Clements (Clemens) and Elizabeth
( ) to John Lyle, Sr. Delivered: Jno. Lyle, 4th March, 1774.

Order Book No. XVI.

MARCH 19, 1778.

(p. 292) William Beard, vice William Thompson--Constable. John Clemmons, vice William Allison--Constable.

AUGUST 19, 1778.

(p. 53) Robert Keny as Captain, vice Major Alexr. Robertson; John McCune as First Lieutenant, Alexander Robertson as Second Lieutenant. Gasper Clemmonds as Ensign--recommended.

OCTOBER 22, 1778

(p. 366) David Wilson recommended as Ensign in Capt. James Tate's Company, vice Alexr. Brownlee Jr., who refused to serve. George Anderson recommended an Ensign, vice Carper Clemmons, who refused to serve, in Capt. Robert Kenny's


MAY 18, 1779

(p. 449) Thomas Rankin recommended Captain, vice Robert Kenny; Gasper Clemmons as First Lieutenant, George Anderson as Second Lieutenant, and James Rankin as Ensign.

Court Records, cont’d.

Page 275.--13th February, 1780. Christian Clemons' (signed in German)
will--To wife, Catharine; to son, John, home plantation; to eldest son,
Gasper, plantation joining David McNeelly; to my in law, George Trout
and his wife, 5 shillings; to Henry Lyner and his wife; to Philip Berger and
his wife; to daughter, Catharine, and her son, David Trout; to daughter,
Elizabeth. Executors, wife and son-in-law, Henry Lyner. Teste: John
Davidson, Robert Stephen, Jno. Surfas. 15th March, 1783, Kathorine
refuses to qualify. Teste: Robert Stephen, Jacob (mark) Barrier. Proved,
18th March, 1783, by Robert Stephens and John Surfas. Henry Lyner

Page 286.--9th April, 1783. Christian Clemon's estate appraised by
James Kerr, Jas. Robertson, Jacob Barger, Alex. Robertson.

Page 60.--12th June, 1783. Catherine Clemon's will--To son, John, all
estate; to daughter, Catherine. Executors, sons John and Jacob Berryer
Teste: Joseph Hannah, Frederick Stull, David Trout. Proved, June Court,
1793 by Trout (Joseph Hannah is dead), and at July Court, 1793, by
Shull. John Clements qualified.

Abraham Clements vs. Robert Shaw--Ejectment, October 12, 1786, Rockbridge
County. Abraham Clements, heir-at-law of Abraham Clements, deceased, who
was heir-at-law of Ezekiel Clements, demise 18th June, 1746, 400 acres,
known as Broad Spring. Patent (copy) to Robert McClenachan, 375 acres on
Mary Branch of James River, cor. James McClung, cor. Robert Campbell, dated
24th March, 1740. Mary Roberts deposes, February 28, 1788, in Frederick
County, Maryland, that she was a near neighbor of Ezekiel Clements, of
HopewellTownship, County Huntindon, New Jersey, and knew the family 15-20
years. Ezekiel, and eldest son, Abraham, went out to purchase land; said
they had bought in the backwoods. Abraham married and had three children,
one of whom was a son named Abraham. Copy deed from Bordens' executors to
Ezekiel Clements, 1746, in Augusta. This land lapsed on October 18, 1753,
and reverted to the Crown.

Order Book No. XXI.

APRIL 20, 1790.

(p. 241) John Clements, as Lieutenant, and Benj. Kennedey, as Ensign-- recommended in 1st Regiment.

OCTOBER 19, 1790.

(p. 332) John Clements qualified Lieutenant of 1st Regiment, and

Benj. Kennerly, Ensign; Edward Rutledge recommended Captain of 1st

Regiment; Jonathan Brooks, Lieutenant, and James Henderson, Ensign.

Court Records, cont’d.

1790--July 10, John Clements and Elizabeth Eagal, daughter of Christian
Eckell (consent); witnesses, Alex. Stuart, J. Beal; surety, Christian Eckell.

1791--April 22, Gersham Clements and Jenny Usher, daughter of Rob.
Usher (consent); witnesses, David Bell, Francis Bell; surety, David Bell.

Order Book No. XXII.

MARCH 25, 1793.

(p. 258) John Clements, Alex. Hall, James Rankin, Andrew Erwin and

John Crawford as Lieutenants in 1st Battalion--recommended.

JUNE 18, 1793.

(p. 290) Joseph Hanna, witness to will of Catherine Clements,

deceased, is since dead.

Court Records, cont’d.

1793--August 26, John Ransbarger and Garsper Clements, surety. John
Ransbarger and Nancy Douglas.

Page 82.--16th November, 1793. Jacob Clements' estate--Partial
appraisement by Jacob Barger, Jas. Kerr, Alex. Robertson, Jas. Robertson


SEPTEMBER, 1794 (A to J).

List of wolf scalps, beginning 1774: To James Loskey, Joseph Newton,

William Porter, Levin Benson, William Rhea, Peter Hoover: 1777,

December 16, to John Clemons, George Baxter…

Court Records, cont’d.

Byers vs. Blair, Jr.--For killing the plaintiff's dog.
Alexander Stuart vs. James Clemens.--Defendant not found, moved to
Albermarle 25th November, 1795.

APRIL, 1799, Brooks vs. Lawrence Lynch and Catharine, his wife.
Bratton vs. Montgomery--George Bratton lives in Kentucky.
Connell vs. Erwin--James Moffett, John Clemmons and John Peeters,
some going to Kentucky and some removing from this part of the country.

APRIL, 1800., Robert Shaw vs. Clements (Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Gersham & James)--
Trespass. Rockbridge 375 acres, cor. James McClung; cor. Robt. Campbell.

OCTOBER, 1808, Clemmons vs. Jackson--O. S. 158; N. S. 56--Bill, 13th October,
1808, Harrison. Deed dated 11th November, 1799, by George Jackson
and Elizabeth, his wife, of HarrisonCounty, to John Clemmons, of
Harrison, conveys a tract on Lost Creek. Recorded in Harrison
County, December, 1799. (George Jackson was member of Congress.)
Deed, 29th November, 1798, by John B. Armstead, of Loudon County,
to George Jackson, of Harrison, conveys 119 acres (claimed by
grantor by entry or otherwise), included in a survey made for
Jackson of a resident right known as the Obrian place on Lost Creek
of 400 acres. Recorded in Harrison, 17th December, 1798. Entry in
Monongalia, 2d April, 1781, by Adam Obrien, assignee of John
Richards, of 400 acres on Lost Creek, in right of residence,
including his improvement made in 1771.

MAY, 1813, Page 461.--25th May, 1813. Gasper Clemant's will--To wife, Mary;
division to, viz: Christopher Clemens, John Clements, Nancy, wife to
George Crawford; Catren Clements, Polly Clements, grandson, Casper
Clements; to son, James. Executors, Chas Patrick, James Craig, Jr.
Teste: John Conner, Sr. and Jr.; Thos Ellet Conner. Proved, 27th
February, 1815. Craig qualified, and 27th March, 1815, Patrick qualifies.


Chalkley’s Chronicles; Vol 3, PP 510 – 519

Undated and un-numbered:

Paid in Brunswick to the County, in part ...... 3195

To Wm. Hugart, John Hamilton, Samuel Hamilton, Robert Gillaspy,

George Douther, James Burnsides, Jos. Milehan, John Lewis,

John (____), James Jackson, James Miller, David Howell.

Robt. Gillaspey, Corporal Samuel McMary, Eldad Reade,

Topher Carpenter, Henry Lawless, Robt. Gay, John Stevenson,

John Weems, John Taylor, Wm. Kinkead, John Kinkead, James

Clements, James McKnight, Wm. Mann, Thomas McMullin,

each 300 ...... 8100