Meyer Township
W5480 PO Box 185
Hermansville, MI, 49847
Regular Meeting Minutes
January 16, 2013
1. Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Bob Gurgall with the Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Present at meeting; Bob Gurgall, Sheryl Lauscher, Mark Schoen, Pat Dani, and Beth Bertolini.
3. Visiting; John Nelson, Gwen Salmi, Lois Hall, Paul Raiche
4. Approval/additions to agenda. Motion to approve agenda and December minutes made by Mark Schoen, supported by Beth Bertolini. Motion carried, 5-0.
5. Guests- John Nelson, Menominee County Board commissioner, District 9, visited to update us about the status of the removal of the Red Brick apartment building. The bid that was originally accepted has been dropped and the demolition and removal of the building will be once again put up for bids. The money to pay for this will be funded by a grant that should be coming through in February or March through the county. The work should start this summer. Mr. Nelson also said he will be available to attend our township board meetings and would be happy to help Meyer Township in any way he is able.
6. Public comment- Residents of Kluba Road wanted to bring to the boards attention that their road has had some unwanted work done. Apple trees were cut and the road crew removed the wood from these trees. It was also mentioned that West 3rd street needs some attention. Ditching, culverts and other general improvements are overdue. Bob Gurgall will be attending the Road Commission meeting on January 28th and will address these and other concerns from our township.
7. Bills, reports, etc.- A motion to approve the bills and reports for January made by Pat Dani, supported by Mark Schoen. Motion carried, 5-0.
8. Members of the Board Of Review need to be appointed and sworn in as soon as possible. A motion to approve the appointments on the Board of Review (Gary Rochon, Henry Leeseburg, and Paul Serchia) made by Mark Schoen, supported by Beth Bertolini. Motion carried, 5-0.
9. Board comments- Bob Gurgall said the deeds from the EDC to the Township are complete and Beth will bring them to the safety deposit box tomorrow.
10. Board comments- The sewer ordinance is being reviewed by the board to see if there is anything we can do to help the IXL Museum cut it’s sewer bills when it is not open for 9 months out of the year. The way the ordinance now stands there is very little we can do. Bob Gurgall suggested a possibility and legality of charging the Museum for a ½ unit instead of 1 unit. We will ask for legal advice to see if there is anything we can do short of amending the ordinance.
There is a Menominee County Road Commission meeting with the Townships on January 28th at 6:30 pm. Bob Gurgall will attend and will bring up the issues that have been brought up at our meetings.
An ad will be run in the Luft’s Advertiser asking that people not park on the roads in town after 10 pm. This is to give the snowplows access to the entire roadway and keep our streets cleaner and safer.
11. Board comment- A resolution for the William Anderson Sportsmen’s Club to receive a permit as a non-profit organization to sell raffle tickets (non-profit gaming license). This must receive Township Board approval. A motion to approve the permit for a non-profit gaming license for the William Anderson Sportsmen’s Club made by Pat Dani and supported by Sheryl Lauscher. Motion carried, 4 ayes, 0 nay’s, Mark Schoen abstain.
12. Board comment- CUPPAD sent a notice of planning for pre disaster prevention. They are asking for ideas about areas or situations in our Township that are potentially dangerous/hazardous and ideas for the prevention of such disasters. Anyone with any ideas on this is asked to please let this board know the details. We need this info by January 31, 2013.
We will be asking for prices from accountants regarding a quick audit.
A fire number sign is still needed on Crystal Miller’s property. One should be ordered as soon as possible.
13. It is being asked that the Township employees who fill out a time sheet should be required to do this on a daily basis. This will insure a more accurate explanation of hours. Also a vehicle use, fuel and maintenance log should be kept in the township trucks. The Trustee in charge of whichever department should review these Vehicle logs and timesheets before the pay-checks are issued. A motion to approve the daily process of filling out time sheets and vehicle logs made by Sheryl Lauscher, supported by Mark Schoen. Motion carried 5-0.
14. Pat Dani asked about the requirements for an EDC loan. It was brought up that applicants should have a business plan and loans should be paid off in a reasonable matter of time. We will look into these requirements and make sure all applicants are using them.
15. Adjournment: There being no further business before the board a Motion to adjourn was made by Pat Dani, supported by Sheryl Lauscher. Motion carried 5-0.