General Reference

CineBooks Editors. The MovieGuide. (PerigeeBook/Penguin Putnam Inc, 1998)

Fielding, Raymond. A Technological History of Motion Pictures and Television (University of California Press, 1984)

Halliwell’s Film Guide (HarperCollins/Harper Perennial) [annual updates]

Katz, Ephraim. The Film Encyclopedia, 4th ed. (Harper Collins, 2001)

Konigsberg, Ira. The Complete Film Dictionary, 2nd ed. (Penguin Reference, 1997)

Maltin, Leonard, ed. Movie & Video Guide (Signet Reference) [annual updates]

Pincus, Edward and Ascher, Steven. Filmmaker’s Handbook (New American Library, 2000)

Roberts, Kenneth and Sharples, Win Jr. A Primer for Filmmaking: A Complete Guide to 16 and 35 mm Film Production (Bobbs-Merrill)

Singleton, Ralph. Filmmaker’s Dictionary (Lone Eagle Publishing, 2000)

Wilhelm, Elliot. VideoHound’s World Cinema: The Adventurer’s Guide to Movie Watching (Visible Ink Press, 1999)

World Cinema Surveys

Cook, David A. A History of Narrative Film, 2nd ed. (Norton, 1990) [or latest edition]

Dyer, Richard, and Ginette Vincendeau, eds. Popular European Cinema (Routledge, 1992)

Nowell-Smith, Geoffrey, ed. The Oxford History of World Cinema (Oxford University Press, 1996)

Thompson, Kristin, and David Bordwell. Film History: An Introduction (McGraw-Hill, 1994)

Thompson, David. A Biographical Dictionary of Film (Knopf, 1994)

Film History

Biskind, Peter. Easy Riders, Raging Bulls: How the Sex-Drugs-and-Rock ’n Roll Generation Saved Hollywood (Simon and Schuster, 1998; Touchstone, 1999)

Bogle, Donald. Toms, Coons, Mulattoes, Mammies, & Bucks: An Interpretive History of Blacks in American Films, 3rd ed. (NY: Continuum Publishing, 1996)

Bordwell, David, Janet Staiger, and Kristin Thompson. The Classical Hollywood Cinema: Film Style & Mode of Production to 1960 (Columbia University Press, 1985)

Brownlow, Kevin. The Parade’s Gone By (Ballantine, 1968) [or re-issues]

Cherchi Usai, Paolo. Burning Passions: An Introduction to the Study of Silent Film. Trans., Elizabeth Sansone (British Film Institute, 1994)

Dunne, John Gregory, Monster: Living off the Big Screen (Vintage Books, 1998)

Everson, William K. American Silent Film (Oxford University Press, 1978; Da Capo Press, 1998)

Friedrich, Otto. City of Nets : A Portrait of Hollywood in the 1940’s (University of California Press, 1997)

Gabler, Neal. An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood (Bantam Doubleday/Dell Publishing Group, 1989)

Griffin, Nancy, and Kim Masters. Hit & Run: How Jon Peters and Peter Guber Took Sony for A Ride In Hollywood (Simon & Schuster Trade, 1997)

Harmetz, Aljean. The Making of the Wizard of Oz (Hyperion, 1998)

Huston, John. An Open Book (Da Capo Press, Inc., 1994)

Kracauer, Siegfried. From Caligari to Hitler: A Psychological History of the German Film (Princeton University Press, 1990)

Pierson, John. Spike, Mike, Slackers & Dykes: A Guided Tour Across A Decade Of American Independent Cinema (Hyperion, 1996)

Schatz, Thomas. The Genius of the System: Hollywood Filmmaking in the Studio Era (Henry Holt and Company, 1989/1996)

Sklar, Robert. Movie-Made America : A Cultural History of American Movies (Vintage Books/Random House, 1975) [or latest edition]

Spoto, Donald. The Dark Side of Genius: The Life of Alfred Hitchcock (Plenum Publishing Corp., 1999)


Bergery, Benjamin. Reflections: Twenty-One Cinematographers at Work (The ASC Press, 2002)

Brown, Blain. Cinematography: Image Making for Cinematographers, Directors and Videographers (Focal Press, 2002)

Cheshire, David. The Book of Movie Photography (Knopf, 1979)

Courter, Philip. The Filmmaker’s Craft: 16mm Cinematography (Van Nostrand Reinhold Co, 1982)

Elkins, David. Camera Terms and Concepts (Focal Press, 1993)

Elkins, David. The Camera Assistant’s Manual, 3rd ed. (Focal Press, 1996)

Ettedgui, Peter. Cinematography – Screencraft Series (Focal Press, 1999)

Fauer, Jon. DVCAM: A Practical Guide to the Professional System (Focal Press, 2001)

Ferncase, Richard K. Film and Video Lighting Terms and Concepts (Focal Press, 1995)

Happe, L. Bernard. Basic Motion Picture Technology (Focal Press, 1971)

Hummell, Rob. American Cinematographer Manual 8 th Ed. (ASC Press, 2002 )

Krasilovsky, Alexis. Women Behind the Camera: Conversations with Camerawomen (Praeger, 1997)

Laszlo, Andrew. Every Frame a Rembrandt: Art and Practice of Cinematography (Focal Press, 2000).

LoBrutto, Vincent. Principal Photography: Interviews with Feature Film Cinematographers (Praeger, 1999)

Malkiewicz, Kris. Cinematography (Prentice Hall) ISBN: 0-13-133687-8

Malkiewicz, Kris. Film Lighting (Simon and Schuster) ISBN: 0-671-76634-1

Maltin, Leonard. The Art of the Cinematographer: A Survey and Interview with Five Masters (Dover, 1978)

Mascelli, Joseph V. The Five C’s of Cinematography (Silman-James Press, 1998)

Ohanian, Thomas A. and Michael E. Phillips. Digital Filmmaking: The Changing Art and Craft of Making Motion Pictures (Focal Press, 1996)

Rogers, Pauline. Contemporary Cinematographers on Their Art (Butterworth-Heinemann) ISBN: 0-240-80309-4

Samuelson, David. Hands-On Manual for Cinematographers (Focal Press, 1998)

Taub, Eric. Gaffers, Grips and Best Boys (St. Martin’s Press, 1995)

Schaefer Dennis, & Larry Salvato. Masters of Light (University of CA Press)
ISBN: 0-520-05336-2

Wheeler, Leslie. Principles of Cinematography: A Handbook of Motion Picture Technology (Fountain Press, 1981)

Wheeler, Paul. Digital Cinematography (Focal Press)

Wheeler, Paul. High Definition and 24P Cinematography (Focal Press, 2003)


Acker, Ally. Reel Women: Pioneers of the Cinema, 1896 to the Present (Continuum, 1991)

Arijon, Daniel. Grammar of the Film Language (Silman-James Press, 1991)

Bj?rkman, Stig. Woody Allen on Woody Allen (Grove Press, 1994)

Block, Bruce. The Visual Story: Seeing the Structure of Film, TV, and New Media (Focal Press, 2001)

Fuller, Samuel. A Third Face (Knopf, 2002 ISBN 0-375-40165-2)

Katz, Steven D. Film Directing Shot by Shot: Visualizing from Concept to Screen (Focal Press 1991)

Katz, Steven D. Film Directing, Cinematic Motion: A Workshop for Staging Scenes (Michael Wiese Productions 1992)

Lumet, Sidney. Making Movies (Random House, Inc 1996)

Milne, Tom, trans. and ed. Godard on Godard (Da Capo, 1972)

Peacock, Richard Beck. The Art of Movie-Making: Script to Screen (Prentice Hall, 2001)

Pintoff, Ernest. Directing 101 (Michael Wiese Productions 1999)

Pollock, Dale. Skywalking: The Life and Films of George Lucas (Da Capo, 1999)

Quigley, Elizabeth, trans. Fellini on Fellini (Da Capo, 1996)

Rabiger, Michael. Directing: Film Techniques and Aesthetics, 3rd ed. (Focal Press, 1997)

Rodley, Chris, ed. Lynch on Lynch (Faber and Faber, 1997)

Smith, Gavin, ed. Sayles on Sayles (Faber and Faber, 1998)

Thompson, David, and Ian Christie, eds. Scorsese on Scorsese (Faber and Faber, 1989/1996)

Thompson, Roy. Grammar of the Shot (Focal Press, 1998)

Truffaut, Fran?ois. Hitchcock (Simon and Schuster, 1984)

Editing and Sound

Altman, Rick, ed. Sound Theory, Sound Practice (Routledge/AFI Film Readers, 1992)

Dancyger, Ken. The Technique of Film and Video Editing (Focal Press, 2002)

LoBrutto, Vincent. Selected Takes: Film Editors on Editing (Praeger, 1991)

Miller, Pat P. Script Supervising and Film Continuity 3 rd Ed. (Focal Press, 1998)

Murch, Walter. In the Blink of an Eye: A Perspective on Film Editing (Silman-James Press, 1995)

Ratcliff, John. Timecode: A User’s Guide (Focal Press, 1999)

Reisz, Karel, and Gavin Millar. The Technique of Film Editing, enlarged edition (Hastings House, Publishers/Focal Press Limited, 1968)

Rosenblum, Ralph, and Robert Karen. When the Shooting Stops … the Cutting Begins: A Film Editor’s Story (Viking Press, 1979)

Weis, Elizabeth, and John Belton. Film Sound: Theory and Practice (Columbia University Press, 1985)

Yewdall, David Lewis. Practical Art of Motion Picture Sound (Focal Press, 1999)


Arijon, Daniel. Grammar of the Film Language (Focal Press) ISBN: 0-8038-2675-3

Bart, Peter & Guber, Peter. Shoot Out (Putnam, 2002 ISBN: 0-399-14808-6).

Behlmer, Rudy. Memo from David O. Selznick (Samuel French Trade, 1990)

Berstein, Steven. Film Production (Focal Press) ISBN: 0-240-51343-6

Dancyger, Ken. World of Film and Video Prod Aesthetics and Practices, The (Harcourt Brace College Publishing) ISBN: 0-15-502861-8

Daniels, Bill, David Leedy, and Steven D. Sills. Movie Money: Understanding Hollywood ’s Creative Accounting Practices (Silman-James Press, 1997)

Houghton, Buck. What a Producer Does (Silman-James Press, 1941)

LaLoggia, Nicole, Wurmfeld, Eden. IFP/ Los Angeles Independent Filmmaker’s Manual 2nd Ed. (Focal Press, 2004)

Linson, Art. A Pound of Flesh: Perilous Tales of How to Produce Movies in Hollywood (Grove Press, 1993).

Mamer, Bruce. Film Production Technique (Wadsworth Publishing)
ISBN: 0-534-20568-2

Pierson, John. Spike Mike Slackers and Dykes: A Guided Tour Across a Decade of American Independent Cinema (Hyperion, 1995/1997)

Vachon, Christine. Shooting To Kill (Avon Books, 1998)

Production Design

Ching, Frank. Architectural Graphics, 3rd Edition ISBN: 0471287539

Ettedgui, Peter. Production Design and Art Direction: Screencraft ISBN: 020804007

Guthrie, Pat. The Architect’s Portable Handbook: First Step Rules of Thumb for Building Design ISBN: 007025303X

Lobrutto, Vincent. By Design ISBN: 0275940314

Olsen, Robert L. Art Direction for Film and Video ISBN: 02080189X

Sennett, Robert S. Setting the Scene: The Great Hollywood Art Directors
ISBN: 0810938464

Vas, Mark Cotta. Industrial Light & Magic: Into the Digital Realm ISBN: 0345381521


Cooper, Dona. Writing Great Screenplays for Film and TV, 2nd ed. (Macmillan/ARCO/ AFI, 1997)

Field, Syd. The Screenwriter’s Workbook (Dell Publishing Company, Inc. 1984)

Goldman, William. Adventures in the Screen Trade (Warner Books, 1983)

Hauge, Michael. Writing Screenplays that Sell (McGraw-Hill, 1988) [or latest edition]

Johnson, Claudia Hunter. Crafting Short Screenplays that Connect (Focal Press, 2000)

Vogler, Christopher. The Writer’s Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers, 2nd ed. (Michael Wiese Productions, 1998)

Aesthetics, Genre Studies, Theory and Criticism

Andrew, J. Dudley. The Major Film Theories: An Introduction (Oxford University Press, 1976) [or latest edition]

Arnheim, Rudolf. Film As Art (University of California Press, 1972)

Bordwell, David, and Kristin Thompson. Film Art: An Introduction, 4th ed. (McGraw Hill, 1993) [or latest edition]

Bywater, Tim, and Thomas Sobchack. Introduction to Film Criticism: Major Critical Approaches to Narrative Film (Longman, 1989)

Dancyger, Ken. The World of Film and Video Production: Aesthetics and Practices (Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1999)

Dmytryk, Edward. Cinema: Concept and Practice (Focal Press, 1988).

Eisenstein, Sergei. Film Form: Essays in Film Theory. Trans., Jay Leyda (Harcourt, Brace & World, 1949)

Grant, Barry Keith, ed. Film Genre Reader (University of Texas Press, 1986)

Hirsch, Foster. Detours and Lost Highways: A Map of Neo-Noir (Limelight Editions, 1999)

Jameson, Richard T., ed. They Went Thataway: Redefining Film Genres (Mercury House/National Society of Film Critics, 1996)

Kerr, Walter. Tragedy and Comedy (Da Capo Press, 1985)

Mast, Gerald, Marshall Cohen, and Leo Braudy, eds. Film Theory and Criticism: Introductory Readings, 4th ed. (Oxford University Press, 1992) [or latest edition]

Silver, Alain, and Elizabeth Ward. Film Noir: An Encyclopedic Reference to the American Style (Overlook Press, 1979) [or later editions]

Sitney, P. Adams. Visionary Film: The American Avant-Garde 1943-1978, 2nd ed. (Oxford University Press, 1979)

Tarkovsky, Andrey. Sculpting in Time: Reflections on the Cinema. Trans. Kitty Hunter-Blair (Faber, 1989)

Truffaut, Francois. The Films In My Life (Da Capo Press, 1994)

Voytilla, Stuart. Myth and the Movies: Discovering the Mythic Structure of 50 Unforgettable Films (Michael Wiese Productions, 1999)

Non-Fiction Film

Barnouw, Erik. Documentary: A History of the Non-Fiction Film (Oxford University Press, 1993)

Barsam, Richard M. Nonfiction Film: A Critical History, revised ed. (Indiana University Press, 1992)

Visual Effects

Abbott, L.B. Special Effects: Wire, Tape & Rubber Band Style (The ASC Press, 1984)
ISBN: 0-935578-06-4

Baker, Christopher W. How Do They Do It – Computer Illusion in Film (Alpha Books) ISBN: 156761-422-1

Dunn, Linwood & Turner, George. ASC Treasury of Visual Effects. (The ASC Press, 1983).

Fielding, Raymond. The Technique of Special Effects Cinematography (Focal Press, 1985)

Finch, Christopher. Special Effects – Creating Movie Magic (Abbeville Press, 1989)
ISBN: 0-89659-452-1

Hamilton, Jake. Special Effects – In Film & Television (DK Publishing)
ISBN: 0-7894-2813-X

Hutchison, David. Film Magic – Art and Science of Special Effects (Prentice Hall Press, 1987) ISBN: 0-13314774-6

Kerlow, Isaac Victor Art of 3-D Computer Animation & Imaging, The (Van Nostrand Reinhold) ISBN: 0-442-01896-7

Penny Lane Animation. Little Black Book of Visual Effects (Penny Lane Animation, 2000)

Perisic, Zoran. Visual Effects Cinematography (Focal Press, 1999)

Reinfield, Eric & Sherry London. Real World After Effects (Peach Pit Press, 1997)
ISBN: 0-201-68839-5

Rogers, Pauline B. Art of Visual Effects – Interviews on the Tools of the Trade. (Focal Press, 1999).

Film Music Composition

Morgan, David. Knowing the Score: Film Composers Talk About the Art, Craft, Blood, Sweat, and Tears of Writing for Cinema (Harper Entertainment, 2000)


Finch, Christopher. The Art of Walt Disney: From Mickey Mouse to the Magic Kingdom

Thomas, Frank and Ollie Johnston. The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation

Maltin, Leonard. Of Mice and Magic: A History of American Animated Cartooons