New Clinical Trial Application / R 17 719.30 / R 2480.70 / R 20 200.00
Device Trial Application / R 17 719.30 / R 2480.70 / R 20 200.00
Post Marketing survey/ Registry/ Observational research/ Epidemiological Research/ Exploratory Research/Non-Interventional Research / R 12 280.70 / R 1719.30 / R 14 000.00
Complimentary Medicines Research Proposals / R 12 280.70 / R 1719.30 / R 14 000.00
Data Audit / R 4824.56 / R 675.44 / R 5 500.00
Genetic Sub-Study / R 3 684.21 /
R 515.79 / R 4 200.00
Student Applications / R 2631.58 / R 368.42 / R 3 000.00
Major Amendment / R 8 289.47 / R 1160.53 / R 9 450.00
Minor Amendment / R 3 070.18 / R 429.83 / R 3 500.00
Annual Re-Approval / R 6578.95 / R 921.05 / R 7 500.00
Please note:
· Application fees include approval for additional investigators, amended information leaflets and all other applications that can be considered via expedited review (e.g. advertisements, increased travel fees, etc.)
· No Pro-Forma Invoices will be generated. Invoices will be generated after submission
· Purchase Orders (where applicable) must be provided with the application
· Please quote protocol number as reference on electronic payments
· Application documents must clearly indicate VAT numbers and to whom the invoice must be made out
· A general admin fee may be charged by the Committee for copying of lost trial documentation.