



Board of Directors

Richard Stallings, President

Pocatello, ID

Francine Justa, Vice President

New York, NY

Bruce Gottschall, Treasurer

Chicago, IL

Isay Gulley, Secretary

Clearwater, FL

Pam Canada

Sacramento, CA

Amancio Chapa

Mission, TX

Janice Forte

Utica, NY

Rose Garcia

Las Cruces, NM

Phil Giffee

East Boston, MA

Martina Guilfoil

Inglewood, CA

William Hale

Ravenna, OH

Robert Jodon

San Antonio, TX

Peg Malloy

Portland, OR

James Paley

New Haven, CT

Gerald Shechter

Kansas City, MO

Pat Stephenson

Lafayette, IN

William T. Sullivan

Denver, CO

Sarah Lynn Talley

Elkview, WV

Ron Walker

Atlanta, GA

Alton West

LaGrange, CA

Ron Woolwine

Hamilton, OH

June 30, 2001

Conrad Egan

Millennial Housing Commission

800 North Capitol Street, NW

Suite 680

Washington, DC 20002

Dear Mr. Egan:

It is my pleasure to submit to you the National Neighborhood Housing Network’s recommendations to the Millennial Housing Commission.

As you and I discussed during our meeting in March when I was in town to testify before the House, NNHN is a network of NeighborWorks® Organizations nationwide that work to improve housing for low- to moderate-income Americans. Our organizations use funding from the Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation to leverage private dollars in order to create new homeowners, revitalize distressed communities, and build single family and multi-family housing.

We appreciate the opportunity to contribute to the work of the Commission through our recommendations. As the Commission requested, Deidre Swesnik has also e-mailed you a copy of our recommendations. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or for additional information at (208) 232-9468.

Thank you for your time and attention.


Richard Stallings


1250 Eye Street NW, Suite 902 • Washington DC 20005

tel: 202-393-5225 • fax: 202-393-3034 •