Position Description
Coordinator Liturgy Centre
Title of Position Coordinator
Responsible to Leader of Parish and Pastoral Services Group and, as the need arises for liturgical matters, to the Roman Catholic Bishop of Auckland
§ Coordinate the work of the Liturgy Centre
§ Coordinate liturgical formation for the diocese.
§ Oversight of Liturgy magazine.
Working Relationships Liturgy Centre staff members, Parish and Pastoral Services Group, Catholic Bishop of Auckland, Diocesan Liturgy Commission, Parish people, staff and priests, Liturgical Commissions of other dioceses, National Liturgy Office, staff of other diocesan departments, Staff of other dioceses, Staff of schools, suppliers of resources, anyone seeking information on the Liturgy of the Church.
§ To ensure the Diocese’s commitment to the vision and spirit of Vatican II, as expressed in the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, is upheld.
§ To coordinate the work of the Liturgy Centre.
§ To respond to the expressed needs for liturgical formation from members of parishes throughout the diocese.
§ To build, maintain, and coordinate a team of people with specific skills and expertise in the various aspects of the liturgy who can respond to the needs for liturgy formation in the diocese.
§ To edit Liturgy magazine, quarterly publication of the Catholic Diocese of Auckland.
Key Tasks / Expected Results1. Uphold the Diocese’s commitment to the vision and spirit of Vatican II, as expressed in the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy. / The same spirit and vision that inspired the founding of the Liturgy Centre by Bishop Delargey following his attendance at Vatican II, is found in the ongoing work of the Liturgy Centre. This spirit, derived from the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, is actively fostered in the day-to-day work of the Centre through the relationships staff have with the people of the Diocese and beyond.
1a. To ensure a high level of liturgical literacy is held by all Liturgy Advisors working for the Liturgy Centre. / All Liturgy Advisors maintain and increase their liturgical literacy and keep up-to-date with current liturgical theology of the Roman Catholic Church.
2. Coordinate the work of the Liturgy Centre. / The work of the Liturgy Centre is well coordinated, monitored and responsive to the needs of people in parishes.
Staff members of the Liturgy Centre work together as a cohesive unit.
Staff training: each member of the Liturgy Centre is fully resourced to take up their role.
Strategies are developed to promote the liturgical resources and expertise available to the Catholic Diocese of Auckland through the Liturgy Centre.
2a. Preparation and oversight of Liturgy Centre annual budget. / Budget is prepared and controlled.
3. Provide formation in all aspects of the Liturgy to parishes, schools, chaplaincies, and communities. / All requests for formation in the liturgy are responded to promptly.
After consultation with Parish Priests, Chaplains, or school DRSs, formation in the various areas of the liturgy are provided on request.
Develop formation workshops, programmes, and retreats on liturgical ministries in response to discerned need.
3a. Oversee training in Church Music copyright compliance. / All parishes, chaplaincies, and communities understand their obligations to comply with NZ Copyright law.
4. Build, maintain, and coordinate a group of people from outside the Liturgy Centre with specific skills and expertise in the various aspects of the liturgy who can be called upon:
· to run workshops
· provide articles for Liturgy magazine
· to provide expert advice / Contact with an established network of presenters and consultants is maintained.
When needed, contact with recommended presenters and consultants is initiated.
Priests, parish liturgy teams, and chaplains are encouraged to discern and foster ongoing formation of committed and competent people to assist with training suitable liturgical ministers at a local level.
5. Oversight of the recording of details of workshops and presentations for:
§ planning purposes
§ payment of presenters
§ details of those attending
§ evaluation of courses / Clear and accurate records of all formation undertaken by the Liturgy Centre are available.
When permission is given by attendees, details are added to the liturgy network email list.
All administration tasks are undertaken to ensure parishes are invoiced and payment to presenters is made.
6. Oversight of website maintenance and updating / Liturgy webpage on the Catholic Diocese of Auckland website is checked on a daily basis and, when necessary, updated.
Any new material or initiatives are approved by Coordinator before being added to Liturgy webpage
7. Oversight of purchase (and disposal) of liturgy resources for sale. / Relevant and appropriate liturgical resources are purchased to meet the needs of parishes and schools of the Diocese of Auckland, and other dioceses throughout New Zealand.
Annual stock-take of resources takes place at the end of each calendar year in liaison with the Diocesan Financial Controller.
Any out-of-date resources are approved for disposal.
8. Edit Liturgy magazine / Material for the quarterly publication of Liturgy magazine is generated, compiled and prepared.
A good working relationship is maintained with other members of the editorial committee, Liturgy Centre staff and contributors.
The strategy for marketing the magazine is reviewed annually.
9. Ex officio member of the Commission for Liturgy / Commission meetings are attended and contribution is made to discussion of agenda items and decision-making.
Liaison is provided between the Commission, the Diocesan Property Manager, and the Diocesan Administration Board – through the Diocesan General Manager, to ensure the diocesan liturgical guidelines are followed during the design and building process of any church building or church renovation project in the Diocese of Auckland.
10a. Work co-operatively within the Parish Pastoral Services Group and with other diocesan departments, groups and individuals.
10b. Take part in the corporate life of the Diocesan Centre as required, including committee work / Staff meetings are attended as required. All members of the Liturgy Centre staff contribute towards a model of collaborative ministry that is positive and enriching for the staff as a whole and ensures the effective delivery of service.
Thursday prayer and PPSG meetings are attended and contributions made.
All members of the Liturgy Centre team work collaboratively with other members of the PPSG.
A good positive working relationship is established with all diocesan staff, departments, parishes, agencies and people.
11. To work in collaboration with the National Liturgy Office / Requests from the Director of the National Liturgy Office for advice and support are responded to.
Relevant information on behalf of the National Liturgy Office and its Director is appropriately disseminated.
Updated 20/11/17