Randy Stacy Memorial Scholarship

Application Information Sheet

The Randy Stacy Memorial Scholarship was created by the Stacy Family in memory of their son, Randy Stacy, an outstanding 4-H youth, who excelled in both leadership and the mentoring of younger 4-H members.

This annual $1,000 scholarship is awarded to an outstanding 4-H member in good standing, who is currently a senior in the Antioch or Liberty High School Districts and who is planning to attend a college or university after completing high school.

The application is an essay.(see "Essay Details" below)

The application essay and the following documents must be in the 4-H Office no later than 1:00 pm, Monday May 19, 2014.

1.❒ Your High School transcript

2.❒ List the colleges or universities you have applied to attend in Fall 2014.

3.❒ A letter of recommendation from a 4-H leader who has worked with you for at least 2 years.

4.❒ A letter of recommendation from a 4-H youth member you have worked with during the past year. (may be hand written or printed)


Essay Details:

Your essay should be no longer than 5 pages, double spaced, in a 12 pt font that is easy to read. The margins should be 1-inch top, bottom and on both sides.

1. ❑ The cover page (no more than one page) will list your basic information:

1.Title: "Application for the Randy Stacy Memorial Scholarship - Fall 2014.

2.List your name, address, phone number, email address, age and the high school you attend, and any school club or activity of note.

3.Include a list of your 4-H membership information: The name of your club, the number of years you have been in 4-H, any star ranks you have achieved, your major projects and any special awards you have received.

4.Name the college you will attend and your major, if known.

2. ❑ Write a brief (one page maximum) statement of your 4-H accomplishments.

3. ❑ Write a brief (one page maximum) statement about your college plans and career goals.

4. ❑ Write a short statement(two pages maximum) of why you should be awarded this scholarship.


A committee will review your application; you may be asked to come in for an interview during the last 2 weeks of May.

You will be notified of the results by the June County Council meeting.
