<Solicitation Title> / RFP Number <Solicitation Number>

SaaS Template Version 2.1 distributed February 4, 2016

Guidance to Authors:

u / Read the instructions / Following the instructions can make a BIG difference in the speed of review. Not following the instructions may also result in a TORFP returned for additional work prior to acceptance for review. Instructions are typically bold, italic, with blue highlighter
  1. Use the most recent template - You’re starting with the template version listed above. Using the latest version will shorten review cycles and may prevent the document from being sent back for rework prior to any review. Contact DoIT or check the DoIT website for the latest template version (http://doit.maryland.gov/contracts/Pages/writingITsolicitations.aspx).
  2. Follow, then remove instructions - Instructions are included throughout this template to help you tailor the template for your use. Instructions should not be included in the released solicitation. See the MS Word help feature Apply or Remove Highlighter for more information on removing blue highlighter from text.
  3. Ask if you’re not sure – It can be hard to know which items in a template are required for a particular solicitation. If you’re not sure, contact the Department of Information Technology procurement office (ITPO) at .
  4. Use “Styles” in MS Word – This template contains quite a few pre-set formats to help with document appearance, particularly auto-numbering. Learn more about styles and the MS Word feature Format Painter to make formatting the document easier.
    TIP: You should never have to type out requirement numbers, you should never have to use a lot of spaces to position text, and you should never have to use multiple carriage returns to start a new page. Get help from ITPO if you’re wrestling with formatting.

TIP: Copying and pasting from other documents can result in strange formatting. ITPO recommends the agency paste text with NO formatting into this document and apply formatting to the plain text to avoid format problems.

  1. Customize the template - You can “find” items that need customization in this template, including: performing a find on text with highlighter and performing a find for brackets < . See the MS Word help feature Find and replace specific formatting for more information how to find text that has highlighted formatting.
  2. Let ITPO know if instructions are confusing.
  3. Don’t remove section headings or attachments
  4. Retain section headings even if a section doesn’t apply so cross references in the document stay accurate (particularly true for those at the X.x level).
  5. Use a “do not apply” statement instead of deleting. Use “a do not apply” statement instead of deleting.
  6. Add new paragraphs to the end of a section where reasonable, to avoid renumbering.

v / Get a security assessment early / Agencies must complete a security assessment for their IT purchases in order to identify relevant security and auditing requirements. Engage experts at DBM and security personnel early to minimize time-to-market for this TORFP. Contact ITPO early in the authoring process for direction.
w / Start tailoring the template here / Authors, start tailoring the template here, using the guidance below, by performing finds and replaces, which will tailor much of the boilerplate text for you.

Tip: Delete an instruction only once you’ve performed the action. The remaining instructions will act as a reminder to complete the task.

Basic tailoring of RFP data
Perform a find and replace on the following text to begin customizing this RFP. Be sure to turn on “Match Case” for your find and replace. Remove table prior to release.
Note: Don’t change the default fields for any information you do not yet know (also, keep the appropriate line from this table until the substitution is made).
To insert the correct value of: / Find Text
Type exactly as typed below in the find/replace dialog, including brackets < > where indicated, with “Match Case” selected. / Replace With Text
Do NOT include brackets in the “Replace” text
Full name of the Department or Agency issuing the RFP / Department or Agency Name> / the correct name
Acronym of the Department or Agency issuing the RFP / DEPARTMENT OR AGENCY ACRONYM> / the correct acronym
Correct term, either “Department” or “Agency” used throughout the boilerplate text
Important! This template assumes that the solicitation is being issued by the same agency that will be receiving the goods and services. If this RFP is on behalf of another agency, then before you follow the instructions below, make sure that the change from Department or Agency / Department or Agency (do not include brackets in the find/replace for this one) / the correct word (i.e., Department, Agency)
Solicitation Title / <Solicitation Title> / the correct title
Solicitation Number / <Solicitation Number> / the correct solicitation number
Procurement Officer / <Name of Procurement Officer> / the name of the Procurement Officer
Contract Manager / <Name of Contract Manager> / the name of the Contract Manager
Correct term, either “Contract Manager” or Contract Monitor” / Contract Manager is the default in this document. If your agency strongly prefers the term “Contract Monitor”find:
Contract Manager / Contract Monitor

Follow other instructions as provided throughout the document.




SOLICITATION NO. <solicitation number>

Instruction: If your agency uses an agency control number, please put both the ADPICS PO and the agency control number on this title page. An ADPICS PO number is required for approval.

Issue Date: <date of issuance




The paragraph below is not appropriate for all agencies. Remove the boilerplate text below if your agency does not collect names and distribute solicitation changes directly to that list. (This decision will be made by the Procurement Officer assigned to this solicitation).

A Prospective Offeror that has received this document from the DEPARTMENT OR AGENCY ACRONYM> website or https://emaryland.buyspeed.com/bso/, or that has received this document from a source other than the Procurement Officer, and that wishes to assure receipt of any changes or additional materials related to this RFP, should immediately contact the Procurement Officer and provide the Prospective Offeror’s name and mailing address so that addenda to the RFP or other communications can be sent to the Prospective Offeror.

Minority Business Enterprises Are Encouraged to Respond to this Solicitation

Instruction: Remove the text below if not an SBR solicitation:



This is a Small Business Reserve Solicitation for which award will be limited to certified small business vendors. Only businesses that meet the statutory requirements set forth in State Finance and Procurement Article, §§14-501—14-505, Annotated Code of Maryland, and that are certified by the Department of General Services Small Business Reserve Program are eligible for award of a contract.

For the purposes of a Small Business Reserve Solicitation, a small business is a for-profit business, other than a broker, that meets the following criteria:

A. It is independently owned and operated;

B. It is not a subsidiary of another business;

C. It is not dominant in its field of operation; and

D.1 With respect to employees:

(a) Its wholesale operations did not employ more than 50 persons in its most recently completed 3 fiscal years;

(b) Its retail operations did not employ more than 25 persons in its most recently completed 3 fiscal years;

(c) Its manufacturing operations did not employ more than 100 persons in its most recently completed 3 fiscal years;

(d) Its service operations did not employ more than 100 persons in its most recently completed 3 fiscal years;

(e) Its construction operations did not employ more than 50 persons in its most recently completed 3 fiscal years; and

(f) The architectural and engineering services of the business did not employ more than 100 persons in its most recently completed 3 fiscal years; and

D.2 With respect to gross sales:

(a) The gross sales of its wholesale operations did not exceed an average of $4,000,000 in its most recently completed 3 fiscal years;

(b) The gross sales of its retail operations did not exceed an average of $3,000,000 in its most recently completed 3 fiscal years;

(c) The gross sales of its manufacturing operations did not exceed an average of $2,000,000 in its most recently completed 3 fiscal years;

(d) The gross sales of its service operations did not exceed an average of $10,000,000 in its most recently completed 3 fiscal years;

(e) The gross sales of its construction operations did not exceed an average of $7,000,000 in its most recently completed 3 fiscal years; and

(f) The gross sales of its architectural and engineering operations did not exceed an average of $4,500,000 in its most recently completed 3 fiscal years.

Note: If a business has not existed for 3 years, the employment and gross sales average or averages shall be the average for each year or part of a year during which the business has been in existence.

Further information on the certification process is available at eMaryland Marketplace.




RFP Title: / Solicitation Title
RFP Number: / Solicitation Number
RFP Issuing Department or Agency: / DEPARTMENT OR AGENCY ACRONYM
Street Address and Room Number
City, State, Zip Code
RFP Issue Date: / mm/dd/yyyy
Proposals Due Date and Time: / mm/dd/yyyy at hh:mm AM/PM Local Time
Questions Due Date and Time: / mm/dd/yyyy at hh:mm AM/PM Local Time
Procurement Officer: / Name of Procurement Officer
Phone: phone number>
Fax: <fax number>
e-mail: <e-mail address>
Contract Manager: / Name of Contract Manager
Phone: <phone number>
Fax: <fax number>
e-mail: <e-mail address>
Send Proposals to (e-mail delivery strongly preferred): / <e-mail address> DoIT encourages e-mail submission. Remove e-mail address if e-mail proposal submission is not allowed.
Street Address and Room Number
City, State, Zip Code
Attention: Name of Procurement Officer
Send Questions (e-mail only) to: / e-mail address: <e-mail address>
Contract Type / Replace as appropriate Fixed Price and Time and Materials
Contract Duration / Replace as appropriate-See instructions in 1.1 and 1.4 <Five (5) years OR Three (3) year base period and <two (2)> one-year option periods
MBE Subcontracting Goal: / MBE goal percentage %
VSBE Subcontracting Goal: / VSBE goal percentage %
Small Business Reserve / Yes/No choose one
Pre-Proposal Conference: / <date and time > Local Time
<Street Address and Room Number>
<City, State, Zip Code>
See Attachment E for Directions and Response Form



Maryland Wants to Do Business with You

Please let us know why you are not proposing. (Check all that apply).

☐ We do not offer the services/commodities requested.

☐ Busy with other commitments.

☐ Specifications are unclear or too restrictive.

☐ Timetable is unworkable.

☐ Bonding/Insurance requirements are prohibitive.

☐ Our experience with State of Maryland has not been satisfactory.

☐ Other (Please specify)

Additional Comments:

Please add suggestions for improvement here:

Name of commenter and Business (optional): ______

Contact Person (optional): ______Phone (____) _____ - ______

Bid/proposal Number: Solicitation Number Entitled: Solicitation Title

Your comments will help us improve the procurement process.

Thank You.

Please return your comments with your proposal. If you have chosen not to propose to this RFP, please e-mail this completed form to the Procurement Officer’s e-mail address.





1.1 Summary Statement 14

1.2 Abbreviations and Definitions 15

1.3 Contract Type 22

1.4 Contract Duration 23

1.5 Procurement Officer 23

1.6 Contract Manager 23

1.7 Pre-proposal Conference 24

1.8 eMaryland Marketplace (eMM) 24

1.9 Questions 25

1.10 Procurement Method 25

1.11 Proposals Due (Closing) Date and Time 25

1.12 Multiple or Alternate Proposals 25

1.13 Economy of Preparation 26

1.14 Public Information Act Notice 26

1.15 Award Basis 26

1.16 Oral Presentation 26

1.17 Duration of Proposal 26

1.18 Revisions to the RFP 26

1.19 Cancellations 27

1.20 Incurred Expenses 27

1.21 Protest/Disputes 27

1.22 Offeror Responsibilities 27

1.23 Substitution of Contractor Personnel 28

1.24 Mandatory Contractual Terms 31

1.25 Bid/Proposal Affidavit 31

1.26 Contract Affidavit 31

1.27 Compliance with Laws/Arrearages 32

1.28 Verification of Registration and Tax Payment 32

1.29 False Statements 32

1.30 Payments by Electronic Funds Transfer 32

1.31 Prompt Payment Policy 33

1.32 Electronic Procurements Authorized 33

1.33 Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Participation Goal 34

1.34 Living Wage Requirements 38

1.35 Federal Funding Acknowledgement 39

1.36 Conflict of Interest Affidavit and Disclosure 40

1.37 Non-Disclosure Agreement 40

1.38 HIPAA - Business Associate Agreement 41

1.39 Non-Visual Access 41

1.40 Mercury and Products That Contain Mercury 41

1.41 Veteran-Owned Small Business Enterprise Goals 42

1.42 Location of the Performance of Services Disclosure 44

1.43 Department of Human Resources (DHR) Hiring Agreement 44

1.44 Purchasing and Recycling Electronic Products 45

1.45 Contract Extended To Include Other Non-State Governments or Agencies 45

1.46 Retainage 46

1.47 Proposal/Bid Bond 46

1.48 Surety Bond Assistance Program 47

1.49 Performance Bond 47

1.50 Payment Bond 48


2.1 Offeror Minimum Qualifications 49

2.2 Offeror Personnel Minimum Qualifications 50

2.3 Contractor Preferred Qualifications 50

2.4 Personnel Preferred Qualifications 50


3.1 Background and Purpose 51

3.2 Agency / Project Background 51

3.3 General Requirements 51

3.4 Security Requirements 59

3.5 Labor Categories and Qualifications 64

3.6 Performance and Personnel 65

3.7 Problem Escalation Procedure 66

3.8 Service Level Agreement (SLA) 67

3.9 Deliverables 73

3.10 Work Order Process 76

3.11 Insurance Requirements 78

3.12 Invoicing 79

3.13 SOC 2 Type II Audit Report 82

3.14 Ordering and Delivery 85


4.1 Two-Part Submission 86

4.2 Volume I – Technical Proposal 86