Approved by
Russian Federation
Government Regulation N 830
dated November 30th, 2001
Section VI
Group 38
Other chemical products
1. This group is exclusive of the following:
a) separate elements or compounds of particular chemical composition, except the following:
1) artificial graphite (commodity item 3801);
2) insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, herbicides, anti-sprouting and growth-regulating chemicals, desinfectants and similar products, prepacked as specified in commodity item 3808;
3) compositions, used as charges of fire extinguishers or grenades charged for fire fighting (commodity item 3813);
4) certified reference materials, specified in notice 2 to this group;
5) goods, specified in notice 3a or 3b to this group;
b) mixtures, composed of chemicals and nutritives or other substances of nutritive value, which are used in the process of preparation of foodstuff (mainly under commodity item 2106);
c) ashes and scraps (including sludges, except of spent slurry of waste water), containing metals, arsenium and their mixtures and meeting the requirements of notices 3a 3b to group 26 (commodity item 2620);
d) medicaments (commodity item 3003 or 3004); or
e) dead catalysts, used for recovery of base metals or for fabrication of chemical compounds of base metals (commodity item 2620), dead catalysts, used mainly for recovery of precious metals or metal alloys (commodity item 7112), for example, in the form of thin powder or skeleton catalysts (section XIV or XV).
2A. In commodity item 3822 the term "certificated reference materials" denotes reference materials, furnishe with certificate, covering property indices of certified materials together with methods, used to determine these indices, inacciracy of mesuarement of each value, and usable for analitical, calibration and reference purposes.
2B. With exception of commodities of group 28 or 29 in classification of certified reference materials commodity item 3822 prevails over any other commodity item.
3. Commodity item 3824 includes the following goods, which are not included into none of other commodity items of Nomenclature:
a) synthetic crystals (except optical elements) of magnesium oxyde or alkali-halogenide or alkaline-earth metals with min. 2.5g mass of each crystal;
b) fusel-oil; animal tar oil;
c) ink-spot removal compound, prepacked in packages for retail distribution;
d) compounds for correcting printed texts and other correction fluids, prepacke for retail distribution; and
e) fusable ceramic pyro-elements (for example, Seger cones).
4. Within the whole of Nomenclature the term “municipal wastes" denotes a type of waste, collected from houses, hotels, restaurants, offices , etc., road and pavement sweepings as well as construction waste and waste products and rejects of house construction and housebreaking. Normally, minicipal wastes contain various materials such as plastics, rubber, wood, paper, textile, glass, metals, food waste, broken furniture and other damaged articles rejected as unusable. But the term "municipal facilities waste" does not cover the following:
a) separate materials or articles, isolated from waste, like scrap of plastics, rubber, wood, paper, textile glass or metals and dead batteries, falling under relevant commodity items of Nomenclature;
b) industrial wastes;
c) unusable pharmaceuticals, specified in notice 4k to group 30; or
d) hospital refuse, specified in notice 6a to this group.
5. In commodity item 3825 the term “sludge of waste water" denotes sludge accumulating in waste water treatment municipal facilities, and includes waste of coarse treatment, flush water and unstabilized sludge. Stabilized sludge is excluded if usable as fertilizer (group 31).
6. In commodity item 3825 the term "other wastes" denotes:
a) hospital refuse, that is contaminated waste, accumulating as a result of scientific research in the field of medicine, diagnostic, medicative and other medical, surgical, stomatological and veterinary procedures, often containing pathogenics and pharmaceuticals, and requiring special deactivation procedures (for example, contaminated clothes, used gloves and syringes);
b) waste organic solvents;
c) waste metal pickling solutions, hydraulic liquids, braking fluids and antifreezing agents; and
d) other wastes of chemical and related industries.
However, the term "other wastes" does not apply to wastes, containing primarily oil and oil products, extracted from bituminous rocks (commodity item 2710).
Notice to sub-items:
1. In sub-items 3825 41 and 3825 49 the term "waste organic solvents" denotes wastes, containing mainly organic solvents, unusable in existing form for further application as primary products no matter if they are intended for solvent recovery or not.
│ Code of │ │Extra│ Import customs │
│ Foreign │ │unit│ rate of duty │
│ Economic │ Commodity item │ of │ (in percentage of │
│ Activity │ │mea-│ customs value or │
│ Commodity │ │sure│ in Euro) │
│ Nomenclature│ │ment│ │
│3801 │ artificial graphite; graphite colloidal │ │ │
│ │ or semicolloidal; products, derived │ │ │
│ │ on basis of graphite or other carbon, in│ │ │
│ │ form of paste, blocks, plates or other │ │ │
│ │ semimanufactured products: │ │ │
│3801 10 000 0│- artificial graphite │ - │ 5 │
│3801 20 │-graphite colloidal or semicolloidal: │ │ │
│3801 20 100 0│-graphite colloidal in form of suspension│ - │ 5 │
│ │ in oil; semicolloidal graphite │ │ │
│3801 20 900 0│- - other │ - │ 5 │
│3801 30 000 0│- carbon-bearing pastes for electrodes │ - │ 15 │
│ │ and similar pastes for furnace lining │ │ │
│3801 90 000 0│- other │ - │ 5 │
│3802 │ absorbent carbon; mineral │ │ │
│ │ natural products activated; │ │ │
│ │ animal charcoal, including used │ │ │
│ │ animal charcoal: │ │ │
│3802 10 000 0│- absorbent carbon │ - │ 5 │
│3802 90 000 0│- other │ - │ 5 │
│3803 00 │ tallol, refined or │ │ │
│ │ unrefined: │ │ │
│3803 00 100 0│- unrectified │ - │ 5 │
│3803 00 900 0│- other │ - │ 5 │
│3804 00 │ Lixivium, residuary after manufacturing │ │ │
│ │ of wood cellulose, concentrated │ │ │
│ │ or unconcentrated, desaccharificated │ │ │
│ │ or undesaccharificated, chemically │ │ │
│ │ treated or untreated, including │ │ │
│ │ lignin sulfonates, except tallol │ │ │
│ │ of commodity item 3803: │ │ │
│3804 00 100 0│- sulphite concentrated lixivium │ - │ 5 │
│3804 00 900 0│- other │ - │ 5 │
│3805 │ gum turpentine, wood or │ │ │
│ │ sulphate and other terpenic oils, │ │ │
│ │ derived by distillation or other │ │ │
│ │ treatment of softwood; │ │ │
│ │ depentene unrectified; other sulphite │ │ │
│ │ turpentine and unrectified paracymol; │ │ │
│ │ pine oil, containing │ │ │
│ │ alpha- terpineol in the quality of │ │ │
│ │ main component: │ │ │
│3805 10 │- gum turpentine, wooden or │ │ │
│ │ sulphate: │ │ │
│3805 10 100 0│- - gum turpentine │ - │ 5 │
│3805 10 300 0│- - wood turpentine, │ - │ 5 │
│3805 10 900 0│- - sulphate turpentine │ - │ 5 │
│3805 20 000 0│- pine oil │ - │ 5 │
│3805 90 000 0│- other │ - │ 5 │
│3806 │ galipot and resin acids and their │ │ │
│ │ derivates; colophonic alcohol and │ │ │
│ │ resin oils; run gums: │ │ │
│3806 10 │- galipot and resin acids: │ │ │
│3806 10 100 0│- - derived of fresh extraction │ - │ 5 │
│ │ of essential oils │ │ │
│3806 10 900 0│- - other │ - │ 5 │
│3806 20 000 0│- salts of galipot, resin acids or │ - │ 5 │
│ │ derivates of galipot or resin acids, │ │ │
│ │ except salts of rosin adducts │ │ │
│3806 30 000 0│- ester resins │ - │ 5 │
│3806 90 000 0│- other │ - │ 5 │
│3807 00 │ artificial wood bitumen; oils, derived │ │ │
│ │ of artificial wood bitumen; wood │ │ │
│ │ creosote; crude naphtha; wood pitch; │ │ │
│ │ brewer's pitch and similar products │ │ │
│ │ on basis of galipot, resin acids or │ │ │
│ │ wood pitch: │ │ │
│3807 00 100 0│- wood galipot │ - │ 5 │
│3807 00 900 0│- other │ - │ 5 │
│3808 │ incecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, │ │ │
│ │ herbicides, antisprout remedies and │ │ │
│ │ plant growth regulators, disinfectants │ │ │
│ │ and similar items, prepacked in forms │ │ │
│ │ or pack units for retail distribution │ │ │
│ │ or presented in form of ready-made │ │ │
│ │ preparations or products │ │ │
│ │(e.g. sulfurized strips, candlewicks │ │ │
│ │ and flypaper): │ │ │
│3808 10 │- incecticides: │ │ │
│3808 10 100 0│- - on basis of pirethroides │ - │ 5 │
│3808 10 200 0│- - on basis of chlorated │ - │ 5 │
│ │ hydrocarbons │ │ │
│3808 10 300 0│- - on basis of carbamates │ - │ 5 │
│3808 10 400 0│- - on basis of organophosphorus │ - │ 5 │
│ │ compounds │ │ │
│3808 10 900 0│- - other │ - │ 5 │
│3808 20 │- fungicides: │ │ │
│ │- - nonorganic: │ │ │
│3808 20 100 0│- - - preparations on basis of │ - │ 5 │
│ │ cuprum compounds │ │ │
│3808 20 150 0│- - - other │ - │ 5 │
│ │- - other: │ │ │
│3808 20 300 0│- - - on basis of dithiocarbamates │ - │ 5 │
│3808 20 400 0│- - - on basis of benzimidazoles │ - │ 5 │
│3808 20 500 0│- - - on basis of diazoles or triazoles │ - │ 5 │
│3808 20 600 0│- - - on basis of diazines or morpholines│ - │ 5 │
│3808 20 800 0│- - - other │ - │ 5 │
│3808 30 │- herbicides, antisprout remedies and │ │ │
│ │ plant growth regulators: │ │ │
│ │- - herbicides: │ │ │
│3808 30 110 0│- - - on basis of phenoxyphitohormones │ - │ 5 │
│3808 30 130 0│- - - on basis of triazines │ - │ 5 │
│3808 30 150 0│- - - on basis of amides │ - │ 5 │
│3808 30 170 0│- - - on basis of carbomates │ - │ 5 │
│3808 30 210 0│- - - on basis of dinitroaniline │ - │ 5 │
│ │ derivates │ │ │
│3808 30 230 0│- - - on basis of derivates of carbamide,│ - │ 5 │
│ │ uracyl or sulfonyl carbamide │ │ │
│3808 30 270 0│- - - other │ - │ 5 │
│3808 30 300 0│- - antisprout remedies │ - │ 5 │
│3808 30 900 0│- - plant growth regulators │ - │ 5 │
│3808 40 │- disinfectants: │ │ │
│3808 40 100 0│- - on basis of quaternary │ - │ 5 │
│ │ ammonium salts │ │ │
│3808 40 200 0│- - on basis of halogenated │ - │ 5 │
│ │ compounds │ │ │
│3808 40 900 0│- - other │ - │ 5 │
│3808 90 │- other: │ │ │
│3808 90 100 0│- - rodenticides │ - │ 5 │
│3808 90 900 0│- - other │ - │ 5 │
│3809 │ finishing compounds, agents for dyeing │ │ │
│ │ acceleration or colorant latching and │ │ │
│ │ other products and ready-made │ │ │
│ │ preparations (e.g. preparations for │ │ │
│ │ treatment and pickling mediums), using │ │ │
│ │ in textile, paper, leather industry or │ │ │
│ │ similar branches, otherwhere not │ │ │
│ │ specified or │ │ │
│ │ not included: │ │ │
│3809 10 │- on basis of amyloid substances: │ │ │
│3809 10 100 0│- - with content of such substances │ - │ 5 │
│ │ less than 55% of weight fracures │ │ │
│3809 10 300 0│- with content of such substances │ │ │
│ │ 55% of weight fractures or more, │ - │ 5 │
│ │ but less than 70% of weight fractures │ │ │
│3809 10 500 0│- - with content of such substances │ │ │
│ │ 70% of weight fractures or more, │ - │ 5 │
│ │ but less 83% of weight fractures │ │ │
│3809 10 900 0│- - with content of such substances ures │ - │ 5 │
│ │ 83% of weight fract or more, │ │ │
│ │- other: │ │ │
│3809 91 000 0│- - usable in textile or │ - │ 5 │
│ │ similar manufactures │ │ │
│3809 92 000 0│- - usable in paper or similar │ - │ 5 │
│ │ manufactures │ │ │
│3809 93 000 0│- - usable in leather or │ - │ 5 │
│ │ similar manufactures │ │ │
│3810 │ praparations for pickling of metal │ │ │
│ │ surfaces; fluxing agents and other │ │ │
│ │ supporting preparates for │ │ │
│ │ soft soldering, brazing │ │ │
│ │ or for welding operation; │ │ │
│ │ powders and pastes for │ │ │
│ │ soft soldering, │ │ │
│ │ brazing or for welding operation, │ │ │
│ │ consisting of metal and other │ │ │
│ │ materials; materials, usable in │ │ │
│ │ quality of mandrels or coating for │ │ │
│ │ welding electrodes or welding beads: │ │ │
│3810 10 000 0│- praparations for pickling of metal │ - │ 5 │
│ │ surfaces; powders and pastes for │ │ │
│ │ soft soldering, │ │ │
│ │ brazing or for │ │ │
│ │ welding operation, consisting of metal │ │ │
│ │ and other materials │ │ │
│3810 90 │- other: │ │ │
│3810 90 100 0│- - materials, usable in the quality of │ - │ 5 │
│ │ mandrels or coating for │ │ │
│ │ welding electrodes or welding beads │ │ │
│3810 90 900 0│- - other │ - │ 5 │
│3811 │ antidetonants, antioxidants, antigum │ │ │
│ │ inhibitors, thickeners, anticorrosive │ │ │
│ │ agents and other ready-made additives │ │ │
│ │ to petroleum derivatives │ │ │
│ │ (including benzine) or other liquids, │ │ │
│ │ usable for the same purposes as │ │ │
│ │ petroleum derivatives: │ │ │
│ │- antidetonants: │ │ │
│3811 11 │- - on basis of plumbum compounds: │ │ │
│3811 11 100 0│- - - on basis of tetraethyl plumbane │ - │ 5 │
│3811 11 900 0│- - - other │ - │ 5 │
│3811 19 000 0│- - other │ - │ 5 │
│ │- additives to lubricants: │ │ │
│3811 21 000 0│- containing petroleum or oil products, │ - │ 5 │
│ │ derived of of bituminous rocks│ │ │ │
│3811 29 000 0│- - other │ - │ 5 │
│3811 90 000 0│- other │ - │ 5 │
│3812 │ ready-made rubber accelerators; │ │ │
│ │ composite plasticizing agents for │ │ │
│ │ rubber or plastics, otherwhere │ │ │
│ │ not named or not included; other │ │ │
│ │ antioxidants and composite │ │ │
│ │ stabilizators for rubber or plastics: │ │ │
RF Customs Tariff
