For submission to the 2002 NYSUT Representative Assembly

RESOLUTION TITLE: Reaffirm Support of Open Admissions

Submitted by: Professional Staff Congress/CUNY, Local 2334

Local or Retiree Council Name

Whereas, Open Admissions is a universal policy at both SUNY and CUNY community colleges and throughout the nation; and

Whereas, Open Admissions has succeeded in providing educational opportunities for generations of New York City and New York State high school graduates; and

Whereas, the record of Open Admissions demonstrates that New Yorkers have benefited from access by the enrichment of their personal lives, enlargement of opportunities for professional careers, and higher lifetime income; and

Whereas, New York’s business and labor communities have profited significantly from Open Admissions by having a highly skilled workforce, capable of adapting to new technological and economic conditions; and

Whereas, English language instruction is a necessary component of higher education in the state of New York because of its large, diverse immigrant population; therefore be it

Resolved, that NYSUT reaffirms its commitment to Open Admissions; and be it further

Resolved, that NYSUT pledges to work to strengthen remedial and ESL programs at CUNY and SUNY community colleges and to achieve optimum conditions for the transition from high school to college for New York State students.

I hereby certify that the above resolution was approved for submission to the 200 NYSUT Representative Assembly by the:

Delegate Assembly at this meeting on December 20, 2001

(Executive Board, General Membership. etc) (date)

Signed: ------

(president) NYSUT Local Retiree Council #

Professional Staff Congress – CUNY Local 2334

Local Retiree Council Name AFT #



For submission to the 2002 NYSUT Representative Assembly

RESOLUTION TITLE: Support for Academic Freedom

Submitted by: Professional Staff Congress/CUNY, Local 2334

Local or Retiree Council Name

Whereas, the New York State United Teachers adopted the following resolution in its original form; and

Whereas, the work of faculty at the City University of New York and State University of New York relies upon a commitment to academic freedom; and

Whereas, academic freedom has been undermined and challenged in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United Sates; and

Whereas, it is essential to scholarship, research and teaching at the university level; therefore be it

Resolved, that NYSUT reaffirm its belief that higher education in New York State maintain an atmosphere of academic freedom which encourages individuals, in the words of the State University of New York’s motto, “ To Learn - To Search – To Serve,” by offering forums where issues of diversity are explored in an environment of safety and mutual respect for all participants, and be it further

Resolved, that NYSUT oppose attempts to subject university activities to political or ideological screening by groups within or without the university community; and be it further

Resolved, that NYSUT reaffirm its support for the principle that the individual and collective professional judgment of the faculty, in accordance with the principle of academic freedom, is the best guarantor of intellectual quality.

I hereby certify that the above resolution was approved for submission to the 200 NYSUT Representative Assembly by the:

Delegate Assembly at this meeting on December 20, 2001

(Executive Board, General Membership. etc) (date)


(president) NYSUT Local Retiree Council #

Professional Staff Congress – CUNY Local 2334

Local Retiree Council Name AFT #



For submission to the 2002 NYSUT Representative Assembly

RESOLUTION TITLE: High Stakes Testing

Submitted by: Professional Staff Congress/CUNY

Local or Retiree Council Name

Whereas, standardized testing has become a growth industry with too great an influence over classroom practice and curriculum; and

Whereas, standardized tests have become a gatekeeper that unduly influences educational decisions; and

Whereas, decisions based upon such tests may irrevocably direct the course of education for an individual; and

Whereas, standardized tests have been criticized for more than twenty years as culturally biased against women and students of color; and

Whereas, the increasing use of high stakes tests has provoked a backlash against standardized testing by parents, student advocates, educators and scholars who are calling for multiple measures of testing as well as fairness and accuracy in testing; therefore, be it

Resolved, that the New York State United Teachers seek to work with the New York State Department of Education to promote multiple assessments, including portfolios and other forms of authentic assessment, as fair and valid measures of students’ academic achievement, and be it further

Resolved, that the New York State United Teachers seek State legislation to allow school districts to develop and implement alternative assessment procedures, and be it further

Resolved, that the New York State United Teachers, working with its affiliate the American Federation of Teachers, seek federal legislation that requires fairness, accuracy in high stakes testing, and alternative means of assessment.

I hereby certify that the above resolution was approved for submission to the 200 NYSUT Representative Assembly by the:

Delegate Assembly at this meeting on December 20, 2001

(Executive Board, General Membership. etc) (date)


(president) NYSUT Local Retiree Council #

Professional Staff Congress – CUNY Local 2334

Local Retiree Council Name AFT #



For submission to the 2002 NYSUT Representative Assembly

RESOLUTION TITLE: Reaffirm Support Workers’ Compensation

Submitted by: Professional Staff Congress/CUNY, Local 2334

Local or Retiree Council Name

Whereas, the New York State United Teachers adopted the following resolution in its original form; and

Whereas, Workers’ Compensation is vital to the well being of contingent labor as well as full-time workers; therefore be it

Resolved, that NYSUT continue to emphasize its commitment to

Workers’ Compensation, and be it further

Resolved, that NYSUT actively support legislative and regulatory efforts to improve the workers’ compensation system for workers and to fight efforts to diminish benefits, rights and access to workers’ compensation, and direct its legislative department to work toward this end; and that, in addition, copies of this resolution be sent to members of the legislature and to the New York State AFL-CIO.

I hereby certify that the above resolution was approved for submission to the 200 NYSUT Representative Assembly by the:

Delegate Assembly at this meeting on December 20, 2001

(Executive Board, General Membership. etc) (date)


(president) NYSUT Local Retiree Council #

Professional Staff Congress – CUNY Local 2334

Local Retiree Council Name AFT #



for submission to the 2002 NYSUT Representative Assembly

RESOLUTION TITLE: Workers’ Compensation for CUNY Adjuncts

Submitted by: Professional Staff Congress/CUNY, Local 2334

Local or Retiree Council Name

Whereas, the City University of New York has not yet recovered from the financial emergencies of 1976 and 1995 that forced the retrenchment and retirement of full-time faculty; and

Whereas, during the three decades, adjuncts have become a significant portion of the teaching power of the City University of New York; and

Whereas, the City University of New York relies upon adjuncts to be available for the fall and spring semester; and

Whereas, adjuncts do not have a guarantee of future employment, nor employment between semesters; and

Whereas, adjuncts should be entitled to the same protections as other workers; therefore be it

Resolved, that NYSUT seek legislation to amend Workers’ Compensation Law, Article 9, Disability Benefits, to eliminate the exemption of educational institutions from providing mandatory long-term disability coverage to employees; and be it further

Resolved, that NYSUT seek the support of the New York State AFL-CIO to gain Workers’ Compensation for adjuncts at the City University of New York.

I hereby certify that the above resolution was approved for submission to the 200 NYSUT Representative Assembly by the:

Delegate Assembly at this meeting on December 20, 2001

(Executive Board, General Membership. etc) (date)


(president) NYSUT Local Retiree Council #

Professional Staff Congress – CUNY Local 2334

Local Retiree Council Name AFT #



For submission to the 2002 NYSUT Representative Assembly

RESOLUTION TITLE: Full-time Faculty

Submitted by: Professional Staff Congress/CUNY, Local 2334

Local or Retiree Council Name Resolution on

Whereas, fiscal exigencies and Early Retirement Incentives have resulted in a loss of more than 50% of the full-time faculty of the City University of New York over the last three decades; and

Whereas, the City University of New York has been unable to replace full-time faculty at a rate commensurate with that loss; and

Whereas, having too few full-time faculty in a department jeopardizes the accreditation of departments, programs and colleges; and

Whereas, having too few full-time faculty is incompatible with the University’s maintaining first rate programs and a research university; therefore, be it

Resolved, that the New York State United Teachers seek legislation to ensure a ratio of 70/30 full-time to part-time faculty at the public senior and community colleges of the State of New York.

I hereby certify that the above resolution was approved for submission to the 200 NYSUT Representative Assembly by the:

Delegate Assembly at this meeting on December 20, 2001

(Executive Board, General Membership. etc) (date)


(president) NYSUT Local Retiree Council #

Professional Staff Congress – CUNY Local 2334

Local Retiree Council Name AFT #



For submission to the 2002 NYSUT Representative Assembly


Submitted by: Professional Staff Congress/CUNY, Local 2334

Local or Retiree Council Name

Whereas, the mission of the City University of New York is to provide access, excellence and education to all the people of the City of New York; and

Whereas, CUNY too hastily, too thoughtlessly, and unilaterally determined that it should impose higher tuition on out-of-status and undocumented students even though they may have graduated from a New York City high school; and

Whereas, thousands of students will be denied this opportunity if higher tuition is imposed; and

Whereas, both the University Faculty Senate and PSC-CUNY passed resolutions calling for the State Legislature to enact statutory changes to maintain the eligibility of out-of-status and undocumented students who have one or more years of high school in New York; therefore, be it

Resolved, that New York State United Teachers will support the legislation introduced by Assemblyman Peter Rivera that states “ . . . the board of trustees shall charge the same rate of tuition that is charged to state residents, to any person who is an alien, if such person: attended a secondary or high school in the state, and received a high school diploma from a secondary or high school within the state, or obtained a general education diploma issued within the state.”

I hereby certify that the above resolution was approved for submission to the 200 NYSUT Representative Assembly by the:

Delegate Assembly at this meeting on December 20, 2001

(Executive Board, General Membership. etc) (date)


(president) NYSUT Local Retiree Council #

Professional Staff Congress – CUNY Local 2334

Local Retiree Council Name AFT #



For submission to the 2002 NYSUT Representative Assembly


Submitted by: Professional Staff Congress/CUNY, Local 2334

Local or Retiree Council Name

Whereas, members of Tiers III and IV are no longer required to make a contribution to TRS; and

Whereas, members of Tiers I and II of TRS receive additional credits upon retirement; and

Whereas, the majority of faculty and staff at the City University of New York and the State University of New York are in the Optional Retirement Program which has not received a similar benefit; therefore be it

Resolved, that the New York State United Teachers seek legislation that secures pension equity for the employees of the City University of New York and the State University of New York who are members of the Optional Retirement Program; and be it further

Resolved, that the legislation require the employer to assume the three percent employee contribution for Optional Retirement Program members with more than ten years of membership in the ORP.

I hereby certify that the above resolution was approved for submission to the 200 NYSUT Representative Assembly by the:

Delegate Assembly at this meeting on December 20, 2001

(Executive Board, General Membership. etc) (date)


(president) NYSUT Local Retiree Council #

Professional Staff Congress – CUNY Local 2334

Local Retiree Council Name AFT #



For submission to the 2002 NYSUT Representative Assembly

RESOLUTION TITLE: Teachers Retirement System Pension for Adjuncts

Submitted by: Professional Staff Congress/CUNY, Local 2334

Local or Retiree Council Name

Whereas, currently CUNY adjuncts contribute monies to the Teachers Retirement System (TRS) to receive a pension at retirement; and

Whereas, currently the TRS pension for CUNY adjuncts is based on the number of years of TRS credited service with 360 hours equal to one (1) year; and

Whereas, an adjunct must generally work one and one half years (1 ½ years) to two (2) years in order to reach one (1 ) year of TRS credited service; and

Whereas, currently when an adjunct retires the TRS pension is based only on the final year’s service, i.e. the last 12 months gross salary which does not, in most cases, equal the 360 hours for one (1) year salary; and

Whereas, the inequity leaves the CUNY adjuncts with a much lower pension than they should receive, despite having contributed monies to the pension plan, and should be corrected; therefore, be it

Resolved, that NYSUT seek changes in the TRS pension plan to reflect proper credit so that the pension is calculated on the salary earned in the last 360 hours of service.

I hereby certify that the above resolution was approved for submission to the 200 NYSUT Representative Assembly by the:

Delegate Assembly at this meeting on December 20, 2001

(Executive Board, General Membership. etc) (date)


(president) NYSUT Local Retiree Council #

Professional Staff Congress – CUNY Local 2334

Local Retiree Council Name AFT #



For submission to the 2002 NYSUT Representative Assembly

RESOLUTION TITLE: Part-Timers’ Membership in the ORP

Submitted by: Professional Staff Congress/CUNY, Local 2334

Local or Retiree Council Name