AP U. S. History

Quiz- Chapter 2 and Notes

Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. 2 points for each correct answer.

“In 1680 Pueblo leaders united most of their communities against European intruders……In a matter of weeks, the Pueblos had eliminated Spaniards from New Mexico above El Paso. The natives had killed over 400 of the province’s 2,500 foreigners, destroyed or sacked every Spanish building, and laid waste to every Spanish field…..Some Pueblo leaders urged for an end of all things Spanish as well as Christian.”

1. Which one of the following most shaped the events described in this excerpt?

a. The amount of intermarriage between the Spanish and Native Indians

b. The importance of Spanish crops to be sent back to Europe

c. The demands of the encomienda system in the Spanish colonies

d. The establishment of African slavery in the colonies

The Columbian Exchange of crops affected both the Old World and New. Amerindian crops that have crossed the ocean-example, maize to china and the white potato to Ireland…”

2. Which of the following statements best describes the impact this exchange have in the world?

a. This exchange was a stimulant to population growth in the Old World

b. This exchanged spurred the urge to bring in African slaves to work in the French colonies

c. More countries will explore the New World to look for gold

d. This exchange started a war between the English and Spanish colonists

” If any come to my house to be instructed in the ways of God, what rule have I to put them away?”

Anne Hutchinson 1630’s

3. This excerpt from Anne Hutchinson best represents which of the following developments in the Massachusetts Bay colony in the 1630’s?

a. Efforts to raise the level of education

b. Growing challenges by dissenters towards the civil authorities

c. Efforts to raise the level of education for believers

d. Attempts to follow the civil authorities through home meetings

Headright System:

§  Each Virginian got 50 acres for each person whose passage they paid.

4. The Headright system was tied to which other practice in the new world?

a. The Columbian Exchange

b. The African slave trade

c. The Indentured servant program

d. The House of Burgesses

5. Which of the following statements best explains what this picture depicts?

a. Spaniards and Native Indians fighting in South America

b. Clashes between the Chesapeake colonists and Powhatan’s confederacy

c. An artist’s interpretation of conflict in the Pennsylvania Colony

d. The Metacom War in the New England colonies

6. The House of Burgesses will be;

a. The first example of self-government in the colonies

b. Set up by the Virginia Company to rule over their landholdings

c. Used to recruit new settlers including ’maides young and uncorrupt’

d. The meeting house to exchange terms of peace between John Smith and Powhatan

Jamestown Colonization Pattern:

8. Due to lack of roads, which statement best explains hoe the colonists in the Chesapeake Bay transport their tobacco?

a. By trading within communities and then oversea

b. By exchanging with the Native Indians in the area as their villages were closely linked

c. Through various waterways in the region until it reach the coast

d. By setting up various storehouses until troops would carry it and marched through the forest to the coast

9. Mercantilism refers to an economic policy that emphasizes

a. / establishing colonies and a favorable balance of trade for the mother country
b. / the reluctance to establish colonies due to the high cost of maintaining them
c. / greater import levels and reduced export levels by the mother country
d. / the principle of free trade and competition
10. Which of the following statements best describes the importance of the Virginia House of Burgesses?
a. / It set the standard for more colonial legislative bodies that would follow.
b. / It was abolished immediately by King James I
c. / It established Puritanism as the official religion.
d. It controlled the economy of the English colonies