Quickie Foods for Fun Lovin’ Pups and their Parents!

I don’t know about everyone else, but once school starts back, life around “The Cassel Homestead” gets pretty hectic. Mornings start with a 5:30a.m. alarm wake up call, and it’s off to the races, getting ready for work and taking care of all the animals,(all dogs naturally, have to take twice as long to find JUST THE RIGHT SPOT). (And of course everyone who could help, magically disappears, except MOM,[that would be YOURS TRULY]). Once home in the mid. to late afternoon, it’s once again, go at top speed to get everything done and get in bed at a decent time to try to get at least 6 or 7 hrs. of sleep, before starting the race again.

I LOVE the idea of quick and healthy snacks for all of my babies, (and anything that makes my life easier).


Did you know that CARROTS are not only healthy for us, but for our dogs too! YEAH! Can’t get much easier than that now can you. Yep, carrots are a great snacks for the pups and they give them beta-carotene, which not only has great anticancer properties but also helps keep plaque down on the teeth.

Hey, I can do carrots and do them quickly. Now, to try them and see if my pups will eat them.

For some added protein you can give the pups some low fat plain yogurt or cottage cheese, or if you have chickens, a fertile egg yolk.

Chunks of Tofu are great also, and if you have one with chronic arthritis or upper respiratory problems the tofu is especially beneficial for them, and easy to digest.

Brown rice, millet, and oatmeal are also good for the doggies, and easy to make.

Adding olive oil or flax oil to anything your dog eats is very beneficial and also help with skin problems, inflammatory conditions, and energy levels. (for small dogs, only 1 tsp., medium dogs, 2 tsp., and large dogs 1 Tbls.)

Dogs can also eat veggies – (who knew?), well, I actually had a beagle who knew, loved tomatoes….lol!

Table Scraps – OK, here’s the lowdown on table scraps, share with your buddies- our doggies can eat them, and some of them are even “good for your dog” but be careful, …….(Ssssshhhhhhh, you might cut into the dogfood sales), OK, here’s the listof GOOD table scraps:

1. Veggies, carrots, anything in the broccoli family, and leafy greens, (cooked veggies are OK), raw is best, but should be shaved, grated, mashed, or aged…. You can puree them in the blender then let them sit a day or 2 before feeding.

2. Fruit, bananas are usually a winner as far as dogs taste, but you can try different kinds of fruits also.

3. Pasta (as long as your dog doesn’t have a wheat allergy) is OK, no spices or tom. Sauce.

4. A bit of olive oil, like I said before, is good for the skin.

5. Well-cooked rice, (long grain), not instant.

6. Baked or boiled potatoes

Now remember, don’t add spices and sauces for your pups, NOT HEALTHY!

Have fun feeding your fun lovin’ guys and gals! And remember DOGS like aged food, so you can leave left overs in a container on the counter for a day or 2 and they will probably like them even better!

Lovin’ those curly pups,
