Church History I

Church History I


EXAM # 1

Student’s Edition

A question that is labelled with a [K] has more than just the standard “a,b,c,d” answers to choose from;

it has the following choices:

A) a B) b C) c D) d E) a,b F) a,c G) a,b,c H) a,b,c,d I) b,d J) a,d K) none of the above

All questions without a [K] will only have the standard ‘a,b,c,d’ as possible answers.

1. There were at least 5 major areas of ‘Catholic Corruption’ that caused ‘true churches’ to eventually

apostasize; which of the following are one of those 5 areas? [K]

a) Church and State union

b) Fundamentalism

c) Bible taken literally

d) Baptism

2. Which of the following are items that were brought from the pagan culture and then Christianized by Rome

and are now a part of Roman Catholic Church dogma? [K]

a) choir

b) holy relics

c) tithing

d) festivals

3. Which of the following statements are true regarding the Roman Catholic Church? [K]

a) They claim to be the only true church of Christ.

b) The name ‘Catholic’ means universal.

c) The Roman Catholic Church claims to have authority over all Christians throughout the world.

d) Its headquarters is in Venice, Spain.

4. Which of the following were famous non-Baptist historians who gave proof to the existance of Baptists as far

back as the 1st century? [K]

a) Mosheim

b) Hosius

c) Ridpath

d) Origen

5. Which one of the following is a true statement?

a) In the Unam Sanctum the Pope claimed that Jesus Christ was the only way of salvation.

b) “Monarchialism” was the pursuit of a life devoted to seclusion and asceticism.

c) By the beginning of the second milennium, the Roman Catholic Church controlled practically all of Europe.

d) The 6th thru the 15th centuries were referred to by all Christians as ‘The Golden Age’.

6. The Vatican was able to amass great amounts of wealth through which of the following schemes? [K]

a) Papal lottery

b) Taxing Papal states

c) Investments in local businesses

d) Indulgences

7. Which of the following statements about the Inquisition are correct? [K]

a) The Inquisition spread across Europe and then throughout much of the known world. They networked across the world

with descriptions of those that they were after; thus, there was nowhere safe to hide.

b) The “Inquisition” dealt with the Roman government investigating into the immorality of the papacy. They found that

many of the Popes were guilty of sexual-related crimes.

c) It is estimated that over 50 million ‘heretics’ were tortured and murdered by the Catholics during the Dark Ages.

d) Those that were caught be the Inquisitors were allowed to have a legal representative present; all the procedures used

in the Inquisition were legal, proper, and ethical. History, however, has twisted all of this into being some gruesome

moral atrocity.

8. Which of the following statements on Catholicims are correct? [K]

a) The following are some of the Vatican decrees in the ‘high-middle-ages’: Auricular Confession; Adoration of the

Wafer; and the Bible being forbidden to laymen.

b) The great Papal Schism arose over whether Constantinople or Rome held jurisdiction over the church in Sicily.

c) Upon the great Papal Schism, the Western branch (Latin, Rome) became known as the Roman Catholic Church and

the Eastern brance (Greek) became known as the Orthodox Church.

d) The Council of Trent was a Catholic council held from 1545-1563 in an attempt to destroy the progress of the

Protestant Reformation. This council denied every Reformation doctrine and hurled 125 anathemas (eternal

damnation) against Bible-believing Christians.

9. Which of the following were a major aspect of the Roman Catholic “Counter-Reformation”? [K]

a) Revival of the Inquisition

b) The creation of the Jesuit Order

c) The Papacy’s acknowledging of the legitimacy of the Protestant religion

d) The King James Version Bible

10. Which of the following statements about the Inquisition are correct? [K]

a) Lord Atkin, a Roman Catholic priest in England, stated: “Power corrupts; and absolute power absolutely corrupts.”

b) The crime of ‘furthering heresy’ was issued to anyone who befriended an heretic.

c) In 1947, Pavolich, the president of the recently created Croatia, ordered all Greek Orthodox Serbians to be murdered.

Over 700,000 were murdered over 4 years! Croatia was established as an entirely Roman Catholic ‘state’.

d) The two largest religious groups that were the most severely attacked in the Inquisition were the Muslims and the


11. Which of the following statements is correct concerning modern Roman Catholicism? [K]

a) The current Pope (2010) is Pope John Paul II.

b) In 1950, Pope Pius XII decreed the Assumption of Mary and also promulgated the new feast ‘Queenship of Mary’

celebrating Mary as Queen of Heaven, and he introduced the first ever Marian year in 1954.

c) The Second Vatican Council (1962-65) was held to help modernize the Catholic Church; it changed much of what

was in Vatican I and made it more ‘politically’ and ‘religiously’ correct.

d) In the 1960’s, the Vatican issued ‘encyclicals’ that reaffirmed their stance on: ‘traditional marriage’; being against

artificial birth control; being against abortion and euthenasia; and being against the ordination of women.

12. Which of the following is not one of the ‘Seven Sacraments’?

a) Marriage

b) Holy Orders

c) Repentance

d) Extreme Unction

13. Which of the following is not one of the blasphemous heresies associated with Mariolatry?

a) Mary as the Co-Redemptrix

b) Mary’s Immaculate Conception

c) Mary as the mother of Jesus

d) Mary as the Queen of Heaven

14. Which of the following provocative statements about the Great Whore are correct? [K]

a) It is very probable that the modern-day Ecumenical Movement will be engulfed by the Roman Catholic Church (or

vice versa) and then this entity will then be known as the Great Whore.

b) It is only recently, in the past 100 years, that Bible-believing Christians have discerned that the Roman Catholic

Church might very well be the Great Whore of Revelation 17.

c) The Bible states: ‘The Great Whore which sitteth upon many waters’; “waters” refers to people groups that are on

islands in the sea; thus, the Great Whore will be mainly composed of those in the Pacific Island chain (some 1000+

islands!), including Japan and the Philippines.

d) The Harlots of the Whore are today seen as the Protestants and many of the Non-Denominational churches.