UGF Library
Aesthetics, Ethics & Mythology
By Author
BL2441.2.E4 1965
Title: Egyptian mythology.
Publication info: London ; Paul Hamlyn, 1965.
BL310.G853 1968 1959
Title: Larousse encyclopedia of mythology. With an introd. by
Robert Graves. [Translated by Richard Aldington and
Delano Ames, and rev. by a panel of editorial advisers
from the Larousse mythologie gâenâerale edited by
Felix Guirand]
Publication info: London, Hamlyn [1959]
BL315 .T73 1990 1990
Title: Transformations of myth through time : an anthology of
readings / Diane U. Eisenberg ... [et al.]
Publication info: San Diego : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1990.
BL90.Y4 1952
Title: A picture history of the Bible and Christianity in
1000 pictures, with the inspiring stories of all the
world's great religions. Introd. by Albert Schweitzer,
forewords by leaders of the major faiths.
Publication info: [Los Angeles] [1952]
BL1130.A4B472 1972 1972
Title: Bhagavad-gåitåa as it is / with translations and
elaborate purports by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Publication info: New York : Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, c1972.
BL1135.P7A22 1972 1972
Title: âSråimad-Bhåagavatam : with a short life sketch of
Lord âSråi Caitanya Mahåaprabhu, the ideal preacher of
Bhåagavata-dharma, and the original Sanskrit text, its
roman transliteration, synonyms, translation and
elaborate purports / by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Publication info: New York : Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, c1972-<c1985 >
BH39.C84 1976 1976
Title: Culture and art : an anthology / edited by Lars
Publication info: Nyborg : F. Lokke ; Atlantic Highlands, N.J. :
Humanities Press, 1976.
BJ21.A2 1963
Title: Ethics and metaethics; readings in ethical philosophy.
Personal Author: Abelson, Raziel.
Publication info: New York, St. Martin's Press [1963]
BL51.A32 1962
Title: Philosophy of religion, a book of readings, edited by
George L. Abernethy and Thomas A. Langford.
Personal Author: Abernethy, George L.,
Publication info: New York, Macmillan [1962]
BL1803 .A34 2002 2002
Title: Chinese religious traditions / Joseph A. Adler.
Personal Author: Adler, Joseph Alan.
Publication info: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, 2002.
BJ1025.A35 1941
Title: A dialectic of morals; towards the foundations of
political philosophy, by Mortimer J. Adler ...
Personal Author: Adler, Mortimer Jerome, 1902-2001.
Publication info: New York : Frederick Ungar, 1941.
BJ1025.A36 1962
Title: Ethics, the study of moral values, by Mortimer J.
Adler and Seymour Cain. Pref. by William Ernest
Personal Author: Adler, Mortimer Jerome, 1902-2001
Publication info: Chicago, Encyclopaedia Britannica [c1962]
BJ1012.A3 1970
Title: The time of our lives; the ethics of common sense [by]
Mortimer J. Adler.
Personal Author: Adler, Mortimer Jerome, 1902-2001.
Publication info: New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston [1970]
BJ1012 .A38 2004 2004
Title: Morality and ethics in theory and practice / by Lewis
R. Aiken.
Personal Author: Aiken, Lewis R., 1931-
Publication info: Springfield, Ill. : Charles C. Thomas, c2004.
BJ401.D65 2002 2002
Title: Doing ethics in a pluralistic world : essays in honour
of Roger C. Hutchinson / edited by Phyllis D. Airhart,
Marilyn J. Legge and Gary L. Redcliffe.
Publication info: Waterloo, Ont. : Published for the Canadian
Corporation for Studies in Religion = Corporation
canadienne des sciences religieuses by Wilfrid Laurier
University Press, 2002.
BL2525 .A545 2001 2001
Title: American spiritualities : a reader / edited by
Catherine L. Albanese.
Publication info: Bloomington : Indiana University Press, c2001.
BJ21 .A4 1969 1969
Title: Great traditions in ethics; an introduction [by] Ethel
M. Albert, Theodore C. Denise [and] Sheldon P.
Personal Author: Albert, Ethel M.,
Publication info: New York, American Book Co. [1969]
BJ1674.A413 1969
Title: The family in Renaissance Florence. A translation by
Renee Neu Watkins, with an introd. by the translator.
Personal Author: Alberti, Leon Battista, 1404-1472.
Publication info: Columbia, University of South Carolina Press [1969]
BL221 .A47 1957 1957
Title: From the stone age to Christianity; monotheism and the
historical process.
Personal Author: Albright, William Foxwell, 1891-1971.
Publication info: Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1957.
BJ4160.A7 1969
Title: The Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions and their
Personal Author: Albright, William Foxwell, 1891-1971.
Publication info: Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1969 [c1966]
BL2370 .S5 A43 2005 2005
Title: The quest for the shaman : shape-shifters, sorcerers
and spirit-healers of Ancient Europe / Miranda &
Stephen Aldhouse-Green.
Personal Author: Aldhouse-Green, Miranda J. (Miranda Jane)
Publication info: London : Thames & Hudson, 2005.
BJ1251.A37 1984 1984
Title: Love & conflict : a covenantal model of Christian
ethics / Joseph L. Allen.
Personal Author: Allen, Joseph L., 1928-
Publication info: Nashville : Abingdon Press, c1984.
BL2525 .A44 2003 2003
Title: Religion in America since 1945 : a history / Patrick
Personal Author: Allitt, Patrick.
Publication info: New York : Columbia University Press, 2003.
BL65.L2A45 1977 1977
Title: The self-embodiment of God / Thomas J. J. Altizer.
Personal Author: Altizer, Thomas J. J.
Publication info: New York : Harper & Row, c1977.
BL504 .A47 2004 2004
Title: Forever ours : real stories of immortality and living
from a forensic pathologist / Janis Amatuzio.
Personal Author: Amatuzio, Janis.
Publication info: Novato, Calif. : New World Library : Distributed by
Publishers Group West, c2004.
BL1 .C75 1997 1988
Title: Critical review of books in religion.
Publication info: [Atlanta, Ga.] : Journal of the American Academy of
Religion and the Journal of Biblical Literature, 1988-
BL624.S246 1986 1986
Title: Baba's grace : discourses on spiritual love /
[design/illustrations by Michael B. McClure].
Personal Author: åAnandamåurti, 1923-1990.
Publication info: [Denver, CO : Ananda Marga Publications, 1986].
BL624 .A49 1994 1994
Title: Man, woman, and God / Christopher A. Anderson.
Personal Author: Anderson, Christopher A.
Publication info: Santa Rosa, Calif. : Anderson's Publications, c1994.
BL458 .W5638 2004 2004
Title: Women and religious traditions / edited by Leona M.
Anderson and Pamela Dickey Young.
Publication info: Don Mills, Ont. ; New York : Oxford University Press,
BH221.F8A53 1984 1984
Title: Art in a desacralized world : nineteenth century
France and England / Mary R. Anderson.
Personal Author: Anderson, Mary R., 1937-
Publication info: Lanham, MD : University Press of America, c1984.
BL435 .A53 1998 1998
Title: Legends of the earth, sea, and sky : an encyclopedia
of nature myths / Tamra Andrews.
Personal Author: Andrews, Tamra, 1959-
Publication info: Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-CLIO, c1998.
BL2201.A47 1963 1963
Title: History of Japanese religion, with special reference
to the social and moral life of the nation.
Personal Author: Anesaki, Masaharu, 1873-1949.
Publication info: Rutland, Vt., C. E. Tuttle Co. [1963]
BL2530.U6 A66 1985 1985
Title: Cults in America : programmed for paradise / Willa
Personal Author: Appel, Willa.
Publication info: New York : Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1985, c1983.
BJ45 .A76 2003 2003
Title: Unprincipled virtue : an inquiry into moral agency /
Nomy Arpaly.
Personal Author: Arpaly, Nomy.
Publication info: Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2003.
BJ1025 .M67 2002 2002
Title: Morality and moral controversies : readings in moral,
social, and political philosophy / John Arthur,
Publication info: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c2002.
BJ1390.A79 1977 1977
Title: Morals and politics : the ethics of revolution /
William Ash.
Personal Author: Ash, William, 1917-
Publication info: London ; Boston : Routledge & K. Paul, 1977.
BL65 .P7 A84 2000 2000
Title: Religious commitment and secular reason / Robert Audi.
Personal Author: Audi, Robert, 1941-
Publication info: Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press,
BL2525.R465 1989 1989
Title: Religion in America : opposing viewpoints / Julie S.
Bach & Thomas Modl, book editors ; William Dudley,
Assistant editor.
Publication info: San Diego, CA : Greenhaven Press, c1989.
BL53 .B24 1999 1999
Title: Religious experience, justification, and history /
Matthew C. Bagger.
Personal Author: Bagger, Matthew C.
Publication info: Cambridge, U.K. ; New York : Cambridge University
Press, c1999.
BL2747.3.B333 2003 2003
Title: Atheism : a very short introduction / Julian Baggini.
Personal Author: Baggini, Julian.
Publication info: Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2003.
BJ55 .M594 1988 1988
Title: Morality and the law / edited by Robert M. Baird and
Stuart Rosenbaum.
Publication info: Buffalo, N.Y. : Prometheus Books, c1988.
BL175.B3 1962
Title: Readings in natural theology.
Personal Author: Baisnâee, Jules Albert, 1879-
Publication info: Westminster, Md., Newman Press, 1962.
BJ2193.B33 1985 1985
Title: Letitia Baldrige's Complete guide to executive manners
/ edited by Sandi Gelles-Cole.
Personal Author: Baldrige, Letitia.
Publication info: New York : Rawson Associates, c1985.
BL70.W6 1944
Title: World Bible, edited by Robert O. Ballou.
Publication info: New York, The Viking press, 1944.
BJ1251 .B28 1999 1999
Title: Christian ethics and contemporary moral problems /
Michael Banner.
Personal Author: Banner, Michael C.
Publication info: Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press,
BJ1012.B363 1981 1981
Title: Moral norms and moral order : the philosophy of human
affairs / William Augustus Banner.
Personal Author: Banner, William Augustus.
Publication info: Gainesville : University Presses of Florida, c1981.
BL245.B3 1966
Title: Issues in science and religion [by] Ian G. Barbour.
Personal Author: Barbour, Ian G.
Publication info: Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall [1966]
BL240.2 .R367 1997 1997
Title: Religion and science : historical and contemporary
issues / Ian G. Barbour.
Personal Author: Barbour, Ian G.
Publication info: [San Francisco] : HarperSanFrancisco, 1997.
BL240.2.B368 1990 1990
Title: Religion in an age of science / Ian G. Barbour.
Personal Author: Barbour, Ian G.
Publication info: San Francisco : Harper & Row, c1990.
BJ1533.H8B3 1953
Title: The quest of honor.
Personal Author: Barrett, Edward John Boyd, 1883-
Publication info: Milwaukee, Bruce Pub. Co. [1953]
BL21.W8 B3 1893 V2 1893
Title: The World's Parliament of Religions : an illustrated
and popular story of the World's First Parliament of
Religions, held in Chicago in connection with the
Columbian Exposition of 1893 / edited by the Rev. John
Henry Barrows.
Publication info: Chicago : Parliament Publishing, c1893
BL85 .B365 2002 2002
Title: Religious diversity : a philosophical assessment /
David Basinger.
Personal Author: Basinger, David.
Publication info: Aldershot, Hants ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2002.
BH81.B4 1966 1966
Title: Aesthetics from classical Greece to the present; a
short history [by] Monroe C. Beardsley.
Personal Author: Beardsley, Monroe C.
Publication info: New York, Macmillan [1966]
BJ1012 .B4 1982
Title: Philosophical ethics : an introduction to moral
philosophy / Tom L. Beauchamp.
Personal Author: Beauchamp, Tom L.
Publication info: New York : McGraw-Hill, c1982.
BJ21.B4 1970 1970
Title: Ethical choice; a case study approach [by] Robert N.
Beck [and] John B. Orr.
Personal Author: Beck, Robert Nelson, 1924-
Publication info: New York, Free Press [1970]
BL1442.Z4B4 1961
Title: Zen: a rational critique.
Personal Author: Becker, Ernest.
Publication info: New York, Norton [1961]
BJ1251 .J35 1988 1988
Title: James M. Gustafson's theocentric ethics :
interpretations and assessments / edited by Beckley,
Harlan R. and Swezey, Charles M.
Publication info: Macon, Ga. : Mercer University Press, c1988.
BJ1012.B424 1978 1978
Title: Moral life / Rodger Beehler.
Personal Author: Beehler, Rodger, 1938-
Publication info: Totowa, N.J. : Rowman & Littlefield, 1978.
BL600 .B47 1997 1997
Title: Ritual : perspectives and dimensions / Catherine Bell.
Personal Author: Bell, Catherine M., 1953-
Publication info: New York : Oxford University Press, 1997.
BL715 .B445 1993 1993
Title: Women of classical mythology : a biographical
dictionary / Robert E. Bell.
Personal Author: Bell, Robert E.
Publication info: New York : Oxford University Press, 1993.
BL60.B37 1970
Title: Beyond belief; essays on religion in a
post-traditional world [by] Robert N. Bellah.
Personal Author: Bellah, Robert Neelly, 1927-
Publication info: New York, Harper & Row [1970]
BL1032.B4 1965
Title: Religion and progress in modern Asia. Edited by Robert
N. Bellah.
Personal Author: Bellah, Robert Neelly, 1927-
Publication info: New York, Free Press [1965]
BL2527 .N7 B46 2003 2003
Title: Heaven's kitchen : living religion at God's Love We
Deliver / Courtney Bender.
Personal Author: Bender, Courtney.
Publication info: Chicago : University of Chicago Press, c2003.
BJ1251 .B39 1988 1988
Title: Ordinary saints : an introduction to the Christian
life / Robert Benne.
Personal Author: Benne, Robert.
Publication info: Philadelphia : Fortress Press, c1988.
BJ1251.B4 1946
Title: Christian ethics and social policy, by John C.
Personal Author: Bennett, John C. (John Coleman), 1902-1995
Publication info: New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1946.
BL2525 .B45 1998 1998
Title: Encyclopedia of American women and religion / June
Melby Benowitz.
Personal Author: Benowitz, June Melby.
Publication info: Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-CLIO, c1998.
BL515 .B496 1995 1995
Title: Wheels of a soul : reincarnation, your life today and
tomorrow / Rabbi Berg.
Personal Author: Berg, Philip S.
Publication info: Richmond Hill, NY : Kabbalah Learning Centre, 1995,
BL100.B43 1969
Title: A rumor of angels; modern society and the rediscovery
of the supernatural [by] Peter L. Berger.
Personal Author: Berger, Peter L., 1929-
Publication info: Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1969.
BL60 .B42 1990 1990
Title: The sacred canopy : elements of a sociological theory
of religion / Peter L. Berger.
Personal Author: Berger, Peter L., 1929-
Publication info: New York : Anchor Books, 1990, c1967.
BL60.B42 1967
Title: The sacred canopy; elements of a sociological theory
of religion, by Peter L. Berger.
Personal Author: Berger, Peter L., 1929-
Publication info: Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1967.
BJ1249 .B42 1998 1998
Title: A moral vision for America / Joseph Cardinal Bernardin
; edited by John P. Langan.
Personal Author: Bernardin, Joseph, 1928-1996.
Publication info: Washington, D.C. : Georgetown University Press, c1998.
BL50.B46 1975
Title: The raft is not the shore : conversations toward a
Buddhist/Christian awareness / Daniel Berrigan, Thich
Nhat Hanh.
Personal Author: Berrigan, Daniel.
Publication info: Boston : Beacon Press, [1975]
BJ1251 .B47 1990 1990
Title: Social ethics : an examination of American moral
traditions / Roger G. Betsworth.