Original 60-Second Public Service Announcement Writing Assignment Name: ______

This is an INDIVIDUAL, not a group project. Scripts turned in late will receive no higher than a 50%.

Write a script for an original public service announcement. The topic and dialogue MUST adhere to the course project content standards. Remember, obscenity is a violation of FCC laws.

1.  You must choose an EXISTING non-profit organization for which you will write a public service announcement.

The non-profit sponsor is: ______.

What is its purpose? ______.

2.  Make sure the MESSAGE of your PSA can be boiled down to a short statement, six words or less (i.e. “It takes a man to be a dad,” “Give a hoot, don’t pollute,” “Take a bite out of crime,”

The message of my PSA is: ______.

3.  PSA’s are more effective if they elicit an emotion from the listener (humor, fear, nostalgia, excitement, etc.)

The emotion of my PSA is: ______.

4.  Determine who the target audience is for your PSA. Circle only ONE in each category.





Where do they live?





Male / Under 10 / Country/Rural / Blue Collar / Grade school
Female / Teens / Suburbs / White Collar / High School
20-30 / City / Upper Class / Some College
40-60 / Inner city / College
Retired / Doesn’t matter / Adv. Degree

5.  You may choose music for your PSA. The music should be appropriate for the target audience. (Don’t use Ludacris if your target audience is senior citizens. Children tend not to listen to Barbara Streisand.) The music should fit with the message and emotion, also.

The music I will use is (be specific) ______

6.  Your PSA must include at least two sound effects, but no more than four.

1. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______

7. You must have 2 speaking roles (+ announcer) in your script. Your characters must be at a location of some sort (park, bowling alley, fair, cafeteria, basketball game, etc.)

Name / Gender / Age / Locations where your project takes place.
Character 1
Character 2 / 1.

Synopsis: (Briefly describe the plot or story)


8. Remember a script is a description of what takes place (see attached example) This must include details about who is speaking, and HOW they are to deliver the lines (sarcastically, mournfully, nostalgically, excitedly, sternly, etc. Put those adverbs to work!) Describe what your characters do in the script, even though we can’t see what they are doing. Your characters must DO something, not just talk. Grammar and punctuation DOES count!





























This is an example of an A-quality script. It is informative, professional, is not too short or long, has a clear message, is visual (has a setting and actions) and is well-written.

Bat Conservation International

Public Service Announcement Script

Synopsis: Rob and Sarah are exploring a cave and stumble upon some bats. Reverb is heard throughout the announcement.

Sound Effect: Bat squeaks.

Rob: (excitedly) “Hey Sarah, it’s a dirty bat! Let’s go throw rocks at it!”

Sarah: (enthusiastically) “Okay!”

Sound Effect: Rocks bouncing off a wall.

Music: Batman theme song fades in.

Sarah: (confused) “Where’s that music coming from?”

Bat Dude: (matter-of-factly) “From me, Bat Dude!”

Rob: (annoyed) “What do YOU want?”

Bat Dude: “I’ve come to find out why you’re treating this bat so meanly.”

Rob: (arrogantly) “’Cause they’re stupid!”

Sarah: (agreeing) “and ugly.”

Bat Dude: (enthusiastically) “I can assure you that if you knew the truth, you’d feel differently! I’ll use the internet to teach you the value of bats. Let’s go to BatCon.org…”

Bat Dude whips out a laptop and starts typing.

Sound Effect: Keyboard typing.

Rob: (amazed) “Wow! Look at all the cool stuff bats do!”

Sarah: “I didn’t know they ate insects.”

Bat Dude: “That right. In fact a single little brown bat can eat 1,200 insects in an hour.”

Sarah: “Cool!”

Bat Dude: (informatively) “That’s not all. Bats also help pollinate plants that make products for humans.”

Rob: (ashamed) “I’ll never throw rocks at bats again.”

Bat Dude: (enthusiastically) “So remember…bats are beautiful!”

Music: Fade in Batman theme song.

Announcer: (no reverb) A message brought to you by Bat Conservation International and the Ad Council.

Music: Fade out Batman Theme Song

Sound Effect: Bat chirping

Script Checklist- Does your script adhere to the following criteria?

ö Choose one message that is simple and easy to understand.

ö Choose a slogan that is less than six words.

ö Keep it short. No longer than 60 seconds.

ö Your script should be a conversation.

ö Elicit an emotion. People respond to emotions better than being talked at.

ö Give your actors names and mention the names in the script.

ö Your script must take place in an interesting location (on a train, in a park, at a circus, etc.)

ö Make sure your language and message are appropriate for your audience.

ö Be specific. Give the phone number, hours, location, web site, etc., but not all of them, or listeners will get confused by too many numbers.

PSA Script Rubric

Category / Total / Your Score / Comments
Front Page / 6
Mechanics (punctuation, spelling.) / 3
Synopsis / 2
Descriptors / 2
Professionalism / 2
Plot / 2
Audience / 2
Contact Information / 2
Message / 2
Sound Effects/Music / 2
Total / 25

1.  20/20 Vision Education Fund

2.  4-H: National 4-H Council

3.  Abraham Fund

4.  Access Fund

5.  Adoptable Children (North American Council)

6.  Adoption Center

7.  Adoption Exchange

8.  Adoption Links Worldwide

9.  Adoption Resources of Maine / International

10.  Adoption Service Information Agency

11.  Adventist Development & Relief Agency International

12.  Advocates for Fair Family Support

13.  Africa AIDS Watch

14.  African American Opportunity Centers (OIC International)

15.  AFS–USA, Inc.

16.  Aid to Southeast Asia

17.  AIDS Orphan Adoption Project

18.  Air Serv International

19.  Alley Cat Allies

20.  Alliance for Children & Families

21.  Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning

22.  Allied Medical Ministries

23.  Amazon Alliance for Indigenous and Traditional Peoples of the Amazon Basin

24.  American Anti-Slavery Group

25.  American Association for State and Local History

26.  American Canoe Association

27.  American Discovery Trail Society

28.  American Eagle Foundation

29.  American Fisheries Society

30.  American Foreign Service Association Scholarship Fund

31.  American Friends of Alyn Hospital

32.  American Friends Service Committee

33.  American Hiking Society

34.  American Historical Association

35.  American Humane Association

36.  American Indian Children's Hunger Fund

37.  American Intercultural Student Exchange

38.  American Oceans Campaign

39.  American Solar Energy Society

40.  American Whitewater Affiliation

41.  American Wildlands

42.  American Youth Hostels

43.  Americans for Indian Opportunity

44.  Amity Institute

45.  Animal Care Committee

46.  Animal Legal Defense Fund

47.  Animal Protection Institute

48.  Animal Welfare Institute

49.  Anti-Defamation League

50.  Appalachian Trail Conference

51.  Ashoka: Innovators for the Public

52.  Asian Children's Assistance Limited

53.  Asian Pacific American Legal Consortium

54.  ASPCA: American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

55.  Assistance Dog Institute

56.  Assistance Dog United Campaign

57.  Association for Union Democracy

58.  Association of Child Advocates

59.  Astraea Lesbian Action Foundation

60.  Autism Society of America

61.  Bat Conservation International

62.  Birth Defect Research for Children, Inc.

63.  Blind Children's Fund

64.  Blind Federation of America

65.  BOOKS for the BARRIOS, Inc.

66.  Boys Hope Girls Hope

67.  Bread for the World Institute

68.  Brother's Brother Foundation

69.  Camp Courageous

70.  Campaign to End Genocide

71.  Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation

72.  Canine Companions for Independence

73.  Canines for Disabled Kids

74.  Carrying Capacity Network

75.  CASA - Court Appointed Advocates for Abused Children

76.  Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.

77.  Catholic Medical Mission Board

78.  Center for Communications, Health and the Environment

79.  Center for Constitutional Rights

80.  Center for International Environmental Law

81.  Center for Law and Social Policy

82.  Center for Resource Economics

83.  Center for Watershed Protection

84.  Center of Concern

85.  Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

86.  Challenger Center for Space Science Education

87.  Chesapeake Bay Foundation

88.  Child Art Foundation, International

89.  Child Care Law Center

90.  Child Family Health International

91.  Child Find of America

92.  Child Health Foundation

93.  Child Rescue International

94.  ChildAid: Children's Literacy and Hearing Projects

95.  Childhood Brain Tumor Foundation

96.  ChildHope

97.  Children - Surgical Aid International

98.  Children Awaiting Parents

99.  Children Now

100.  Children of Alcoholics (NACoA)

101.  Children of the Night

102.  Children's Advocacy Center, National

103.  Children's AIDS Fund

104.  Children's Angel Flight

105.  Children's Corrective Surgery Society

106.  Children's Cross Connection International

107.  Children's Disability Service Association

108.  Children's Educational Opportunity Foundation of America

109.  Children's Emergency Relief International

110.  Children's Feeding Network

111.  Children's Food and Care Fund

112.  Children's Hopes & Dreams - Wish Fulfillment Foundation

113.  Children's Hospice International

114.  Children's Hospital Medical Center Foundation

115.  Children's Hunger Fund

116.  Children's Medical Ministries

117.  Children's Mercy Fund

118.  Children's Miracle Network

119.  Children's Relief Mission

120.  Children's Rights Council

121.  Children's Shelter of Cebu

122.  Children's Violence Prevention Videos

123.  Christian World Adoption

124.  Civil War Preservation Trust

125.  Compassionate Friends

126.  Concern America

127.  Concerned Parents for AIDS Research

128.  Coptic Orphans Support Association

129.  Cornelia De Lange Syndrome Foundation

130.  COTA Children's Organ Transplant Association

131.  Council on Accreditation for Children and Family Services

132.  Dacor Bacon House Foundation

133.  Deaf Children's Literacy Project

134.  Dedication and Everlasting Love to Animals

135.  Dikembe Mutombo Foundation, Inc.

136.  Dillon International

137.  Direct Relief International

138.  Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, Inc.

139.  Dogs for Disabled Americans (NEADS)

140.  Dollars for Scholars

141.  Down Syndrome Congress, National

142.  Earth Force

143.  EarthRights International

144.  Educate the Children

145.  Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence

146.  Entomological Foundation

147.  Equality Now

148.  Ethics Resource Center

149.  FACES: The National Craniofacial Association

150.  Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting

151.  Farm Animal Reform Movement (FARM)

152.  Farm Safety 4 Just Kids

153.  Feed My People Children's Charity

154.  Feed My Starving Children

155.  Floresta Tropical Reforestation Fund

156.  Food First - Institute for Food and Development Policy

157.  Food Industry Crusade Against Hunger

158.  Food Research and Action Center

159.  For Kids Sake

160.  Foster Care Children and Family Fund

161.  Foster Parent Association, National

162.  Freedom to Read Foundation

163.  Friends of Libraries USA

164.  Fund for Animals

165.  Fund for Peace

166.  Futures for Children

167.  Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation

168.  Gettysburg, Friends of the National Parks at

169.  Giving Children Hope

170.  Global Action International

171.  Global Hunger Project

172.  Golden Cradle Adoption Services

173.  Greater Yellowstone Coalition

174.  Green Empowerment

175.  Green Seal

176.  Guide Dogs for the Blind

177.  Guide Dogs of America

178.  HALT – Help Abolish Legal Tyranny An Organization of Americans for Legal Reform

179.  Hancock Shaker Village

180.  HawkWatch International

181.  Healing the Children California

182.  Healing the Children Northeast

183.  Heart To Heart International

184.  Hearts United for Animals

185.  Help The Children

186.  Helping Hands: Monkey Helpers for the Disabled

187.  Henry M. Jackson Foundation

188.  Holt International Children's Services

189.  HOMEBUILDERS Family Counseling

190.  Hong Bang

191.  Human Rights for All Now

192.  Human Rights in China

193.  Human Rights Watch

194.  Humane Farming Association

195.  In Defense of Animals

196.  Indian Law Resource Center

197.  Indian Youth of America

198.  Institute for In Vitro Sciences, Inc

199.  International Campaign for Tibet

200.  International Crane Foundation, Inc.

201.  International Development Exchange

202.  International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

203.  International Fund for Animal Welfare

204.  International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission

205.  International Indian Treaty Council

206.  International Labor Rights Fund

207.  International Medical Corps

208.  International Partnership for Service Learning

209.  International Voluntary Services

210.  International Wilderness Leadership (WILD) Foundation

211.  James Madison Education Fund, Inc.

212.  Japan-America Student Conference

213.  Jesuit Volunteers International

214.  Jewish Fund for Justice

215.  Jobs! (The ICA Group Incorporated)

216.  John Tracy Clinic

217.  Judge David L. Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law

218.  Junior Achievement

219.  Laogai Research Foundation

220.  Laubach Literacy International

221.  Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law

222.  Lawyers Committee for Human Rights

223.  Leadership Conference Education Fund

224.  Leave No Trace

225.  Libraries for the Future

226.  Life Link

227.  Literacy Volunteers of America, Inc.

228.  Love the Children

229.  MADRE, Inc.

230.  MAGIC Foundation

231.  Make-A-Wish Foundation International

232.  MAP International

233.  Marine Mammal Center

234.  Masonic Foundation for Children

235.  MATHCOUNTS Foundation

236.  Medical Education for South African Blacks

237.  Medisend/International

238.  Mercy-USA for Aid and Development, Inc.

239.  Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights

240.  Mote Marine Laboratory

241.  National Accreditation Council for Agencies Serving the Blind and Visually Handicapped

242.  National Aquarium in Baltimore

243.  National Association of Conservation Districts

244.  National Association of Housing Cooperatives

245.  National Association of Service and Conservation Corps

246.  National Center for Family Literacy

247.  National Center for Learning Disabilities, Inc.

248.  National Center for Lesbian Rights

249.  National Center for Youth Law

250.  National Childhood Cancer Foundation

251.  National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty

252.  National Environmental Education & Training Foundation

253.  National FFA Foundation, Inc.

254.  National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts

255.  National Housing Law Project

256.  National Immigration Forum

257.  National Indian Child Welfare Association, Inc.

258.  National Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice

259.  National Latino/a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Organization

260.  National Medical Fellowships, Inc.

261.  National Mentoring Partnership