The Center for
Experiential Learning

Social Justice Research Fellowship Research Budget Request

Please fill out and submit this form to to access your research budget. Depending on method of payment, be sure to include any receipts for reimbursement (scanned copies accepted) or completed purchase order forms.

Provost Fellow __________________________ Mentor ____________________________

_____ Summer 2014 Fellow

_____ Academic Year 2014-2015 Fellow

Explain briefly what this reimbursement or purchase request is for and include total amount. If submitting receipts, please indicate who is to be reimbursed. If submitting more than 2 receipts, please include an itemized list.


I understand that this research budget request will be taken from my Provost Fellowship budget, which is limited to the amount stated in my award letter, and can be spent only on research supplies or research-based travel. (You may print your name and send this form electronically via emails to serve as an electronic signature).

_______________________________________ ______________________________

Signature of Provost Fellow Date


_______________________________________ ______________________________

Signature of Faculty Mentor Date

After completing this form, please email it to .

Learn. Serve. Experience. Transform.

Center for Experiential Learning

773 – 508 – 3366