STATUS REPORT / Status: Red [ ] Yellow [ ] Green [ ]
Cause: Time [ ] Scope [ ] Quality [ ]
Pick one color for the project and from one to three root causes. *
Date: / Use the last day of the period covered
Name: / Short title of the project (i.e. PK-20 Integrated Data System)
PM/Champion: / The person filling out the report(champion, project manager, lead)
Objective: / 25 words or less describing the desired result and the time to complete the result. An example would be to land a person on the moon and return safely to earth by July 20, 1969.
Milestones Activity Since Last Report:
Bring the next period milestones from last period into this area leaving any uncompleted milestones. Give a short response to completion or not completed. Leave any uncompleted milestones from previous periods in this section. Please be brief. We know you worked hard to complete the milestones but only need to know that the task was completed, not all the details surrounding each action.
Next Period Milestones/Activities:
Add the key milestones to the report giving a high level picture of the upcoming activities. Normally there are fewer than ten (10) and more than two (2).
This section could have many different titles: problems, opportunities, issues, concerns, policy considerations, or implications. Since the predominant description used in project management literature is project risk and risk mitigation, leave the title as is and describe the problems, opportunities…etc. There is no reason to list every conceivable risk only the high probability and high impact risks need to be listed.
Risk Mitigation:
For each of the risks list a proposed action for mitigation. This may be an area for management team to assist.
While not repeating the details from the previous parts of this report list comments that would help a reader understand why the report is red, yellow, or green.

X:\Projects\_PMI project management initiative\ODE methodology\Forms\STATUS REPORTwithdirections.doc

* The color indicates management attention given to the project. Management team will focus on those projects that are red or yellow. The assumption is that a green project needs no management team attention. It is not a crime to have your project red. The crime is missing a major deliverable and not letting anyone know help was needed.

ODE tracks three measurable causes for a project being red. They are [1] time (slippage in a deliverable date); [2] scope (what is include in the project); and [3] quality (is the information accurate). Check from one to three of the other causes.