College Accounting

Class Overview/Expectations/Procedures

Miss Lori Anderson2009-2010

Room 116, Office

Plan Periods: 3 and 4 – 1st semester

Plan Periods: 2 and 3 – 2nd Semester


In College Accounting you will learn the accounting system used by accountants to complete basic accounting procedures. This is an advanced class that is faster and more in-depth than regular Accounting, making it weighted. The first semester students learn basic Accounting procedures and quickly learn how to create reports and journals for a company. During second semester the students will complete a simulation that will have the students completing all of the financial procedures for a company that occur each month. We will also spend time on Business Ethics and case studies. After this course, students will have gained an understanding of what it takes to become an accountant and to run the financial side of a business. The following topics are included (but not limited to): account classifications, posting, general journal, special journals, end of the month reports, financing, stocks, taxes, payroll, ethics, etc.

Dual Credit

Lincoln Public Schools have a partnership with Southeast Community College to allow you an opportunity to take this class for Dual Credit.

Why should I take College Accounting for Dual Credit?

  • You receive college credit for the class through SCC and credit here at school (weighted).
  • Your cost is only ____ for a 4.5 credit hour class and there are no books to purchase.
  • Your college credit is accepted by most Nebraska 4-year colleges and most other
    4-year colleges (check with the college(s) of your choice).
  • You may start college at SCC through the transfer program and this credit will transfer with you to a 4-year institution.
  • Even if you do not major in business, this class would count as an elective in college (saving you time and money).

When would it not be beneficial for me to take College Accounting for Dual Credit?

  • You are attending SCC and do not plan on transferring to a 4-year school. SCC will waive its Principles of Accounting I class. NOTE: a waived class does not give you credit but it allows you to move on to the next class.
  • You don’t plan on attending school after graduating – chances are you will change your mind sometime in your future so maybe you should go ahead and take it.
  • Taking this class for Dual Credit is beneficial for everyone.

How is the class different for those students taking it as Dual Credit?

  • The class is the same for all students in the class (both Dual and non-Dual)
  • The Final Exam is worth 25% of your SCC grade.

Course Objectives

  1. Explain the role of accounting in business.
  2. Introduce and summarize basic accounting terms, concept and principles.
  3. Demonstrate how to take a given series of transactions through the accounting cycle.
  4. Explain how to analyze, record and report transactions for service and merchandising businesses.
  5. Explain how to prepare and analyze financial statements.

Classroom Behavior

  1. No food or drinks allowed in the computer room. I will dispose of any food or drink I find in your possession, and you will owe 15 minutes after school for cleaning duty.
  2. Keep your bags/purses on the cupboard space at the back of the room. Nothing should be on the computer desk except for materials needed for the class.
  3. When the teacher is speaking voices and keyboards are quiet.
  4. End of the period: You will be given a few minutes by the teacher to put all your things away and to clean up your workstation. Do not quit working until the teacher tells you. Stay at your desks/computers until the bell has rung and you are excused.
  5. Respect for others: Each of us deserves to be treated with respect for our individuality. Rude comments or actions will not be tolerated. All individuals in the classroom are expected to behave acceptably and responsibly. No one should interfere with anyone else’s opportunity to learn.
  6. Computer Property and Procedures: Each student will demonstrate respect for the property of others and the school. Know and abide the computer rules posted in the computer lab. Due Process will STRICTLY be enforced!
  7. Use your passing time wisely. Restroom trips should be kept to a minimum. You MUST have your Lincoln East Planner to leave the room.
  8. Please try to leave your book bag in your locker. You will have a Tote Tray assigned to you where you will be able to keep your materials for this class. If you do bring a book bag, place the bag in the back of the room.
  9. Be familiar with the Student Handbook in regards to Dress and Grooming and Unacceptable Items (Includes: cellular phones, beepers, head sets, CD players, i-pods, etc.).

Make-Up Work

If you miss class you are responsible for the assignment. I will not come to you. Please ask another student for any notes that were taken and see me for any assignments that you may have missed. Our class calendar may be found at A daily listing of assignments will be listed there.


Students are expected to attend regularly and on time. Good attendance increases your success in College Accounting. Unexcused absences will result in actions outlines in the East High Attendance Policy. Assignments worked on or due on a day which has an unexcused absence will have its grade lowered 30%. After FIVE truancies, students will be assigned ISS until an attendance contract for Computer Applications is in place.

Grading Policies

Your grade is based on homework assignments, reports, quizzes, and tests. Assignments will be placed into weighted categories and assigned points based on difficulty and importance. The grading scale is listed below and should be kept for your reference. Class Cooperation, Attitude, and Participation will also be considered in your grade.


A / 94-100
B+ / 90-93
B / 86-89
C+ / 82-85
C / 78-81
D+ / 74-77
D / 70-73
F / <70
Category / 1st Sem / 2nd Sem
Daily Work – Handouts/Activities / 40% / 35%
Tests/Quizzes / 35% / 30%
Ethics/Case Studies / 15% / 15%
Group Work / 10% / 10%
Simulation / 0% / 10%

Test Retakes

You may retake a test up to 2 weeks after the test date. This must be accomplished on your time and not during class. There will be several versions of each test and you will be given a different one.

Computer Use Guidelines

In your Student Handbook, the Computer Use Guidelines for the Lincoln Public Schools are listed. This same list is posted in the computer classroom. You must take home a copy of the Computer Use Guidelines; you and your parents must sign the form acknowledging you have received the information and are aware of the consequences of not abiding by said guidelines. Failure to sign the form will result in not being admitted into this computer class.

Computer Lab Time/Tutoring

Monday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons in Room 116. Before school by appointment.

Mission Statement

Our Mission at Lincoln East High School is to empower each student to become a responsible member of society by providing a supportive and comprehensive education.