Printing/Copying on Campus
Students have a Printing/Copying account that will be charged when they make copies and prints on campus. Each student who pays a technology fee will have a starting balance each semester that will allow them to print and copy 500 black & white prints (color will be charged more). Funds can be added to the print account through Blackboard Transact eAccounts. You will be charged when you print from a computer on campus and when you swipe your card to make a copy.
Where can I print and copy on campus?
Students have 8 locations on campus to print, copy and scan to USB.
Black & White device locations (scans in color):· Brommer Lab
· Music Lab
· Science Lab
· TLEC Lab
· Walz Lab
· David Dorm / Color device locations:
· Janzow Campus Center Lab
· Library Lab
Documents can also be sent from your dorm room or other locations by submitting a job at Here you will login with your network username and password, select Web Print and Submit a Job. You can then go to any device on campus and release this job by simply swiping your ID card and releasing.
Print and Copy Credits
Students paying a technology fee will have a starting balance each semester that will allow them to print and copy 500 black & white prints (color prints will be charged more). Based on student use and reviewing practices at other colleges and universities this quantity should cover printing requirements for all students. If needed, additional funds can be added to the Bulldog Bucks account through Blackboard Transact eAccounts.
Credit is for each specific term, and unused credits do not roll over to the next term.
What is the Printing Refund Policy?
In the rare case an error occurs while printing, adjustments can be made to the charges, or a refund can be issued, to the charged account in the following situations:
· Printer malfunctions (including, but not limited to streaks, low toner, paper jams, no paper, etc.)
· A refund will NOT be issued for the following reasons:
· Sending more than one copy to a printer
· Jobs sent to and released from an incorrect printer
· Printing an incorrect file
· Formatting problems (incorrect font size, spacing, and other user errors that should be corrected during review of the document prior to printing)
· Prints made by someone other than the account holder. It is the account holder’s responsibility to protect and never share a Concordia University, Nebraska username and password. Accounts and passwords may not, under any circumstances, be used by persons other than those to whom they have been assigned.
If you believe the print job qualifies for a refund then the following steps must be taken to receive credit:
· Contact the Help Desk within five (5) business days of the job being released at or by visiting in person at Weller 202.
· You must provide your name, Concordia University J#, contact information and the date and time the job was printed along with the document name. The date and time of the job and the document name can be found by logging into your account at: at
The refund request and print logs will be reviewed and you will be notified by email once the review is complete and a decision reached.
Where can I get help with printing?
There are instructional posters located by each device. Each device has a contact name of a CUNE staff member located in the same building that can help you. Visit for FAQ’s. Please contact if you are unable to resolve your issue.