Emerging Pathogens Laboratory Interns (updated August 2008) /
Period / Name / Institution / Major / Program / Current Location / Current Activity (updated Aug 2008) /
Summer 02 / George Hightower / UCSD / Biology/SROP / Not available / 2007-MD/PhD program at UCSD
2008-MD/PhD program at UCSD
Summer 02 / Julie Kalkbrenner / University of Iowa / MS epidemiology 2003 / Iowa / 2003-Georgia Emerging Infections Program
2004-Earning MS in nursing Univ. of Iowa
2008-Working as anurse in a medical/surgical ICU in Reno, NV
Summer 03 / Edisa Albino / University of Puerto Rico / Microbiology / SROP / 2007- Pursuing PhD programs
2008- No contact information
Summer 03 / Emily Wagstrom / Univ of Iowa / BS in Exercise Science / Iowa / 2007-MD/MPH program at U of I
2008- MD program, Carver College of Medicine Class of 2010
Summer 04 / Kendra Grams / Coe College / Biology & Religion / Cedar Rapids, IA / 2007- Coe College
Summer 04 / Heather Gray / Iowa City HS / California / 2007:Biology program at Azusa Pacific Univ.
2008: Executive Manager Target
Summer 04 / Sandy Olson / MS student, Department of Population Health Sciences
Univ. Wisconsin Medical School / Madison, WI / 2007-Epidemiologist for the Episense Group,
University of WI
2008- Epidemiologist for the Episense Group, University of Wisconsin
Winter 04 / Alex Coman / Babes Bolyai University/PhD in Sociology / Cluj Napoca,
Romania / 2007-MD – Epidemiologist at the Center for Health Policy and Public Health, Babes Bolyai University Cluj Napoca, Romania
2008-MD, Epidemiologist, currently working on influenza. Plans to develop a research
infrastructure (incl. lab) at the Center.
Summer 05 / Jill Dinkla / University of Iowa/MHA (2008) / Fort Dodge, Iowa / 2008- Graduated in May ’08. Currently an administrative fellow at Trinity Regional Medical
Center, Fort Dodge, IA
Summer 05 / Scott Teesdale / 2007: University of Iowa/Biology & Global Health
2008: Tulane University/graduate student / New Orleans, LA / 2007-Graduated May’07 & accepted on MS program in Epi at Tulane and UMass
2008- Pursuing Master’s program Public Health and Tropical Medicine in Tulane University. Working at the CDC in Atlanta for the summer in Immigrant, Refugee, and Migrant Health.
Summer 05 / Rebecca Milburn / Azusa Pacific University/Biology (undergrad) / California / 2007-Azusa Pacific University
Fall 05 / Lindsay Toenges (formally Bodkins) / University of Iowa /Biology (undergrad)/MPH / Iowa / 2007-Pursuing MPH in Epi at UI and working with Dr. Bill field (Environmental Epi)
Fall 05 / Daniella Moga / Fogarty Scholar, Cluj-Napoca, Romania / Romania / 2007-Assistant Professor, Epidemiology Department, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca
2008-Epidemiology PhD student, U of I
Fall 05 / Ernesto Ortiz / University of Iowa/ MPH / Peru / 2007-Working at CEID / job offer at NMRCD in Peru 2008- Research Scientist at U.S. Naval Medical Research Center Detachment, Dept of Emerging Infections Program, Peru
Fall 05 / Ghazi Kayali / University of Iowa / PhD epidemiology / Iowa / 2007-Pursuing a PhD in Epi at U of I
2008- Earned PhD. Now a Postdoctoral fellow at St. Jude’s Res. Hospital in Memphis, TN
Spring 06 / Laura Lee / University of Iowa /MPH / Plum Island / 2007-Pursuing MPH in Epidemiology at Univ. of Iowa
2008- Fellowship at Foreign Animal Diseases Unit (FAD), Agricultural Research Services (ARS), USDA in Plum Island
Spring 06 / Christina Balmer / University of Iowa /Pre-pharmacy / Iowa / 2008-third year of pharmacy school at the University of Iowa pursuing a PharmD
Summer 06 / Martha Carvour / University of Iowa /Medical student, research scholar / Iowa / 2007-MD/PhD program at U of I
2008- 3rd year in UI MD/PhD MSTP program, returning to the CEID for graduate work this fall
Summer 06 / Margaret Chorazy / University of Iowa/PhD epidemiology student / Iowa / 2007-CEID Graduate Research Assistant and PhD student 2008-PhD epidemiology student currently working on adenovirus studies
Summer 06 / Will Heise / University of Iowa /Medical student, ID research scholar / Iowa / 2007-MD program at U of I
2008-Third year medical student University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine
Summer 06 / Brady Miller / Coe College /Biology / Cedar Rapids, IA / 2007-Coe College
MPH graduate University of Michigan
Summer 06 / Carissa Rocheleau / University of Iowa /PhD epidemiology student / Iowa / 2007-PhD epidemiology program
2008-PhD Program
Summer 06 / Sean McGee / University of Iowa /Biology (undergrad) / Iowa / 2007-University of Iowa
Summer 06 / Courtney A. Smith / University of Iowa /Microbiology (undergrad) / Iowa / 2007-University of Iowa (BS)
Current position: ICON Clinical Research, Chicago, IL
Summer 06 / Philip Van De Griend / University of Iowa/Medical Student / Iowa / 2007-MD Program at U of I
2008- MD program at UI Carver College of Medicine
Fall 06 / Bradley Randle / University of Iowa/Medical, MPH student / Thailand / 2007-MD/MPH program at U of I
2008- Medical student at Carver College of Medicine
Fall 06 / James Bechtel / University of Iowa/Biochemistry / Iowa / 2007-University of Iowa
Spring 07 / Selim Kilic, MD / Gulhane Military Medical School, Epidemiology / Ankara, Turkey / 2007-Post-Doc
2008- Head of Epidemiology Department and a consultant at Ministry of Health in Turkey
Spring 07 / Erin Moritz-Korolev / University of Iowa/PhD epidemiology student / Iowa / 2007-Epi PhD Student
2008-Epi PhD Student
Spring 07 / Pradeep Bandaru / University of Iowa/Applied physics and global health (undergrad) / Iowa / 2007-University of Iowa
Summer 07 / Brandon Alleman / University of Iowa/MD and PhD Candidate) / Iowa / 2007-MD/PhD program at U of I
2008-Still pursuing the MD/PhD program in the Iowa Medical Scientist Training Program
Summer 07 / Emily Funk / Boston College/Chemistry and Mathematics (undergrad) / Massachusetts / 2007-Boston University
2010-MD program, Carver College of Medicine Class of 2014
Summer 07 / Meredith R Good / University of Iowa/MPH Student / Iowa / 2007-MPH Program at U of I
2008-U of I Center for International Rural
and Environmental Health
Summer 07 / Osa Okunbor / SROP / 2007-University of Missouri
Summer 07 / Bret Powell / University of Iowa/MPH Student / Iowa / 2007-MPH Program U of I
Summer 07 / Taylor Seemuth / Iowa State University/Microbiology (undergrad)
University of Iowa/Biology with minor in Global Health Studies / Iowa / 2007-Working in Dr. Lyric Bartholomay's lab
2008- Currently working as a RA in the Dept of Epi. Transferring to the UI from Iowa State Universitythis fall as a sophomore in Biology with a minor in Global Health Studies.
Fall 07 / Abby L Harper / University of Iowa/MPH (Occupational & Environmental Health [OEH]) & Certificate in International Health / Iowa / 2007-CEID Intern
2009- MPH received in OEH (bioterrorism and emergency management). Works at CEID (involved in MRSA studies). An emergency planning analyst and EMT for the Iowa Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT). Currently PhD student in OEH.
Fall 07 / Andrew Oga / Nigeria National Veterinary Research Institute Vom, Plateau State, Nigeria / Iowa / 2007-CEID Intern
2008-Principal Medical Laboratory scientist National Veterinary Research Institute Vom 930010 Plateau State Nigeria
Spring 08 / Courtney Cook / University of Iowa/MPH student / Iowa / 2008-U of I CPH
Spring 08 / Erin Reynolds / University of Iowa/PhD Epidemiology student / Iowa / 2008- PhD epi student. Working as a Research Assistant in Dept. of Internal Medicine, Univ. of Iowa
Summer 08 / Hsiu-yin Chiang / University of Iowa/PhD Epidemiology student / Iowa / 2008- CEID intern, PhD epi student. Will be working with Dr. Loreen Herwaldt in the department of internal medicine mainly on the clinical trial of nosocomial MRSA
Summer 08 / Phil Scheibel / University of Iowa/ Pre-med, Biology and Psychology / Iowa City, Iowa / 2008-Summer CEID intern. Will begin senior year as an undergrad in the fall to complete both majors. Aspires to work in some aspects of infectious disease or public health. Currently pursuing MS at Southern Illinois University.
Summer 08 / Eric Elliot / Wheaton College/Biology / Wheaton, IL / 2008- summer CEID intern, Pre-med student and plans to do MSTP
Summer 08 / Eric Hawkins / University of Iowa/MS Epidemiology / Iowa / 2008-CEID intern during summer. U of I Epi MS student
Summer 08 / Tracy MacIntyre / University of Iowa/ MS Epidemiology / Iowa / 2008- CEID intern during summer. U of I Epi MS student
Summer 08 / Lisa Roberts K / University of Iowa College of Medicine / Iowa / 2008-U of I medical student
Fall 08 / Nicole Pearson / University of Iowa/MPH / Iowa / 2008-U of I MPH student
Previous Emerging Pathogens Laboratory Interns